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Whistleblower! Nurse DESTROYS "Delta" Narrative, VACCINATED Patients Fill Hospital (transcript and 15 minute video, important information for you and your family) ^ | September 8, 2021 | Stew Peters, Nurse Whistleblower

Posted on 09/09/2021 8:04:05 AM PDT by ransomnote

[H/T Ymani Cricket]

ransomnote: The content of the video confirms many other reports I've read throughout the plandemic, but it's still very hard to hear it confirmed again. I'll put my comments in post #1 of this thread. The video is about 15 minutes in length and the transcript is provided below. Very important video.

Whistleblower! Nurse DESTROYS "Delta" Narrative, VACCINATED Patients Fill Hospital (

By Stew Peters Show
September 8, 2021

Rumble Link --> Whistleblower! Nurse DESTROYS "Delta" Narrative, VACCINATED Patients Fill Hospital!

Transcript begins:

Stew Peters: From the beginning we have been lied to about Covid patients filling the hospitals. We are now being told that Delta patients are filling the hospitals. We wanted to find out if that is true. I’m joined right now by an anonymous nurse whistleblower. She’s currently working at a hospital, and has been since the beginning of the Covid-19 ‘pandemic’ that originated from Wuhan, China-we now know funded by Tony Fauci. She wishes to remain anonymous. We’re going to call her Sarah for now. Sarah, thank you for joining us. We really appreciate your bravery.

Nurse Whistleblower:  Absolutely.

Stew Peters: So from the beginning we have been told hospitals were overrun; they were at their breaking point. There was an influx of patients that could not be sustained. The hospitals were overrun with Covid patients that were sick and dying. Has that ever been true?

Nurse Whistleblower:  No. That has not been true. It is…the overflow we have had mostly has been since the vaccination rollout, where we’ve had patients...uhm…periods of time where we‘ve had overflow into the emergency rooms, but it was not ever Covid, specifically, respiratory Covid.

Stew Peters: Okay. So, at your facility, what has been the protocol for somebody that comes in presenting with this group of symptoms referred to as Covid-19?

Nurse Whistleblower: They get a PCR test and if they’re negative, they’re put on the main floor. And if they’re positive, they typically go straight to the isolation Covid ICU, depending on the level of symptoms. So it’s all basically based on that one particular test.

Stew Peters: And have you worked in this Covid ICU?

Nurse Whistleblower: Yes.

Stew Peters: Okay. Have you heard about the PCR test and the failure surrounding that?

Nurse Whistleblower: No. And that is the sad thing. In the hospital everyone takes that test as gospel. So if you get a positive test, no matter what your symptoms, even asymptomatic, you’re already on the Covid track, going to the area where isolated, gown, gloves. Your level of care is completely different.

Even if you have….it doesn’t matter if you have respiratory symptoms or not. That’s the thing.

Stew Peters: So, in other words, somebody who doesn’t have Covid-19 could be put into this Covid ICU with Covid infected patients.

Nurse Whistleblower: Exactly. They get a completely different level of care.

Stew Peters: And then what is the protocol for those people?

Nurse Whistleblower:  Uhm. Well they’re basically …you know…depending on the oxygen saturations, for whatever, it could be pneumonia, it could be other respiratory issues...uhm…they’re put…the Covid ICU is basically a floor where everyone is isolated, gown, gloves, minimal access to staff, no visitors. It’s completely different the other ..

Stew Peters: Are they getting Remdesivir? Are they getting put on ventilators? Is that kind of what the standard thing? This is what we’ve been told, is that they are slammed with Remdesivir and put on a ventilator.

Nurse Whistleblower:  Basically. Yes. The standard care is Remdesivir.

Stew Peters: And of those patients that go on Remdesivir and ventilators, do the majority of them die, or to the majority of them survive and recover?

Nurse Whistleblower:  Most of them do not do well. Most…a lot of them do pass away. Remdesivir itself has caused kidney issues, heart issues. Those patients typically do not do well.

Stew Peters: Wow. So the things that have been reported on, on this program, are that Remdesivir was a dangerous drug, Anthony Fauci knew that, the CDC, the NIH, those that are dictating protocol to hospitals are very aware that Remdesivir causes kidney issues, sends fluid to the lungs, the ventilator then explodes the lungs. People are drowning essentially, and you have seen this first hand. 

Nurse Whistleblower:  Yes. Absolutely. This has been the standard medication since the beginning. Over the summer there was a period where…uhm...originally it was all Remdesivir. There was a period over the summer actually when…uhm..Covid numbers were low and almost gone, where Remdisiver was combined with Ivermectin.

Now that it is phasing out and it’s going back to completely just Remdisiver by itself. So there was a period where it was a combination of the two with some patients.

Stew Peters: So the Ivermectin treated patients, did they seem to do better than those not treated with Ivermectin?

Nurse Whistleblower: In my…yes. Yes. In my experience with the patients that I have seen, Yes. Remdesivir alone, they don’t tend to do well. They tend to have cardiac issues after…during their hospital stay that they didn’t have before, or ones that they had before are exacerbated by the Remdesivir. A lot of kidney issues, many patients go on dialyses that were not on dialysis before. The symptoms that go, the other issues that go along with this are …are not good.

Stew Peters: So are doctors or providers allowed to prescribe Remdesivir or administer…or excuse me…Ivermectin. Are doctors allowed to administer Ivermectin to patients any longer?

Nurse Whistleblower:  I don’t know of any restrictions, or not restrictions. I just…there was a brief period of time where I started seeing it with Remdesivir and now that’s phasing out I’m not seeing it very often at all. So I don’t know what the doctors are told, whether or not they can, but it was just a brief time where I saw it combined.

Stew Peters: Alright. We’re told that the Delta variant is very dangerous. Ah, the Delta variant is flooding the hospitals. Now there are a bunch of sick people in the hospital because of the Delta variant. So a very specific question: In your hospital, is there a test for the Delta variant?

Nurse Whistleblower:  Absolutely not, and in fact there is no word or mention of the word ‘Delta variant’ in any note from any doctor, from any outside office feeding in specialists, urgent care, emergency room. I have not seen that word, the word ‘Delta’ variant in any chart.

The only place I have seen the word “Delta Variant” is in the letters going out from the hospital administration to the staff  quoting reasons why they should get the vaccinations.

Stew Peters: But no patient has been diagnosed with the Delta variant.

Nurse Whistleblower:  No.

Stew Peters: None?

Nurse Whistleblower:  Covid-19.

Stew Peters: Okay. So…

Nurse Whistleblower:  It’s all termed Covid-19. There’s no test for Delta variant that I’m aware of.

Stew Peters: Okay. So we can assume that the Delta variant is being labeled Covid-19. That’s fine.

Nurse Whistleblower: Correct.

Stew Peters: And every variant from here on out will just be labeled Covid-19. But the media is telling us…

Nurse Whistleblower:   There’s no…there’s nothing changed from before Delta variant came out and now in the charts, or in the patient symptoms, or anything. Nothing’s changed. There’s no exacerbation once they started talking using the term ‘Delta’ variant. There’s…those patients have not changed at all. It’s the same as it was.

Stew Peters:  What about the number of sick people? Has the number of sick people changed?

Nurse Whistleblower:  No.

Stew Peters: Okay. So have you seen an influx of patients recently?

Nurse Whistleblower:  No. The most…the influx I have seen is since the vaccination rollout, and it’s more vaccination related injuries: blood clots, cardiac issues, neurological issues, balance issues, cognitive issues, aggressive behavior, and encephalopathy. Things like that, that are very different from the previous Covid.

Stew Peters: So the patients that are in your hospital under your care right now, the majority of them are in fact not Covid patients, but they are vaccine injured people?

Nurse Whistleblower:  Yes. Yes.

Stew Peters: Do the doctors, do the providers report these adverse events, these vaccine injuries to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System?

Nurse Whistleblower:  I have not seen one instance where they have. In fact when staff approaches doctors about this, whether it’s noticed by the staff, or noticed by the patient’s family, they are completely dismissed. I have not had one doctor acknowledge anything I have said when a patient’s family or I have noticed that it’s been around the time of a vaccination. They are completely dismissed.

Stew Peters: So mentioning a vaccine injury to a doctor is falling on deaf ears, they don’t want to hear it; you’re not allowed to talk about that.

Nurse Whistleblower:  They will not acknowledge. They will actually stop you mid-sentence. I mean, it is completely blatant.

Stew Peters: Okay. So this is all blowing my mind. I’m sorry, I’m just trying to take all this in. We suspected that all…

Nurse Whistleblower:  It’s hard to believe.

Stew Peters: It is. Well, it is, but it isn’t at the same time because we have suspected this all along. So would you articulate that the cases being labeled ‘Covid-19’, and then by the media translated into ‘new Delta surge,’ that those patients are actually patients that are presenting with symptoms from this vaccine, these shots?

Nurse Whistleblower:  Absolutely. The staff that’s aware, because now it’s kind of, you can, you know which staff is aware of what’s going on or acknowledging it, and which staff doesn’t. It’s almost , we almost label it, ‘the delta variant is the vaccine injuries’. That’s what it is. It’s common knowledge around the staff that is aware of what’s going on, or paying attention, or not in denial.

Stew Peters: And the people that are bringing this to the attention to the doctors, it’s falling on deaf ears, they’re cut off mid-sentence. How many people that you work with would you guess percentage wise, are going to refuse this shot?

Nurse Whistleblower:  So far about 50% percent.

Stew Peters: And are they going to be terminated?

Nurse Whistleblower:   Uhm. When the mandates come to our facisilit, yes. As far as I’m, as far as I’m aware.

Stew Peters:  So up to half of the people that work at your facility could be gone, and the only people that will suffer are those that need care. The only people that will suffer, I mean other than you, of course, if you’re fired because you a religious or a medical exemption. None of that matters is what we’re hearing consistently across the country.

What is the one thing that you think is most important that the public is being lied to? Would you consider it to be the vaccine injuries? What…the floor is yours. I mean, just tell the world right now what the reality is from a frontline worker who has dealt with Covid patients from the beginning and still deals with this media craze and you’re seeing the truth first hand, What do you wan the entire world to know?

Nurse Whistleblower:   I want the world to stop watching the news. It is absolutely false. It is creating a false fear. I would go through Covid, the actual initial part of this, 10 times over, easily compared to what I have seen with the vaccine rollout.

The injuries and the loss of life and the loss of function, people are walking into the hospital with breathing issues, and a lot of these people are not going out. They are not leaving.  People for normal levels of life that were actually caregivers to their family are coming in and they’re changed forever, and their family is now taking care of them.

This is horrific. These, this vaccine rollout is…is…is a nightmare. And the media is completely, completely not telling the public any truth of what is actually going on with these vaccines. They’re not vaccines.

Stew Peters: Are the doctors pushing this vaccine on the patients that are there.

Nurse Whistleblower:  Yes. Yes. And what’s sad is the doctors are very aware of the effects of these. They can’t not see them if staff like myself are aware and we have nowhere near the level of education as these doctors and specialists. And they’re pushing these on…it’s’s. And when you question them, you are shut down. It is… it’s a nightmare.

Stew Peters:  Why do you think that is? Do you think that these doctors are being paid? Are they being threatened? Where is this protocol coming from?

Nurse Whistleblower:   We have no idea. We just know it is an unwritten rule, ‘you can’t talk about it’. And it is…they are pushing it at levels I’ve never seen, and that Administration is pushing it on the staff. It just…none of this makes sense. Why you…knowing the results of these…and the staff that’s awake, we see. None of us are going to take these. We see what it’s doing to patients. We’re helpless.

Stew Peters:  So doctors swear what we know as a ‘Hippocratic Oath’ to where when they enter the patient’s home, they serve only the patient.

So if previous, prior to this entire pandemic, if somebody were to come into your hospital, broken leg, heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, liver disease, pancreas issues, whatever it is, the doctor would have treated them, found any way that they could possibly heal this person and make them better.

When the Coronavirus, Covid-19 first came here, we were under the presumption that care providers were looking for ways to treat these patients.

Since the inception of this vaccine, these shots, it now seems that doctors not only are not performing or living up to their Hippocratic Oath, but they are actually contradicting it blatantly right out in the wide open, and actually acting in a way that hurts or kills patients.  

Nurse Whistleblower:   Yes. I no longer trust doctor’s care. I’m there for the patient and I’m literally having to point out to some of these patients that these vaccines are what…the reason why they are in there. Some of these patients have come in after only one dose and they are being talked into getting the second one when they leave the hospital. Imean, it’s insane. I have to tell these patients ‘DO NOT Get the second dose.

Stew Peters:  Well I’m thankful that you’re doing that. And I know that the families of these people, that are very vulnerable. I mean, they’re in the hospital begging for help, being isolated away from their families, no contact, no advocates, being denied the right to try, being denied the treatment that they are requesting, and basically  given a death sentence. This looks like murder for money to me.

I really appreciate your bravery, and I know the reasons why you can’t come forward, and I respect that. When this thing is all over, people like you will be on the right side of history. Sarah, and I know that’s not your real name but, thank you very much for coming forward and telling the truth. We appreciate it.

Nurse Whistleblower:   Thank you for everything you do.

TOPICS: Conspiracy; Miscellaneous
KEYWORDS: anonymoussources; antivaxxcult; dumbingdownfr; fakenewsvoicemedia; frnowqsite; qtard; qtardskillingfr; ransomnut; recycledfakenews; thisagain; tinfoiltime; whyinologerdonate
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To: guthunde47

Thank you for this. Another credible hospital source to confirm what many, many sources (including my wife) have been saying.

I’ve reached a point where I consider it a waste of time trying to reason with the shills. If they were sincere and honest, I would try to reason with them. But they are not. So I do not.

121 posted on 09/11/2021 9:32:14 AM PDT by Blennos ( )
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To: greeneyes

You have a nice rest of today!

~But never forget 9/11.

122 posted on 09/11/2021 10:29:47 AM PDT by Freedom56v2 (Don't Australia my America! 9/11 Never Forget!)
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To: bagster
Here is someone who appears to be a different nurse on another Stew Peters program and who describes what may be debilitating side effects of the mRNA gene therapy (a.k.a. "vaccine").

For the record, I am not an anti-vaxxer. I am anti-being used as a human Ginuea pig by pharmaceutical companies like Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer et al who have allowed their greed to outrun their scruples and who already have a long history of illegal marketing practices which have been settled out of court so they can continue pretending to be "Mr. Clean Jeans."

For the record, Pfizer and Moderna broke protocol and ditched their required (for FDA approval) clinical trial groups just as soon as the FDA issued emergency use authorization. This was reported in February by NPR and by other news outlets like Conservative Treehouse and The Gateway pundit.

What could possibly go wrong?

Not only that, but the FDA broke its own protocol by cutting corners which included blowing off a meeting they were supposed to have in order to discuss things like side effects, etc.

Fortunately, the FDA's hasty approval was roundly challenged by Senator Ron Johnson in a letter in which he also alluded to the "unblinding of the placebo groups" which was how the Pfizer and Moderna companies intentionally ditched their clinical trial group.

The reason for the recent FDA resignations is because Biden and Fauci are getting ready to officially promote booster shots behind the FDA's back.

123 posted on 09/11/2021 1:24:54 PM PDT by Sons of Union Vets (Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory!)
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To: bagster
124 posted on 09/11/2021 1:27:34 PM PDT by Sons of Union Vets (Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory!)
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To: rdcbn1; ransomnote

Thank you

He died today of heart failure. His heart was too weak to fight the pneumonia.

I believe my mother will fight any designation of covid on the death certificate. The first test by the hospital was negative. They cane back an hour later and said he tested positive. Fishy. We did manage to get him switched from remdesivir to ivermectin. But his heart has been weak for a year now.

125 posted on 09/11/2021 2:54:21 PM PDT by AlmaKing
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To: AlmaKing

Here’s my deal. I’m old (almost 88) and pretty sure I’m having a bout with covid. Started yesterday. The last time I saw a doctor was Last Feb. From what I see standing back and looking at all the data, we almost had herd immunity and then the vaccine came out the deaths skyrocketed again. Don’t have to be a scientist to see what went wrong. Up until yesterday I have not stayed in isolation since covid hit. I went about my business mostly without masks but stopped hugging everyone. What has happened is the shedding that the vaccined people is more contagious and I didn’t hear that soon enough. I have never been tested and I will not get the vaccine and I will not go to the doctors. I have started taking Vit C trippled and Zinc doubled.
so far so good. Not bad. Scratchy throat, brain fog and an occasional hot flash. Taste buds kinda blah. Don’t feel very bad yet. So no doctors and no contacts that could take control of my body. If I can’t bear life, I will leave it a free agent.

126 posted on 09/16/2021 10:08:19 AM PDT by WVNan (neve)
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To: WVNan

Yep. My mom’s like that. And I’m like that also.

127 posted on 09/16/2021 7:28:54 PM PDT by AlmaKing
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To: metmom; HollyB

gosh more freepers acting like liberals, according to you.

128 posted on 12/13/2021 6:39:36 PM PST by MarMema
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To: ransomnote

I managed to snag a copy of Kennedy’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci.

I am partway through the first chapter, and it is a damning book, not just for Fauci, but the government, big pharma, and the medical community as well.

It is an extremely well written and VERY well documented book. Pages and pages of end notes at the end of each chapter.

129 posted on 12/13/2021 6:45:27 PM PST by metmom (...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith)
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To: RedStateRocker
Names with photos, certified data, and verified sources or it’s BS.

Likewise for all the vax shills here on FR.

Why should we take your word on anything then?

130 posted on 12/13/2021 6:47:15 PM PST by metmom (...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith)
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To: Mom MD

For post from a totally fabricated doctor with no, ZERO, none, nada, bona fide, ignoramus shill. have zero credibility, hiding behind a fake user name as a fiddy cent army pushing the experimental (phase three experimental trials, where the recently released data, they tried to hide for 55 YEARS showed over 1250 DEATHS IN THE FIRST THREE MONTHS) CRAP.

why is anything you or Dr assgass even worthy of reading?’s not

Fade away shill

131 posted on 12/13/2021 6:58:00 PM PST by SheepWhisperer (My enemy saw me on my knees, head bowed and thought they had won until I rose up and said Amen!)
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To: cableguymn

when looking for shills the age of the account is meaningless...what you need to do is look back at the posts to see if there are inconsistencies of philosophy in the posts and if over the years there are talking points that are attacks on conservative principles. because of the age of the free republic forum there are accounts in here that are old and are being ran by groups like media Maters or other democrats who secretly try to stir up just is hard to know when you are dealing with what I would term a Shil account. the best thing to do is just stay on point with logical arguments and be aware there are going to always be places that even as conservatives won’t be agreements.

132 posted on 12/13/2021 7:03:00 PM PST by PCPOET7 (`)
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To: Steve_Seattle

I know a pastor who was recently, within the last month, in the hospital for Covid and was given Remdesivir. They are still using it.

By the grace of God, he weathered it just fine.

133 posted on 12/13/2021 7:07:18 PM PST by metmom (...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith)
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To: metmom

Sounds fantastic. Now I gotta read it! :D

134 posted on 12/13/2021 7:36:56 PM PST by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: SheepWhisperer

And a very merry Christmas to you as well

135 posted on 12/13/2021 8:03:56 PM PST by Mom MD ( )
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To: metmom

“It is an extremely well written and VERY well documented book. Pages and pages of end notes at the end of each chapter.”

I’m not positive, but I think RFK, Jr., is a lawyer. If so, then he should be an expert at putting together a good and well-thought-out report.

136 posted on 12/13/2021 8:09:05 PM PST by MayflowerMadam (When government fears the people, there is liberty.)
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To: MayflowerMadam

He did.

There are no wasted words in there, no fluff.

137 posted on 12/13/2021 8:21:10 PM PST by metmom (...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith)
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