Posted on 01/29/2022 9:43:01 AM PST by LibWhacker
My take: Well, of course, for any number of modern troops, armed with whatever modern weapons you want to arm them with, there is a theoretical huge number of primitive sword swingers who could overwhelm them in a battle. So what? Fun though.
Does the simulator account for wokeness?
The key would be logistics. Modern soldiers would do well, for as long as their ammo supply held out. Then they would be screwed.
Just send in a AC-130 Spectre and be done with it.
This scenario has already played out in history when Hernan Cortez took on the entire Aztec empire with only about 40 men. And those were not even modern firearms.
It also happened kinda-sorta when the Chinese sent 300,000 very lightly armed soldiers up against a few thousand Americans in Korea. About 1 out of 5 chinese soldiers had a firearm — they were told “Lee, you run up that hill until you get hit, then you, Chen pickup that rifle and run up the hill until you get hit, then you, RongKai pick it up, etc.” As a result, one of the most common battle wounds in Korea for Americans was the bayonet wound.
Or artillery. Or a tank battalion. Or set up a minefield and concertina wire.
That video is not how the battle would play out. First, the modern dudes would have to be spread out more to be effective, rather than bunched together like the video, and they would eventually have to reload. 20,000 vs 100 means that each modern soldier has to stop 200 spartans. I think the modern soldiers would be overwhelmed much faster than the video showed.
Having a gun cam for review would be more satisfying.
Too simplistic.
Bad simulation. So many things wrong with it I just have a hard time picking just a few.
Nothing in that simulation mirror an actual human behavior and The fact that ancient Warriors did have long range weapons such as slings, bow-and-arrows, and catapults. Modern military has grenades, mines, Claymore’s, rocket propelled grenades, etc.
Not one spear thrown?
In the Korean War the Chinese sent huge numbers of unarmed and poorly armed troops in waves to simply overwhelm.
Rash of Spartans near the rear, seeing whet is happening, putting underpants on their heads, pencils up their noses and saying “wobble”.
Mike Tyson – “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”.
Maybe we could run it again: 100 marines vs 20,000 AntiFa?
Uh, the 100 soldiers should be slowly moving backwards so the waves of Spartans would have to move over flat ground and easy targets and not use dead bodies as cover. The soldier would win if they did that I think.
Looks like Armageddon, except in Armageddon, the bad guys (what’s left of the entire world gathered together in the Valley of Megiddo) die pretty much instantaneously from the nuclear-type blast coming from Jesus descending from Heaven, and their blood will be about five feet high for hundreds of miles.
They haven’t grasped yet what will happen in Armageddon even though it’s in the Bible.
A great movie.
Yeah, that and no flanking maneuver.
40 men plus a lot of natives from other tribes who weren't big fans of the Aztecs taking their members to slice their hearts out to keep the sun rising every day.
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