Posted on 08/09/2021 7:43:50 AM PDT by ransomnote
Q is the result of the sacrifices and commitment of countless patriots to win back our captured country from the Deep State and achieve the transformation President Trump promised in this campaign video. President Trump has said the awakening of the public is key to this transformation.
Q describes this awakening as follows:
"The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding 'mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable.
When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.
"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.
When you are awake, you are able to clearly see.
The choice is yours, and yours alone.
Trust and put faith in yourself.
You are not alone and you are not in the minority.
Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.
WWG1WGA!!!" ~ Q (#3038)
The video, Qanon is 100% coming from the Trump Administration, is just one of many excellent responses to the all-important question, "Whom does Q serve?"
Q Boot Camp is a quick, condensed way to learn the background and basics about the Q movement.
Q has reminded us repeatedly that together, we are strong. As the false "narrative" is destroyed and the divisive machinery put in place by the Deep State fails, the fact that patriotism has no skin color or political party is exposed for all to see.
In the battle between those who strip us our constitutional rights, we can't afford to let false divisions separate us any longer. We, and our country, will be forever made stronger by diligently seeking the truth, independence and freedom of thought.
Where We Go 1, We Go All
Someone define “image” for me please. As far as tech goes, this does not mean a screenshot, right? It means a literal copy of the root folder, which can be opened and all different folders viewed? They keep saying “Image” and then saying they can view different folders, so my artist brain is interpreting differently.
Oh my gosh... I am tearing up at the vet’s speech about what he saw with the voting in Iraq.
Satire is generally obvious, I’d put them in the category of disinformation …
Do you know the name of the vet with the yellow tint sunglasses?
Yes, an “image” is a “bit for bit” complete copy of a storage device’s
contents at a particular point in time, onto another device.
All of the contents can then be explored.
It is used in the sterilization process for mass quantities of devices.
The put the boxes on a pallet in the chamber. they include a known bacterium sample in a few places within the pallet for a confirmation purposes that the sterilization works. The flood the chamber with EO under pressure to force it into every nook and cranny. Then they flush the chamber with clean air. Then they let it sit for a day or so to ensure all the EO is out. Then they remove the product. Then they check to ensure the test bacterium died before allowing release for sale.
EO will leave a residue on the product, and if your are exposed to it a whole lot that residue cold build up over time.
Interestingly because it’s also explosive the test chambers are specially built with the weakest part being the ceiling/roof to ensure that if a chamber explodes the weakest point will give and the force will go up and not out.
Yes an “image” can mean a digital copy of anything from a single document to a complete drive.
Yes, that’s fine. But what concentration is likely to be on the test swabs? And how much of it transfers to the mucosa or bloodstream?
I agree with the strategy in what greeneyes posted.
How long till the max point for your retirement benefits?
Also, I wonder if these folks
are representing people being coerced?
Ron back on live now...
it would be minor but as with radiation or many other poisons it can build up in the body over time - that’s what the nurse is saying...if you get swabbed every week for a long time it could build p. I agree that the build up will be sufficient to cause problems... no not really, but some people are more susceptible.
Can you send me an MSDS for ethlyene oxide?
Not a scientist here. But if ethylene oxide is a gas, how does it saturate a swab?
Wouldn’t it just evaporate?
Not that I’d trust these swabs, knowing how deep they go and after seeing videos with creepy-crawly nano thingies in them.
It's a defined-contribution plan, so the longer I'm working, the more money goes in, same with SS and the 401K. The one downfall is that around 2013 or so, the President of our company decided, as a cost-cutting measure, to cut in half the amount that they were putting into our pension plan, though they did increase the company match in the 401 to compensate.
The 401 is outside of the purview of our retirement system board, so they can basically hack that match at any time.
Anyway, the difference in pension between leaving next January versus 2 1/2 years later is just over $300 a month of retirement income. Of course, the SS benefit will be higher too, if it survives.
One would have thought that with the brainpower and $$$ behind this symposium it would have been better protected against hacks, interference,and other the glitches it has experienced since the start on the stream of Lindell TV. I actually look forward to the EAB alert this afternoon and hope it doesn’t experience the same. DS and the bad chinese don’t like being exposed.....
(Just kidding, I can't grow 'em, they just die. I can only grow avocados!)
Has the symposium feed stalled again?
My aunt’s friends are lamenting that their grandkids, some of whom are as young as two, are not old enough to get the clot shots yet. They are afraid they (the kids) will come down with Covid, or so they say.
Why they are afraid now after a year or more of being told kids are just carriers for Covid, I know not.
Maybe they are really afraid they will get Covid from the kids despite being vaxxed. Who knows anymore? But the kids won’t be safe from getting Covid if they are vaxxed because the vax does not make one safe. People are so illogical.
I’m so tempted to “accidentally” show up at one of their breakfast or dinner get togethers, which are held at restaurants, some of which I actually like.
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