In the Death Certificate, The first (top) line is “Immediate Cause of Death.” This is where the actual terminal event is recorded.
This line is followed by three more, all labeled “Due To,” where contributors to the immediate cause, in declining order, are listed.
In the event that there are other contributors in the cascade of Due To notations, they would follow, in descending order.
Finally, there is a line called “Other Significant Conditions,” which serves as a catch-all for relevant, non-fatal items. In the example above, this line might read Severe Depression to explain why there was a gunshot wound to the head.
Someone in some bureaucrat’s office decided that:
* if COVID appears anywhere on a death certificate, it is counted as a COVID death, even if it isn’t.
* If COVID is on the Immediate Cause line, it is clearly a COVID death.
* If it is on the first Due To line, it might be a COVID death in a person with a significant comorbidity.
* If it is on the second or third Due To line, it may or may not have a role in the death, but if it appears in the Other Significant Conditions line, it is not a COVID death, yet it is being counted as one.
An example is the fellow who crashed his motorcycle and tested positive for COVID. This is fraud masquerading as science.
“Man beheaded in horrific motorcycle accident dies of Covid 19”
Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies. That pretty much sums up the year of the covid. In most instances, even the liars don’t really believe their own lies ... and they lie about that, too!
If it aids in keeping the sheeple triple masked then dr. fauxcheeze shouldn’t have a problem with it. How long before the resident-in-chafe tries to force loosening states into compliance? You know to save the 330 million NOT infected.
When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.
Everyone dying in America today is dying because of COVID, and the reason they are dying from COVID is Orange Man Bad. (/s)
We have Fearpers who want the fake numbers to needlessly terrorize the world.
“Dying with COVID and dying from COVID are two entirely different things.”
Now some anti-vax folks are doing something similar with the vaccine.
Dying with the vaccine and dying from the vaccine are two entirely different things.
There are probably several people who died from their lifelong eating habits that lead to obesity and other things and made them more likely to succumb to any bad flu.
Many of these people are on Medicaid.
Hospitals get more money for Covid patients.
It always comes down to money.
• As reported by the CDC ... Here are the US deaths by year and the change from the previous year.
• Year 2017: 2,818,503 Americans died
• Year 2018: 2,839,205 deaths (20,702 more than the previous year 2017)
• Year 2019: 2,855,000 deaths (16,300 more than the previous year 2018)
• The year of the pandemic – 2020 …
• 2,913,144 deaths (57,641 more than the previous year 2019)
• BUT WAIT: There were zero deaths from Covid-19 during 2018, and 2019 and the jump from 2019 was only 57,641 ???
• We've been told that COVID is responsible now for 400,000 + deaths. Shouldn't the 2020 number be a hell of a lot higher?
• So the question becomes: How many people died of COVID and How many died (of other causes) WITH COVID?
This seemed interesting
However, there is still a huge number of excess USA deaths in 2020 that need to be explained.
Total deaths in 2020 are currently at 3.32 million.
That is roughly 475,000 more deaths than in 2019 or 2018.
If the 2020 Total Death number is correct, we definitely need a medical explanation for that.
Speculation by who, exactly?
There must be bodies everywhere.
And the media jumps on ANY mention of Covid on a death certificate. My husband got a call from Oregonian “reporter” wanting to talk about his mother’s death from covid...it was the 3rd item on her death certificate. He declined.
One so often hears that death is from “complications of” a condition, as opposed to the condition itself. Being a cynic, I figure the death is often a result of the treatment, but is disguised a bit to “keep things in order.”
I know first hand that any death whereby the deceased tests positive it’s attributed so state and local gets the federal money
No question
These death rates are laughable
How many VA family benefits are lost when a veteran death is recorded as Covid instead of something duty related like Agent Orange related conditions as specified by th VA.
Informed consent is impossible.
What state made the most money off of them?.