Portland needs more “Moms” on the barricades. Are these Upper West Side Moms headed to Portland?
Please don’t bring your whacky leftist ideas and your unthinking ignorant attitudes to my community. That’s not how we roll.
Um, and I say this as a woman withchildren, just why, exactly, is it more important if it’s a “mom?”
How about a “person?”
De Blasio is like all communists...ideology over reality.
Build a Wall and force them to stew in their stench.
They voted for this.
Now live in the sh!thole you created.
If only New York City had some kind of government official who could make decisions and make things happen.
Somebody selected by the citizens and provided money by these citizens to help them.
Sad. Not sad that they are getting what they voted for but sad that one of the fleeing progressives that is moving from where she voted to create this mess is moving to North Carolina to soil that space .If I was dictator I would quarantine her on the west side forever
They can stay in NY since they voted for that crap, and like hell should they move south since we have had enough of these white guilt, pyjama boy, elitist socialists trying to change our states.
Even worse is that these people fleeing NYC are going to continue voting DemocRAT wherever they move to, and in a few years they’ll be living in another s**thole that they helped create.
If I was cynical, I would say these demonicrat governors and mayors are ruining these cities on purpose and with a long term plan. They force the locust to leave for another area, and once the locust arrive in this new, low crime, happy, conservative area, set forth to immediately vote demonicrat thereby terminally infecting that new area. The old area, remains desolate and demonicrat containing only the criminals, junkies, welfare types, and the terminally stupid, all of which continue to vote demonicrat, after all, what sane conservative person would elect to move to that rat infested hell?
I wonder what unfortunate destinations they’ll infest and ruin.
nice of them to wait until AFTER the census count before fleeing. Will the statistitians working on the census model the outflow rate of NYC in the estimate?
Dr. David Samadi, MD
Congratulations Mayor DeBlasio!
The traffic has been solved in downtown Manhattan, because everyone has left!
These post-modern leftist women are going to pollute their new homes with their #BLM lawn signs, demands for more government spending on everything, and their self-righteous whinging
“NYC moms fleeing Upper West Side amid crime and chaos...”
Please Lord let them be fleeing to other blue states I beseech Thee. Amen.
That is why I'm glad Trump killed Obama's AFFH rule. The gangs, the criminals, and the miscreants from the housing projects would've affect regular folks in the suburbs. You think low-income housing would have been built in the Hamptons, in Beverly Hills, Grosse Pointe of MI? Hell no.
Those idiots created the mess. They need to stay there instead of running to a new city and screwing that one up too