My Windows 10 has been running fine. Better than Windows 7.
Mine is working. I guess it’s fixed?
Yep. I got this problem too on my W10 business laptop. We also use Office 365.
I do not use the Windows search function.
If I am looking for something I think is on the hard drive of the PC I go directly to the file structure myself and look for it.
If I think what I am looking for is on the Web then I start my Internet browser and use the search engine I have it defaulting to.
Also, I made it so that Cortana is dead on my PC.
Guess how many problems I have with Windows 7?
Microsoft stopped making an OS that I would want after Windows 7.
Ain’t technology just gran Moe,do they pay engineers to make this crap.
No problems with Search on ANY of my machines, assuming you mean the Search box on the Task bar.
I have a couple that are Insider builds and get constant updates. No issue with these or the regular builds.
If it was consistent, it would be Microsoft’s fault but since it’s not it sounds like just another hit piece to me.
This is why I will always use Win 7.
Microsoft programmers need to understand that in many parts of the USA Internet access is expensive and that Windows PCs are not always online.
This very morning Windows Explorer locked up on me and the Start button locked up too.
Unplugging my PC and restarting it solved the problems.
And please don’t turn my PC into a “snail” or cause it to get hot while “upgrading”.
Hey, Microsoft!
You know what will fix this?
Fire the last few actual programmers you have and hire more H1B visa sweatshop labor!
Embrace the suck.
/Win10 motto
Never use it
A genius code-writer expained it to me 20 years ago: Microsoft never goes back to rewrite code more efficiently and thus improve and refine their product. They just write more code to work around the previous code until they have a New York City phonebook where re-located or dead customers are never taken out. Their "last operating system you'll ever need" has become just that as I'm moving to Linux Mint 19.3. Only today did I learn that the search function failure wasn't my fault but part of the grand spying/info-selling plan. Perhaps taping over the camera isn't paranoia after all?
And yes, Dudemack, Linux can now play almost every Windows game through Steam or a few in-system programs so gaming is no longer a sore point. Like the old PC/console issue - if you can't play it on your machine they don't care enough to support you anyway so don't deserve your money. Like one company that rhymes with Telectronic Tarts.
Youd have thought BSOD or Windows ME had already taken care of that reputation thing.