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To: MtnClimber
I think that the leftists would be shocked to find that their utopia is actually hell.
2 posted on
03/03/2023 4:29:59 AM PST by
(For photos of Colorado scenery and wildlife, click on my screen name for my FR home page.)
To: MtnClimber
China has already invaded. Owning businesses like Smithfield says it all. What else do they own on the continent.
3 posted on
03/03/2023 4:34:12 AM PST by
( )
To: MtnClimber
4 posted on
03/03/2023 4:55:29 AM PST by
To: MtnClimber
5 posted on
03/03/2023 4:58:06 AM PST by
To: MtnClimber
Brandon will be thrilled. A nice mansion in Shanghai? "Outstanding!"
7 posted on
03/03/2023 4:59:06 AM PST by
(Gun laws empower criminals. Guns empower the people.)
To: MtnClimber
They shouldn’t - they will learn China is actually a fascist state and they will be the first ones shot.
8 posted on
03/03/2023 5:01:36 AM PST by
Mr. Jeeves
To: MtnClimber
China is not an expansionist power. Never has been, never will be. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is for the Han people, unlike transgenderism and finance capitalism, which the US demands to impose on the whole world.
9 posted on
03/03/2023 5:04:11 AM PST by
Jim Noble
(You have sat too long for any good you have been doing)
To: MtnClimber
“And so why would they not welcome China as liberators?”
Budding young communists in their Mao T-shirts will cheer, but will then be shocked to find out their support for the CCP meant nothing, as the woketards themselves were denied a place at the table.
11 posted on
03/03/2023 5:15:20 AM PST by
(Banned from Breitbart)
To: MtnClimber
Of course the leftist (communist) will rejoice.
Right up to the point where they feel the gun barrel up against their skulls.
12 posted on
03/03/2023 5:18:53 AM PST by
To: MtnClimber
we can only hope they make their landing at San Francisco!
To: MtnClimber
Wait til they realize how ‘tribal’ (dare I say overtly racist and discriminatory) the continental Chinese are.
Their expectations would be dashed almost immediately and they would be relegated to the lowest social caste, *IF* they lived beyond 90 days.
15 posted on
03/03/2023 5:46:01 AM PST by
(Res ipsa loquitur: ad ferre non, velit esse sine defensione)
To: MtnClimber
16 posted on
03/03/2023 5:46:25 AM PST by
(Tony Fauci will be put on death row and die of COVID!)
To: MtnClimber
In a free country like the USA, spoiled little brats are free to play dress-up commie/fascist all they want.
When the REAL commie/fascists take over, it ain’t gonna be fun and games anymore.
They fail to understand this.
18 posted on
03/03/2023 5:52:30 AM PST by
(We can't vote our way out of this, folks..)
To: MtnClimber
Umm, China can’t even invade Taiwan. How are they going to invade America?
To: MtnClimber
They’ll be the “D.C. cops” of America opening the doors and letting the Red Chinese in.
23 posted on
03/03/2023 6:06:53 AM PST by
("I may be a white boy but I'm not stupid". - FJB at Black "History" event. Tell 'em Jo Jo!)
To: MtnClimber
No nation on Earth has to "invade" CONUS in order to conquer her.
The Leftist trash are going to do it for them, and willingly too.
25 posted on
03/03/2023 6:14:18 AM PST by
(Father of a Marine, Uncle of SGT Adam Estep. A Co. 2/5 Cav. KIA Thurs April 29, 2004 Baghdad Iraq)
To: MtnClimber
The left would be collaborators with the invaders and dealt with accordingly.
27 posted on
03/03/2023 6:21:12 AM PST by
(invictus maneo)
To: MtnClimber
We will have to shoot the leftist pond scum first so we can fight the Chinese invaders.
28 posted on
03/03/2023 6:27:10 AM PST by
(A dispensation perspective is a powerful tool for discernment)
To: MtnClimber
No... but they WILL blame Trump.
29 posted on
03/03/2023 6:31:06 AM PST by
To: MtnClimber
And will they rise up to support the invaders?
31 posted on
03/03/2023 6:37:47 AM PST by
Savage Beast
(If America is drawn into another will be because of...human ostriches ~Espionage Agent 1939)
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