Good Morning! :-)
Has anyone in this audience used Burgess Seed & Plant Co. for their yearly purchases?
If so, any reviews?
Good Morning to everyone and Thank you Diana!
Beautiful sunshine here today. So excited to get outside and get things going. So ready for the spring. But so bitter cold right now. At least there is sunshine!
I’ll be starting my tomato seeds this next week.
Great news on the mold/fungus issue in greenhouse pots.
An internet search showed it to be “grey mold” which is allegedly harmless to plants.
Itnis a sign that my humidity levels were too high but I am combating that right now fairly effectively.
The grey mold is only coming back in little amounts where I did my napalm style attack on it!
Central Missouri has spent the last few days in the freezer, with another week of single-digit temps ahead.
My Jung’s order arrived last week. I always seem to order more than I can use, but I suppose that’s better than running out before the job is done.
I finished the boat trailer bunk replacement job yesterday before the foosball game started, and got most of the mess in the shop cleaned up. With a bit of rearranging I’ll be able to get Mr. Clarence inside for some work. He’s got a few major issues that need to be corrected before I can put him to work.
bump for always good...
Woman freezes to death walking home from next-door neighbor's house.