Posted on 07/14/2023 3:53:00 AM PDT by Libloather
A woke council boss has tried to oust her only Asian colleague for standing-up for a compulsory-nude, women-only spa that sought to ban trans men with penises.
Janet Pope, of Lynwood Council in suburban Seattle, organized a vote of no confidence in Vivian Dong after Dong spoke out in support of the Olympus Spa then observed a protest at the facility on on June 17.
The Korean spa - which caters to women only, and is compulsorily nude, hit the headlines after telling transgender activist that trans women with penises were unwelcome.
A judge later ruled the facility had broken the law, and that Olympus Spa had to admit trans women with male genitalia. Dong voiced support for the spa and attended its protest.
Pope, a former actress who has 'she/her' pronouns on her LinkedIn profile and a website bragging of her commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, then circled the wagons to try and strong-arm Dong into resigning from the council.
Vivian Dong was prevented from speaking in her own defense at the Tuesday meeting of the Lynwood Public Facilities District.
Dong, a senior software engineer who was elected to the voluntary role on April 24 this year, said she had not been told in advance that her colleagues were seeking to remove her from the council.
They voted unanimously 4-0 in favor of a no confidence motion, and, unable to force her to resign, issued a recommendation of her resignation. She refused.
'Personally, I wasn't really prepared. I felt ambushed, set up and possibly discriminated against,' Dong told the Lynnwood Times.
'It's been a shock, a total shock.'
Dong angered her colleagues by showing her support for an embattled Korean spa, which tried to stop trans women who have not had bottom surgery from attending their naked facilities.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
The day will come shortly where a horse’s tail can be surgically attached, and we will have to ponder the idea that people can be ‘ponies’ (actually noted on your driver’s license).
So my question is if these “transgender attention seekers” want to be accepted for being of an alternate sex, then they should have to prove that they are. Failure to substantiate their claim should negate their premise. ( cut it off or cut it out)
...ban women with penises....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
We live in insane times.
Is the spa hiring? Asking for a friend…
Another woman enthusiastically assisting in the erasure of women and further erosion of individual rights .
Whatever the Trans say they want, this lady would chose to quickly surrender it to them.
Congrats to Vivian (not long) Dong.
No such creature.
They are men.
Confucius say man who go to woman spa be in hot water.
Of course “her” name is Dong.
“’Personally, I wasn’t really prepared. I felt ambushed, set up and possibly discriminated against,’ Dong told the Lynnwood Times. ‘It’s been a shock, a total shock.’”
Most likely because she considered her colleges to be ‘sisters in arms’.
And that is why so many immigrants (or descendants of immigrants) are Democrats - they typically see little of the REAL SIDE of Leftists...but she just did!
Can they just call it a “Vaginas ONly” spa.
Anyone, including trans, is welcome, under that condition.
Is the spa hiring? Asking for a friend…
Women only need apply.
Took me several attempts to decipher that headline.
I identify as a lesbian…
There is a way to shut down this foolishness real quick: every woman that is a member shows up with a razor-sharp pair of dressmaker shears and backs this moron in a corner....
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