Typical MSM bullshit.
What does this account for? .001% of all abortions?
The MSM has it's own reality that it wants to sell folks, and when things do not fit their narrative, they censor, spin it, or use some rare exception and pretend it's a rule (i.e. a 10 year old with her abortion or the school shootings they like to latch onto)...
1% of abortions are for rape.
What percent of that do you think is 10 year old's?
Wanna bet my crazy sounding and pulled straight from my ass statistic mentioned earlier of .001% isn't that far off?
What do you call it when people are trying to make an argument using the .001% exception?
The outrage should not be over percentages. The outrage should be against those who want a 10 year old victim of sexual abuse forced to bear a child. A child bringing up a child!