What percentage of the population was vaccinated over this time period? 63% really doesn’t tell you much.
since the CDC KNOWS the VAX-rape kills Americans,
they are moving up to FORCE it immediately,
without further testing or consideration,
on fetuses, newborns and children.
what does that make the (genocidal) CDC?
what does that imply of their (genocidal) Officers?
I’m not seeing where your comment makes any sense.
Ok. Not fully vaxxed until after 2 weeks. What about all the folks that are past those 2 weeks. Is there no satay on them? Folks have been getting these shots since early this year. Where’s all that data?
What were the numbers, deaths and cases December 2020 vs. September 2021?
As % vaxxed rises, in most studies cases, serious cases, and deaths all fall and (obviously) the FRACTION of each vaxxed rises.
Did you know the largest PERCENTAGE of people killed in car crashes were wearing seatbelts?
But the largest NUMBER of deaths occurs in unbelted people?
Similar figures are probably happening here in the US, but they deliberately report late to give them time to spin and manipulate. Fauci and Walinsky should hang.
They are not using Moderna.
can any biochemists say if this is correct about the merck pill
“Seems pretty similar to me. they are both carbon based with 3 hydroxide groups... I don’t think you made the point you think you did.”
“The “vaccines” are working.
They are a cure for Wuhan flu hysteria, not a vaccine for the flu.
Hysteria sufferers who get the vaccine overcome their hysteria, drop their precautions and get the flu.
The success of the vaccinations is measured by the number of vaccinated who get the flu.”
640 (1.2%) were people who had received both vaccine doses
This total includes people who had been infected before they were vaccinated
Some 458 deaths (0.8%) were people who died at least 21 days after their second dose
Just 256 deaths (0.5%) were people who were both fully vaccinated and who had their first positive PCR test at least 14 days after their second dose
source: UK Office of National Statistics
Because it's not about health; it's about total control.
The stat manipulation, after being normalized, equates to about 80% of deaths have had the jab.
Bottom line is the injury rate is about 150,000 out of 160 mullion vaccinated, so still about 0.1%. Same for unvaccinated, so why the penalties for not talking it? One essentially is doubling risk of injury by taking it and it doesn’t immunize you. Worse, it is making unchangeable effects to your immune system.
our citizens are being required to be used as experimental lab rats while our government doesn’t require the invaders it’s spreading across our country to participate in the same experiment...
our government’s actions and double standards prove the kung flu is a scam...
Senator Ron Johnson Thread bump!
The unvaxxed die from covid.
The vaxxed die from covid … and from the vaxx too?
Yikes … so wait, can you tell me why we want the vaxx, again?
I must have missed that part of the sales pitch the first time.
Vaccinated people are not at higher risk of dying from the Delta variant than those who are unvaccinated. The figures were taken out of context from a PHE briefing released in June.
Prof Paul Hunter, Professor in Medicine at Norwich Medical School:
“The analysis presented is very misleading and ignores the fact that deaths predominantly occur in older age groups who have had much higher vaccination coverage.”
Dr Muge Cevik:
The majority of those vaccinated will “disproportionately represent elderly and those with underlying comorbidities, who are already at significant risk of hospitalisation and death.”
Vaccines don’t fully eliminate the risk of infection and hospitalisation:
“They reduce the risk of symptomatic infection by 60-80%, and if infected they reduce the risk of severe illness and hospitalisation by 90-98%. While vaccines provide significant protection, they are not curatives,” Dr Cervik said.
Dr Robert Bollinger, an infectious disease specialist at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine:
“Compared to unvaccinated people, vaccinated people are less likely to get infected by all of the strains, including the variants.”
Once again the anti-vaccine claims tumble down the stairs; landing on their asses.