Ruh-ro......looks like it’s time to switch to Total AV 😕
Do they say which anti-virus is FBI and NSA recommended?
The warning does not appear to be based on any specific threat. Instead, however, it focuses on the notion that Kaspersky could find itself being used against its management’s will to harm instead of protect its customers.
A rumor wrapped in an insinuation covered with a speculation.
I have no idea what the real solution is, but we now live in a world of propaganda and economic warfare that is tremendously deep. If some country gets on the “bad” list, then it’s time to throw away all products and artwork associated with that country. Your supermarket carries Russian dressing?? Better not buy it!! You were planning on growing beets this summer?? Don’t do it!!!! People make borscht out of that stuff!
Cancel culture is out of control. It makes no sense.
I’ve been using Kaspersky for years and have never gotten a virus on the device. If they want to spy on my stupid texts to my family they are welcome.
That whole ‘globalism’ thing we’ve been force-fed over the decades seems awfully fragile.
Russia wouldn’t be interested in my computer, unless they found me playing Civ III of a national interest.
I see the Germans still haven’t advised users to remove SAP from their systems. That program is designed by serious self-hating Germans.
It added: “A Russian IT manufacturer can carry out offensive operations itself, be forced to attack target systems against its will, or be spied on without its knowledge as a victim of a cyber operation, or be misused as a tool for attacks against its own customers.”
How does one explain the sheer crappy slowness then of Norton Antivirus?
It can’t be worse than Symantec or anything with “Norton” in the name.
Isn’t Windows antivirus sufficient?
Oh, and to those who are asking, Microsoft Defender (Comes build into Modern versions of Windows) is pretty much the best AV these days. If you want more AI driven protection you will need to pay for more expensive cloud services such as Cylance.
They’re all trying so hard to cancel Russia from the world stage and it’s freaking amusing! I wonder when the world map is going to change and just show huge void where Russia used to be. Idjiots
Got rid of mine a few years ago.
Didn’t trust it anymore.
Do you haf veerms?
If you’re not sure how to disable Kaspersky, just ask Alexa to help you. She’s already listening, but she won’t tell a soul what’s in your computer.
Kaspersky has done more than any manufacturer ever to put these ideas to rest over the years. They maintain centers all over the “free world” where you can go in and inspect their code called “Transparency Centers” and their services are centered in Switzerland with hosting in numerous locations including the United States.
Kaspersky: We’re ‘Not Affected’ By The Sanctions On Russia - CRN News
Just now? I have had that software on my do not install list for years.