The issue is like watching a wild-card game from way-up in the cheap seats-no dog in the fight. One country is overpopulated and the other has what it wants. Combine Asian mentality with caucasian(western) mind think you can then get WWF entertainment. I’d take bets on when we see 1969(Amur river) repeat.
Direct political control is not needed in order to establish friendly, cooperative relations between a large, heavily populated nation and a large, thinly populated nations.
See, for example, US and Canada.
In thirty or fourth years there won’t be enough Russians to stop the Chinese from walking into Siberia unopposed.
Whatever Russian women are left will be concubines for Chinese warlords.
“For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong.” HL Mencken
Russia, very simply, is NOT the 21st century, post-modern West, through which we in the USA view the world. It is not controlled by bankers and neo-marxists, who are both happy to import millions of foreigners, so they can buy cheaper strawberries in the super-market or have an endless supply of fake voters.
If we haven’t noticed the last two years, Russia protects its borders, and has a strong sense of national identity, culture and nationhood.
Make Siberia Chinese Again!
The demographics of both countries are collapsing. China will not take Siberia and may well become several countries within the lifetime of many of us on this forum.
Thanks for posting this. I’ll watch it when the snow hits tonight.
Dr. Jack Wheeler told me this months ago and despite the source, I found it hard to believe; that Russia would soon collapse and China would take Siberia and not Taiwan.
And if you look closely at the region (Amur River) of the border you will see Chinese farms right up to the border, but on the other side the farmland continues without any Moscovia farms.
In one of the Tom Clancy novels, Siberia was referred to by China as the northern resource area.
Russian population is declining (so is Chinese but that’s a separate issue) and Siberia is already very sparsely populated and is rich in natural resources. What do you think is going to happen?!
Andrei Amalrik predicted that 50 years ago. So did others. It hasn’t happened yet.
How much of the land in Siberia and Russia’s Far East is really suited for farming?
And isn’t China’s population now going down — or at least rising only slowly?
The Chinese can get what they want through trade, rather than through arms (if they want to)?
Since there are no people to amount to anything in Siberia, the question doesn’t matter.
China is in terminal turmoil and Siberia is not really at risk
Traveling acoss Russia and into China showed a difference in the people. In Russia -— all were dressed in drab colored clothing - even in the cities it seemed. In China -— even the farmers in the fields were brightly dressed. Saw that when I went from London to Hong Kong by train in the 80s. Stopped at cities along the way. Fascinating trip.
Clancy wrote about this 30 years ago. The Bear and The Dragon !
Early on in the battles, China was quoted as being supportive of Russia, and the theory was that the longer the war with Ukraine goes, the weaker the Russian military becomes, and the easier it might be in the near future for China to take what they want/need.
Clancy had a great novel based on this premise: “The Dragon and the Bear”. Great read.
That being said demographics are such that if China wanted to do it they have to go now else it won’t be happening. Currently Russia’s birth rate is higher (1.5) than China’s (1.2)and predicted to remain so into the 2070s.
See here:
See model here: