God ruined a fine penis when he stuck ears on Brit Hume.
I dont think they care
There ya go, Brit. That’s how you get viewers back.
Who are you, Marcus Maximus and why are a bunch of 2020 people posting all thus anti Trump stuff?
Brit has to resort to Twitter because there is no audience to hear he says on the air anymore.
With all due respect to Brit Hume, who I respect, he does not see the urgency of being able to prove an honest election. Election integrity is much more important that how “Trump goes out”. His legacy will be defined by itself. The Republic’s survival is much more important that his ‘legacy’.
Face it. The globalists desperately wanted the patriotic “America first” Trump removed by any means necessary from the most powerful office in the world. These vile people who will destroy the liberties of the American people, impoverish them and destroy their heritage put together a successful coup. They have the demented, corrupt Biden as their pliable figurehead. The American people have been betrayed. Horrible times are ahead.
The only meaning of Trump possibly leaving office will be that America’s deep-state and oligarchy won.
It means they ejected a political outsider who actually won according to the old notions of democracy of the American Republic.
Maybe the deep state bought itself a few more years of control and organized looting of America, I don’t know. I’m convinced though, next time around, its going to be ugly.
Brit has hit rock bottom.
Once again, a ‘smart and intelligent’ rake, attempts to make humor for the Kommissar!
Maybe Trump is thinking metaphorically of Dylan Thomas and not, as Brit is, of William Shakespeare
Brit Hume thinking to himself:
“How can I push my ratings even lower than they already are? Hmm...I know! I’ll insult Trump using an obscure reference to Shakespeare. That way I’ll alienate conservatives and at the same time make myself look like a pompous ass.”
Talk American, Brit. This is a serious topic. We haven’t the time for fancy word guessing games. Spit it out.
I think I understand what Hume is saying, but will someone please rephrase it so that a 5th grader can understand it?
Sorry Brit - were not following the Venezuela path.
Fox News has got to be lobbying behind the scenes to keep NewsMax, The Blaze and The First from gaining national cable access.
Kind of a premature assessment. I know a lot of people who firmly believe Trump will win this, they aren’t in the “angry” category yet. If Biden is sworn in, Trump will become stronger; he will yield more power than any current politician.
Fox flailing about in disbelief that Trump destroyed them. Richly deserved too.
Blah blah blah.
The grups are back.
To paraphrase Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2 “ first we kill all the reporters!”