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Peter Bernegger Full Thread

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December 27,2022

City of Milwaukee's election clerk, Claire Woodall-Vogg, printed ballots in her back conference room of city hall. She and her team did so for 3 wks leading up to the Nov 3rd election. Omar Sheikh, a private citizen from Chicago, was present in the room.

Claire Woodall-Vogg, Omar Sheikh, Kimberly Zapata took the ballots they printed in the back conference room to the 4th and 6th floors of Milwaukee City Hall. Teams of CTCL and others filled out the documents so the counts matched.

Omar Sheikh

Claire Woodall-Vogg, Kimberly Zapata, Jonathan Zuniga, Michael Lawerence, Neal Albrecht, private citizen Omar Sheikh colluded to print ballots, plucking names\addresses from the WisVote list of registrants - voting for people without their knowledge. Right in Milwaukee City Hall.

Woodall-Vogg didn't "misplace" the USB stick ~3:30am Nov.4th. She removed Trump votes from it & added Biden votes. She made up a story to the 2 police officers, who drove her back for the USB - Zapata handed her a different USB. Squad car 554 Officers shook up, they went to FBI.

The Officers stated Woodall-Vogg put on an act of being distressed - it was just that: an act. On the USB Zapata gave Vogg where counts of ballots fed through tabulators twice. Vogg looked for low turnout Wards. She fed those ballots through twice. Source: eye witness.

The e lection fraud that took place in the city of Milwaukee, and county, directly involved Sols To The Pols, MICAH, The Elections Group, CTCL, Brennan Center and 13 other "partners". These groups, together with Claire Woodall-Vogg and her team, stole the WIS election in 2020.

Favorite trick of Claire Woodall-Vogg, Milwaukee elections clerk, is change the wording of processes, documents, definitions. Classic liberal trick: change the terminology. Or change the words themselves. All to create confusion. Claire made up her own rules. Next: Robin Vos

Robin Vos knows ALL I tweeted so far, and more. He has the inside MKE City Hall documents. Massive e lection fraud & Vos has been sitting on it. A person who can confirm this fact: Gableman. Vos knew of these e lection frauds for a long time- and he has hidden it from the public.

One person was alone in a room with Robin Vos. The person asked Vos to look into the e lection fraud. Vos replied, "I don't f***ing care".

Robin Vos joined with the MKE city elections commission board (they have their own, in addition to WEC) and voted to accept the definition of "Application" same as the absentee envelope. The envelope is not an application. Claire with Vos cheated by changing the meaning.

RACC fee charged by Robin Vos to State Republican Reps.

Robin Vos is committing felony crimes by charging Repub State Reps. $10,000 each year. I have the documents, along with the 990's. If a Rep does not pay, the Rep is denied a committee Chair, put in a closet of an office with 1970's furniture. It is a pay to play fraudulentscheme.

Claire Woodall-Vogg knows when an absentee ballot comes in if the person is a Republican or a Democrat.

City of Milwaukee election Clerk Claire Woodall-Vogg is using keylogger software on her employees and temps; you know, the people who work our elections. She is spying on her staff, on the election workers.

64,211 encrypted voter ID numbers. Location: Milwaukee. Why? Who did this? I have the whole list.

Robin Vos knows about the encrypted Wisconsin Voter ID numbers - why didn't he tell the public? Why didn't he investigate?

In the sworn deposition I took of Woodall-Vogg she stated 60,000 people walked into her office and obtained an absentee ballot. Obtained for "in-person absentee voting" was her testimony. My comment: not believable.

ES&S ballot on demand machine used (2 of them) to print the ballots in the back conference room, of Room 501: Claire Woodall-Vogg's office in MKE city hall.

Michael Lawrence cheating scam by him, Woodall-Vogg, Kimberly Zapata, Jonathan Zuniga, Neal Albrecht. The Ward Chiefs were told if person has a copy of this letter they were to be given a ballot. No questions asked. No ID or other resident document needed. Thousands given out.

Here is Robin Vos directly lying to the crowd, attempting to say everyone who gets an absentee ballot must show a photo ID. Vos knows Claire Woodall-Vogg in Milwaukee gave out tens of thousands of absentee ballots without requiring a photo ID. Vos has the documents proving it.


Map of Rm 501 City Hall of MKE. All these people in this room knew full well of all the e lection frauds by Claire Woodall-Vogg. And, the 3 election board commissioners also knew (city has its own election board in addition to the Wis. Election Commission). They all participated.

Milwaukee e lection fraud: Woodall-Vogg, Kimberly Zapata, Jonathan Zuniga, Sonia Maldonado, Phylis in warehouse, Stephanie in warehouse, Debbie ofc receptionist, Michael Lawrence letter scammer, Mark Spizter-Rubenstein, 3 MKE election commissioners, Robin Vos, Neal Albrect, Omar

At MKE & Dane Cty recounts: Trump attorneys not faithful to President Trump. They failed to see the fraud sitting right before their eyes at the recounts. It was not the vote counts, but 1) matching of all paperwork, 2) quality of the ballots, i.e. tens of thousands were fraud.

Part 2: Trump attorneys at Wis recounts failed to see the applications. Woodall-Vogg and Madison clerk Maribeth Witzel-Behl needed more matching applications to match paper ballot count. These 2 clerks hid election documents from the attorneys. Would have exposed it all back then

Part 3: Trump attorneys didn't know what to look for, in Dane Cty they missed the large bags of ballots with a red marking on them being dragged behind a curtain. Green-marked bags were counted, red marked: not. Deputy Clerk said don't worry, police behind curtain. There wasn't.

Part 4: Trump campaign and the Reps. did not push to see, observe or examine the applications for absentee ballots. Cost Trump the election in Wis because the counts didn't match up. Claire in fact was "curing" ballots/paperwork well into March 2021. They didn't have enough apps.

Part 5: Trump attorneys in Dane County overhead by more than one eye witness conspiring AGAINST Trump. They planned and worked against their own client. I have that lead attorney identified.

Part 6: Trump attorneys let onsite Election Board to vote NOT to allow signature match comparison. The attorneys thus allowed no matching between the absentee ballot request form to the absentee ballot envelope. The attorneys allowed two different election docs to be the same UGH

Part 7: teams were employed by Woodall-Vogg in MKE from Aug 2020 thru Oct 30, 2020...but they continued to process these documents through March 2021. Many fraudulent. Trump's attorneys missed inspecting all the docs. Robin Vos knows all this, he is sitting on the documents.

Your help is needed:

No Rep. presidential candidate can win Wis as the liberals are cheating. Campaigning doesn't matter, look at Biden, Hobbs in AZ, Fetterman in PA. None of them campaigned. Why? They know the elections are rigged in their favor, so they don't have to campaign. RNC, GOP don't get it

No Pres. candidate can win w/ TV/radio, rallies, lawn signs, or debates. As liberals are cheating big time, inflating voter rolls, double-feeding ballots, changing the rules. Repubs go after votes: can't win that way. Liberals illegally get ballots, they win. Stop election fraud

Big day tomorrow...

December 28, 2022

Part 1 of 2: Marquette Univ students went to City Hall MKE Election Ofc Rm 501. Stated they could not verify the tracking of ballots they mailed to their home address. So registered at Rm501 and voted in WIS. Other college kids used the same method, using WIS State Student IDs

Part 2 of 2: thus, some students voted in two states in the same election. Clerk Woodall-Vogg laughed about it. Kimberly Zapata processed some of these voter registration applications.

Part A of A-B: Clerk Woodall-Vogg held meeting before Trump recount with her staff of 8, plus some additional workers. Was tipped off a request would be made to see the applications. She didn't have enough, and many were fraudulent (due to mandatory questions required).

Part B of AB: when Woodall-Vogg was asked 'what if they ask to see the green folder', she replied "No way in hell are we going to let them see it". The Green Folder was her second set of books. The real election figures, including phony voter registration apps, were in it.

10 Issues at least for an investigator into City of Milwaukee elections. Issue 1: understand the MKE election commission internal processes: such as absentee definitions issues, other terminology with them changing it to confuse observers, inspectors, and attorneys.

Issue2: BLM infiltrated MKE elections, posing as GOP, created a ruckus & got real Rep. thrown out from observing. It was all planned. Woodall-Vogg cued the cops and used them as her personal muscle to toss people out. Numerous times, including Gableman tossed for asking questions

Issue3: Election Day Registration forms used lacked mandatory questions: easier to register, including people up from Chicago for the day. EDR forms filled out by CTCL, by nonprofits including Sols To the Pols - a national very corrupt group. More coming on them.

Issue4: Trump attorneys and Trump representatives NOT faithful to him. Directly schemed against him. Source: eyewitnesses.

Issue5: Trump observers NOT well trained; didn't know what to look for. Ref: former GOP state chair Andrew Hitt training. It was bad, lacking substance. Recounts were doomed before they began. Woodall-Vogg exclaimed laughing, "I can't believe he paid it" the high recount cost.

Issue6: Indefinite Voter category. Woodall-Vogg got tip they would be asked about these. She and the 3 person election board of MKE simply changed the rules. They gave order to stop marking anything "indefinitely confined". Meaning tens of thousands were never inspected.

Issue7: Election Day Registration apps continued to be "cured" well into March 2021, apps from the Nov.3rd election. Claire got scared people would request to see them because she was short in the count. So she kept processing apps to match. The numbers are in the green folder.

Issue8: certain Republicans are tipping off Claire Woodall-Vogg. I know who some of them are. One played cover-up at the MKE recount.

Issue9: 999 pages obtained from MKE elections of dropbox collection forms. Several people who saw them stated immediately: these were all filled out by the same person, on the same day. Not filled out the day of ballot pickup at each dropbox. Thankfully drop boxes ruled illegal

Issue10: 17 partners "helped" with our elections in 2020. Most still exist and are gearing up for 2024. Funded by Zuckerberg and others like him. Woodall-Vogg held a pre-Nov.3rd meeting and told her staff/workers (para) "do what these people say". They were CTCL & Elections Group

City of MKE harvested ballots by race. Mark Spitzer-Rubenstein of CTCL/Zuckerberg created an interactive map showing ballot collections, White, Black, Hispanic. Don't know if this will work, but will tweet the link in the next one - then you can see for yourself.

Milwaukee City Ward Map

The City of Green Bay also had an interactive map for its election. They too illegally harvested ballots, and by race. They used 143 "voter navigators". I have the names, in particular of the 3 key supervisors of the 143, and pay stubs. Paid for by taxpayers but also Zuckerberg

VA1: this is big: A means "voter applications". City of MKE, Woodall-Vogg, Zapata, Meagan Wolfe of the State Wis Election Commission, "partners" conspired to send out and register 250,000 voters - it was all illegal. The form they used was missing ~45% of the mandatory questions

VA3: they knowingly used this form & had over 1 million of them mailed out by The Center For Voter Information. Who used a UPS store address in Madison WI, with a PA bulk mailing permit, and documents inside told WIS citizens to call AustinTX if they had questions how to register

VA4: in the end they got 250,000 registered. Mainly in MKE and Dane Counties, but across the state also. All 250,000 are illegally on the voter rolls, active, right now (unless a person died or moved). Woodall-Vogg, Zapata know who they are. They picked who the mailings went to.

VA5: example of illegal voter application in next tweet. Used by Meagan Wolfe, Woodall-Vogg, Zapata, Center For Voter Information, nonprofits mentioned before. It is NVRA fed form, WIS is not a NVRA state (6 are not). It is missing ~45% of mandatory questions required law.

VA6: form is missing key, and required questions. No place either for the Clerk to sign off to verify.

VA7: instruction sheet put in envelops with illegal applications sent to WIS households. Over 1 million mailed out, mainly Center For Voter Information in cohoots with Meagan Wolfe, Woodall-Vogg, Zapata, Sols To The Pols.

VA8: much in instruction sheet: if you have a problem don't bother with your local election clerk (required by statute, by WIS Supreme Court rulings), call the very liberal group in Austin, TX. Civitech. Asks for Choice of Party - barred in WIS. Asks for Race - barred in WIS.

VA9: note the address bottom left-hand side of instruction sheet. It is Elections Commission, PO Box 7984 Madison, WI 53791-9935. But the Wis. Election Commission address is PO Box 7984 Madison, WI 53707-7984. Note the slight difference? Meagan Wolfe has a secret PO Box, she....

VA10: used to process the illegal voter registration applications. The ones she & Woodall-Vogg decided who to send to in the first place. They used the illegal form as it was much easier to process, and, no election official had to sign it. 250,000 still on the voter rolls now.

Guy who setup up the official PO Box on Wis. Election Commission is on the right: Lawrence Nahlik. But he also set up the secret PO Box - for Meagan Wolfe to process illegal voter reg. applications. Nahlik lives in Thailand, works for UW Madison as a systems administrator.

VA12: using taxpayers' monies to get 250,000 registered illegally on the rolls, & still on the rolls: nonprofits Voces de la Frontera, MICAH, Sols To The Pols in partnership with Claire Woodall-Vogg of Milwaukee elections along with MKE 3 person elections board.

VA13: These groups stole the 2018 Gov. Walker election; grassroots operatives have been organizing for many years, going back to 2012. I wonder who was president then. A fair number of the 250,000 registered illegally didn't have to show a photo ID. Some apps signed by a computer

Morning of Nov.3rd Claire Woodall-Vogg started the count at 7am in City of MKE. She barred all observers, however, by having a big goon at the bottom of the entrance to the elevator. No observer got into the counting room until ~7:25am. Source: 3 affidavits by eyewitnesses.

Nov.8th midterms Woodall-Vogg used 9 tabulators. Same password for all 9. Same password given to the ~22 workers. When asked when last changed: YEARS AGO. Plus, 9 tabulators setup with one button and person can see real-time election results during election day. Still that way!

ACTIVE registrant list bought for $12,500. ~3.45mm on the list. Ran thru my TITAN system & 432,492 flagged with an issue. A 12% issue rate. People registered to the Dollar Store in Green Bay, registered to UPS stores in Madison, MKE & on & on. Inflate rolls: bad guys first step.

December 29, 2022

I'm often asked who committed the election fraud. A: it was sovereign fraud. Spent the last two years figuring out how screwed we have become in the last 15 years. It was our own govt., think Obama to Meagan Wolfe, w/ NGO's funded by the likes of Zuckerberg Omidyar Reid Hoffman

You won't see this in the MSM: various Patriot Attorneys have now won 9 lawsuits in Wis. to give us more honest elections. Bravo to them.

Some absentee ballots mailed out intentionally w/ the wrong address. Ballots get rejected, during the process corrupt USPS workers collect them. They funnel the ballots to NGO's who fill them out, and put them back into the system. Clerks are none the wiser. 4 sources on this.

Just happened ~40 days ago: during the Nov8th midterms, large numbers of ballots from across the nation came into a USPS Chicago sorting center. All ballots were thrown in the garbage. Reason: ballots were from high-density Republican areas. Source: first-hand eye witness.

IP1: See the logs under "Log Review"? From Dominion tabulator in Wisconsin this year. Dominion and ES&S election computers are connected to the internet. See next tweets.

IP2: Dominion computerized tabulators, and ES&S, with wireless modems are connected to the internet in WIS. Here is a log tape from this year, the IP address traces to a nonprofit in Madison, WI named Wiscnet. At min the election results (~27 counties out of 72) go thru Wiscnet.

IP3: below is Dominion computerized EMS at a county. If modems on/in tabulators send out election results, which many do, something has to receive them on the other end. It is the county's EMS that does, thus proving some WIS cty election systems are connected to the internet.

IP4: have found several IP addresses, all going to or thru Wiscnet the nonprofit in Madison. Their attorneys are Stafford Rosenbaum LLP. The same attorneys (there is 2nd name also) the Wis Election Commission uses to defend them. Wisnet's network is nationwide.

IP5: this entire hackable computer system, involving modems, the internet, and a private nonprofit, was never certified by the Wis Election Commission. Per state law it is thus illegal to use in our state elections. The six board commissioners of WEC didn't even know. Sad.

IP6: WEC's Admin. Meagan Wolfe scammed the 6 commissioners. She spun her words around in her 61-page staff memo seeking approval of Dominion & ES&S computers 6 ways from Sunday to confuse the board. But she never put words modem/internet in Append A. So, Board never voted on it

IP7: haven't found tabulators flipping votes. Instead internet connection is providing key election information of how many votes for each candidate, how many total votes per jurisdiction. Bad guys then know how many votes to fill in. They win by just enough, ever notice that?

DR1: WEC's Meagan Wolfe and Deputy Robert Kehoe are both on video and in writing stating they never ever delete anything from the WisVote statewide registration. Wolfe stated multiple times it is the law for them to keep all on the list, never to delete. See total count and date:

DR2: why then did the number go down a few days later? Where are the 9,539 missing registrations Wolfe and Kehoe? Who are they?

Adult pop. of Wis is ~4.6mm. Why are there ~7.4mm on the registration list? WEC's Megan Wolfe jumps to 'don't worry, Inactives can't vote, the two lists are separate'. A classic Meagan lie as she left out the lists are connected. Inactive registrants can be Actived in two clicks.

MKE city elections clerk Claire Woodall-Vogg allowed private citizens, mainly from CTCL and The Elections Group, to come in and run the Nov.3rd, 2020 election. Another example: a CTCL person was in "the pit" on Nov.3rd. The pit is where Claire was running 11 tabulators that day.

Rubenstein1of2: Mark Spitzer-Rubenstein committed election fraud and criminal acts in Wis during the 2020 election. A private router was run up to his hotel rm on the 8th floor at the KI Convention Center in Green Bay. He was getting election data in real-time.

Rubenstein2of2: Mark Spitzer-Rubenstein, a private citizen, then made calls to the WI-5 cities, to CTCL operatives, to feed more ballots into the system. He saw from the router data feed Biden was losing. Ballots were then fed into the system in critical areas. Adding part 3...

Rubenstein3: there are eyewitnesses and photos to this, there are photos. Talk to the KI Convention Center technician. Inflate the registrations, learn the counts on election day, cause a delay using any method, feed in enough ballots to win. Wake up RNC, GOP.

Please help the cause and donate at the more funding the more can be done.

G1of3: Did Gaussian Distributions each of Wis. 72 counties. It can help understand & predict things, such as large numbers of humans making decisions within parameters. The pattern should be close to a sunburst. Iowa County, WI's pattern is shown below and looks pretty good.

G2of3: now look at Milwaukee County. It is screaming something is wrong. Evident by the kurtotic, skewed curve sloping up and to the left. Plus the yellow concentration is the mean, there should only be one but multiples shown here.

G3of3: below is the Dane County Gaussian Distribution map. Same issues as Milwaukee; something is seriously wrong from the 2020 election. It is not normal at all.

MC1of3: The Morgridge Center for Public Service at UW-Madison was created in 2018 with funding from Blue Cross endowment. UW-Madison thru Morgridge used funds to support Democratic advocacy groups. Morgridge has refused to provide reports on these activities, violating state...

MC2of3: open records laws. In 2020, Morgridge and the UW-Madison, funded partly by Blue Cross Foundation and the Andrew Goodman Foundation, launched a campaign to increase voter turnout for Democrats. This campaign did not include the required audit for 2020. This means...

MC3of3: that a taxpayer-funded, public university is actively a) violating several laws, b) promoting voting for Democrats, c) committing election fraud.

December 30, 2022

RV1of3: Robin Vos has a pay-to-play scheme where Wis Repub. State Assembly Reps have to pay into his RACC PAC each year. 1 of his invoices is posted again below, see RV2 of 3 next. It is by force as a wink-wink comes with it: if you don't pay, you lose your committee...

RV2of3: chairmanship, or you don't get the one you want. Here is the 2022 list of WIS state assembly payees into Vos's fraudulent scheme. If ur in WIS is your Rep's name on it, ask him/her why.

RV3o3: Vos the RINO is Speaker in State Assembly. He is also Chair of the Finance Committee. He just installed his wife as the treasurer of the Racine County GOP party. He cares nothing about us citizens, only about power and money, way beyond ur typical politician to derangement

RV4: Robin Vos committed felony crimes of ballot harvesting. Gun clubs, golf courses. Source: one of his own staffers in the capital.

RV:5 Robin Vos declared this week he would prevent Trump from running in 2024. Think of it, Vos is openly declaring he will deny citizens in WIS a choice of candidates. And Vos is a Republican, albeit a RINO.

RV6: this year Vos via his RACC PAC offered Brown Cty GOP $220,000 if they could convince neighboring Oconto Cty GOP to hold off on passing a "no confidence" resolution against Vos, until after the Nov8th election. If either GOP denies it I'm fine with publishing names.

RV7: why did Robin Vos/RACC donate $224,000 to State Assembly Rep John Plumer of District 42? WIS locals you might want to look into that.

RV8: Vos claims he/RACC doesn’t get involved pre-primary but he offers “in kind” data conversion at $1000 value to candidates he likes. That’s pure gold. He decides who will be on the primary ballot, those who agree to his play-to-play scheme. See how all this really works?

RV9: why I'm exposing Robin Vos - he is sitting on all the evidence, and documents, of election fraud in Wis..

It is important to read all 101 tweets as they tell a story. More to come another day. A person told me when searching for @PeterBernegger on twitter my tweets or thread doesn't come up, appreciate all retweets in order to get the truth out.


931 posted on 12/31/2022 1:42:47 PM PST by numberonepal (WWG1WGA)
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To: numberonepal

Bernegger is a hero

937 posted on 12/31/2022 2:09:54 PM PST by TEXOKIE ( )
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To: numberonepal

That’s great you posted that massive tweet of election theft. Now it is “archived”.

939 posted on 12/31/2022 2:22:17 PM PST by Gritty (The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the Revolution. - Saul Alinsky)
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To: numberonepal; bitt; grey_whiskers; HarleyLady27; sweetiepiezer; LucyT; norsky; ransomnote; ...

ThankQ #1pal, for the link!


Massive amount of evidence of election fraud and cheating.

940 posted on 12/31/2022 2:23:08 PM PST by WildHighlander57 ((the more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.) )
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To: numberonepal

Pretty serious stuff.

Thanx for posting this

943 posted on 12/31/2022 2:54:02 PM PST by thinden (buckle up ....)
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To: numberonepal

Excellent job! Does not get any better about exposing election fraud,way to go bud!!

945 posted on 12/31/2022 2:58:46 PM PST by rodguy911 (HOME OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!! ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY: UNTIL ITS NOT)
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To: numberonepal

That is a numberone wall of text! Crazy stuff has been going on. Thankq for the post!

951 posted on 12/31/2022 3:20:03 PM PST by CJ Wolf ( what is scarier than offensive words? Not being able to say them. )
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To: numberonepal

Have you posted that as a stand alone thread? I think it would be good if you still have all that formatting (which I can’t even imagine doing).

952 posted on 12/31/2022 3:20:27 PM PST by little jeremiah (Never worry about anything. Worry never solved any problem or moved any stone.)
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To: numberonepal

Posted link on twtt.

953 posted on 12/31/2022 3:26:07 PM PST by little jeremiah (Never worry about anything. Worry never solved any problem or moved any stone.)
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To: numberonepal
The whole election system is corrupt and broken. We already knew that but it's nice to see evidence like this and it's horrifying to see how much of a banana republic we have become.  It is no wonder that dems don't campaign anymore and just keep a low profile in these big cities. The game is so rigged against the Repubs and most of them don't even have a clue. Someone should dump these files on "no-evidence-of fraud" Bill Barr.  But I'm sure he was in on it all.

No Rep. presidential candidate can win Wis as the liberals are cheating. Campaigning doesn't matter, look at Biden, Hobbs in AZ, Fetterman in PA. None of them campaigned. Why? They know the elections are rigged in their favor, so they don't have to campaign. RNC, GOP don't get it

No Pres. candidate can win w/ TV/radio, rallies, lawn signs, or debates. As liberals are cheating big time, inflating voter rolls, double-feeding ballots, changing the rules. Repubs go after votes: can't win that way. Liberals illegally get ballots, they win.

959 posted on 12/31/2022 3:59:42 PM PST by Keflavik76 (Don't want to be a brick in Babylons wall.)
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To: numberonepal
Here is a link to Rep. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin it's his website.

If anyone here is a Wisconsin resident I heartily suggest that they copy and paste this stuff to Johnson.He has an excellent rep and would probably check it out.

Here's Ron:

967 posted on 12/31/2022 4:59:13 PM PST by rodguy911 (HOME OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!! ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY: UNTIL ITS NOT)
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To: numberonepal


979 posted on 12/31/2022 6:54:42 PM PST by Melian ( Reminder: Memes are made to make you think. Do your own research before reposting. )
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To: numberonepal

Jiminy. Barking. Cricket.

Happy New Year, numberonepal, & thanks!!!

995 posted on 12/31/2022 8:02:15 PM PST by grey_whiskers ( (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change without notice.))
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To: numberonepal

Peter Bernegger Full Thread ON ELECTION FRAUD

1,015 posted on 12/31/2022 9:37:53 PM PST by bitt (<img src=' 'width=50%>)
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To: numberonepal


1,016 posted on 12/31/2022 9:38:17 PM PST by bitt (<img src=' 'width=50%>)
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To: numberonepal

Many thanks for this.

1,065 posted on 01/01/2023 5:39:44 AM PST by generally ( Don't be stupid. We have politicians for that.)
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