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To: bagster; peteypupperdoo; Conservative Gato
"Other than that, I know you got rick rolled again but you'll never admit it, so don't bother lying."

Ha! I knew that was a rick-roll! I may not be smart enough to appreciate the brilliance of an anonymous poster on the internet but I am still smart enough to never, ever open another link from you. But, on to more serious matters.

"This specimen is a Q denier who theorizes that the Q program may be a derp state program intended to PRETEND to be a white hat program with the intention of making us good patriots stare in a hypnotic trance and cease all activity in the furtherance of MAGA."

I hypothesize more than just that Bagster, I wonder whether Q may also have been created for two other purposes for which false leaders are often used.

"Why WOULDN'T the derp state 'tell on itself'. Well, I can think of several reasons but just off the top of my head, try this. The so-called 'deep state' has spent oh, probably hundreds of years CONCEALING there activtities, that being essential to the successful completion of their objectives."

Obviously Bagster, you don't understand the difficulties involved in enslaving the entire human race. One of the two biggest mistakes our would-be rulers made in the execution of their plan was not seeing the importance of the internet in allowing us to share information and educate ourselves, and each other, outside of their controlled information and education silos.

If they had seen the danger the internet posed to the secrecy of their plan they never would have allowed us to post anonymously. If we had to have our real identities attached to everything we said online right from the beginning days of the internet they could have used their control of our employment to force our silence. Providing advancement to suck ups and refusing the same to people whose minds lead them down unapproved paths is at the base of the control structure they have built.

But they missed that one and we've had thirty years now of being able to search out the truth. You'll never find it if you just take what's given to you (new Q drop! new Q drop!) but if you go looking far and wide eventually things start coming together for you - and as long as you are self directed you don't have to worry about a leader leading you astray.

"Also, think about this. You people continually claim that, as things come out publicly just as Q said they would, 'everybody already knew that' or 'it was in the public domain'. Question. For a lot of that, how do you think it got into the public domain?"

Mae Brussell and Bill Cooper anyone? Yeah, there's a bit of crazy in those two but there's a lot of truth in what they had to say too. Or how about that book I keep touting here on Free Republic Bagster. You know, the one by one of the 20th century's preeminent historians, Professor Carroll Quigley. The book that is also free for download on And, would you believe it? This book is written in clear, concise English (as opposed to who?) and documents very well who is enslaving the world and how they are doing it.

Or maybe an 86 year old quote from one of our Presidents:

You know Bagster, just because you weren't paying attention didn't mean school wasn't in session. My eyes were opened in 1986 when I caught the Wall Street Journal lying to me about the Simpson-Mazzoli Immigration Act and I've spent the years since then educating myself and hanging out with others of like mind.

How long has the Q phenomenon been going on now? Two years? Mae Brussell was on late night radio back in 1971 naming names and laying out exactly what was being done to us. Her radio broadcasts are still available online and people have been talking about what she had to say for almost fifty years now. Q's not telling you much in the way of new information Bagster, he's just telling you things that you didn't know. And he's got you hooked up good and tight too, doesn't he? Sure hope he doesn't lead you down the wrong path when the coming storm finally hits us all.

"You don't seem stupid, but that is the by god stupidest theory I think I've ever heard. If I were you, I'd stick with 'Q is a LARP'."

Gee, how sweet. And this after you told me yesterday that I had a pretty good handle on what is going on behind the scenes. Quote:

Of course you also called me a germ and an edible root in that conversation so maybe I should take that compliment with a grain of salt.

Speaking of what you said yesterday, do you remember when you told me that almost half of Q's posts have to do with who is running things behind the scenes and that you lied to that normie because the normies aren't ready to handle the truth but by golly I should come to the Q forum (yes folks, I was invited here by Bagster) because people in here knew all about who's actually running this world? Then why today, when PeteyPupperDoo in post #702 asked,

"But who is/are the puppeteer/puppeteers???"

Only Conservative Gato responded, and that cat said, quote:

"Good question, just more to be determined."

No one else stepped up to answer the most important question that needs to be answered EVERY time it is asked. It's almost like they don't know and after 2 years of Q's enlightenment I find it strange that they don't.

It's almost like that answer is being hidden.

964 posted on 11/22/2019 2:41:03 AM PST by Garth Tater (What's mine is mine.)
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To: Garth Tater

“But who is/are the puppeteer/puppeteers???”

967 posted on 11/22/2019 3:08:37 AM PST by smileyface (I LOVE POTUS DONALD J. TRUMP!)
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To: Garth Tater
How long has the Q phenomenon been going on now? Two years? Mae Brussell was on late night radio back in 1971 naming names and laying out exactly what was being done to us. Her radio broadcasts are still available online and people have been talking about what she had to say for almost fifty years now. Q's not telling you much in the way of new information Bagster, he's just telling you things that you didn't know. And he's got you hooked up good and tight too, doesn't he? Sure hope he doesn't lead you down the wrong path when the coming storm finally hits us all.

You're so full of sh!t it staggers the human mind.

A great deal of stuff Q has said is topical and specific to the present day. And stuff that nobody but a furthest-in insider could have had access too. (Like photos of reflections of the Presidential Suite on Air Force One).

tl;dr ===> OK Boomer.

971 posted on 11/22/2019 4:04:18 AM PST by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change with out notice.)
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To: bagster
No one else stepped up to answer

LOL potato head doesn't like being ignored, don't you know they read a book once and posted with HTML to be even more self aggrandizing.

973 posted on 11/22/2019 4:17:30 AM PST by BiggBob
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To: Garth Tater; ransomnote; Steven W.; greeneyes; TEXOKIE; txhurl; saywhatagain; Swordmaker; ptsal; ...

At the risk of major flames, I will say that GT makes some good points in post 964.

I have always kept the possibility in the back of my mind that Q/Trump are just another plot twist in the long saga of the derps manipulating us. That’s why the Second Amendment is so important.

That said, I still choose to believe Q/Trump are white hats. If I’m going to pick a side instead of staying on the sidelines, I’m picking Q. I prefer to choose an optimistic view of the world, to see the possibility of freedom and improvement in our lives rather than a dark dystopian future. (I had enough of the dark views during the 0vomit administration. Maintaining optimism during those years was incredibly difficult.)

Q is CLEARLY a psychological operation. The difference between Q and derp propaganda is that Q is manipulating us for OUR benefit. (Unless there is that plot twist at the end. Then 2A.)

The derps are CLEARLY derpy. So either Q are the good guys fighting the derps or else that means that EVERYONE with power is derpy -—> 2A.

Furthermore, most people are LOUSY actors. They are unable to hide their emotions. So in order for Q to be a black hat, that means that either people like Nunes are outstandingly good actors or else Nunes has no idea what’s going on and really believes his role. If it were just Nunes, I could buy it, but there are far too many white hats like him who would have to be duped.

Another good argument for Q = WH is that Q has repeatedly told us to think for ourselves. If Q is a derp, that’s a pretty dangerous ploy. How many would start learning to think for themselves yet stop short of questioning Q? Definitely some. But hopefully those of us here are bold enough and brave enough to question EVERYTHING. Including Q. I’m questioning Q right now.

The best argument for Q is that we still have our 2A rights, and more importantly that most of us on the non-derp side are well armed. If Q is also a derp, he/they would have to disarm us. That’s not happening. (If it does, they will move incrementally, with red flag laws as a likely first step. Oh, he’s clearly crazy. Of course you can take his guns. But they won’t bother me. I’m a model citizen. ... until the derps say otherwise.)

Here’s a wild theory: What if Q sent Garth Tater to check our progress? That would work for Q=WH or Q=BH.

I keep an open mind, but I put my chips on the best bet. Q is my best bet until proven otherwise.

988 posted on 11/22/2019 5:10:08 AM PST by generally ( Don't be stupid. We have politicians for that.)
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To: Garth Tater

Just curious as to how you arrived at your stage name?

1,029 posted on 11/22/2019 7:19:36 AM PST by Cats Pajamas (I love all of President Trump's tweets & Epstein didn't kill himself!)
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To: Garth Tater
I may not be smart enough to appreciate the brilliance of an anonymous poster on the internet

Oh, you're plenty smart Tater Tot. Smart and just a little bit too paranoid. Too paranoid to see the good of a thing. You're smart enough to recognize that Q is a legitimate thing and is telling the truth, but paranoid enough to go full whacko bird and assign an OBVIOUS beneficial thing a dark motive.

Maybe all your exclusive knowledge has been percolating in your massive cranium for too long and it's overboiled. No, my original explanation is very simple and undeniable. An organization that relies on secrecy and lies would NEVER tell on itself and name names. Never. So your paranoia is therefore a product of a fevered mind. We got a few of those around here too.

There are some here (and everywhere) who, like you, can't just accept a simple truth and must take it twelve steps further. I think it's an attempt by them and you to appear special and smarter than everybody else. It's another form of pride. There's nothing wrong with seeing a truth, accepting it, and stopping there. There's not always 'one more thing' (looking at you, generally).

So, yea. Q is what it pretends to be. Nothing more. Don't be scared. Not everything is out to get you. There are good people in the world.

The Qanon program was initiated and is run by those people who believe in the founding father's vision of America. That simple. They are fighting those people that you understand are 'running the world' and that Q has CONFIRMED as doing so.

You go on and on about how you have known all along who and what this cabal is. Great. I told you many people have talked and written about this over the years. You're right when you say this is not new knowledge. I also told you that people who talked about that were identified as 'conspiracy theorists' by the very people they were talking about. And the masses agreed.

But name me a time in our history when OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT POLICY was to identify them and fight to stop and overthrow them. That is what the Q program represents. Trump knows, and the Q program is sanctioned by a President to inform the masses and overturn the derp's control.

JFK was aware, and attempted to fight them. He was offed for his troubles, and the dance went on.

So yea, edible root. I see your ramblings as those of a fevered mind who cannot accept a good thing when he sees it and must keep his tumblers racing until he sees it as a bad thing. Because heretofore, EVERYTHING has been a bad thing.

You're wrong and stupid, Tot, but your heart is in the right place (I think). You want the best for this world. Now just slow down and think just enough. You're thinking TOO MUCH, which is a recipe for madness.

If things really start getting bad for our hidden rulers, and by bad I mean really bad, things could be attached to Q and through him to his followers. It's been done before by them. Do you need examples? You know there's a reason we carefully scrutinize their reputations when we go about selecting our leaders. Kind of hard to do with an anonymous poster on the internet.

That's the plan. That things get REALLY bad for our hidden leaders. And as for 'attaching things' to Q and his 'followers', I say 'duh'. That's an obvious strategy of the enemy, which has already been attempted on an ongoing basis.

Okay. All we can do is fight through it and carry on. We have no choice but to bear that burden, just as people who post on this thread bear the burden of being labeled whack jobs, 'followers', 'fans', religious zealots, cultists, morons, etc, by people like you.

Names are names and who gives a F. The name calling and false flagging will prove futile. We are the good guys and our motives are pure. There's, not so much.

And you continue to make the same mistake in your mind. Q is not OUR LEADER just as we are not followers or cultists. We see the Q operation as a means to an end. Q is an information source and motivator, nothing more. He/it is not the messiah. We, each one of us, is the individual, free man that this country was set up to recognize and place sovereign power in.

So don't mistake us for slaves or serfs yearning to be led. You're thinking of democrats or 'world citizens'. We all have that basic truth within us and are therefore not in danger of what you claim. Hell, people like us don't 'follow' a Donald Trump like lemmings, believe it or not. Give us some credit.

Trump and Q is us? They are OUR voice.

Your thinking is also a product of a sense of superiority, as if you're the only one that's capable of thinking correctly. Just thought I'd toss that in. Again, give us some credit. As for your hypothesis that the internet was mistakenly set up to be used anonymously, you again take it too far. The masters may have originally made the mistake of disregarding the danger to them, or even seen it as a means of control (they do now). We all know about how they set up programs (Facebook, Google, etc) to gather personal data, indoctrinate, and enslave. This is well known.

But it is also useful to inform, organize, and assist resistance. They realize their mistake now and are working hard to take back control of the signal. Whichever it is, the internet is now a battlefield, of which we are currently engaged in a skirmish even here as I type.

You'll never find it if you just take what's given to you (new Q drop! new Q drop!) but if you go looking far and wide eventually things start coming together for you - and as long as you are self directed you don't have to worry about a leader leading you astray.

Now you're finally onto something. The beauty of Q is that it has opened up the 'looking far and wide' model to a whole population of indoctrinated sheep. 'Expand your thinking' and 'think for yourself' aren't just pretty words. Most of us, and I include myself in that number, were indoctrinated and didn't even know the extent of it. Most of us here were halfway there anyway and just needed a nudge, some clues, and the motivation to look.

Q could have just laid out information in plain language like some of you anti's screech for, but the beauty of it is to FORCE people to take owernship of the information by searching 'far and wide' for it, just as suggest.

Furthermore, Having certain thoughts verified by the ACTUAL PRESIDENT and people who would know, gives meny the impetus to see, accept, and believe the truth.

Like I told you over and over. Books are well and good, but can and have been successfully relegated to the dust bin of kookery by the enemy.

You should be pleased that us ignorant sheeps are finally catching up to your brilliance. Instead, you rail, 'don't listen to him, listen to meeeeeeeeeeeeee'. You remind me of the Jack Blacks or LS's of the world. Jealous of the attention that you think should rightfully be yours. It's a common phenomenon I've seen beyond the trees by the 'too smart by half' crowd.

I suggest you swallow your pride and hitch your wagon to the ONLY chance we have of gaining our freedom from the masters. This opportunity may never come again. We have the Presidency and the military. Had Hillary won, they would have gained total control over the only nation and people that can stop them.

And now you go on to explain how you knew all this all along and give us examples. Great. And you're right when you say,

Q's not telling you much in the way of new information Bagster, he's just telling you things that you didn't know.

I'll accept that. I'm not prideful enough to bristle and I can fully admit my ignorance of certain matters. We, each and every one, have had certain and different levels of knowledge and acceptance of the truth of the world. Q is attempting to bring ALL THE PEOPLE up to snuff informationally and level out the awareness base.

You seeing that as dangerous is just foolish. Trust the people to collectively make the right decisions with the knowledge. Americans have a fundamental feeling for what is right. It's in our DNA provided by our Forefathers.

Great. You knew all this shit before us. Happy now? Now put on your big boy pants and hitch your wagon to the cause. Despite your arrogance, you can be useful. Patton was arrogant, and look at him.

I promise, if Q turns out to be Dr Evil, I'll hustle you out a side door and give you bus fare.

Of course you also called me a germ and an edible root in that conversation so maybe I should take that compliment with a grain of salt.

I call you germ because that is what you are. You have taken on as your mission the 'take down' of what can only be seen as what I've described above. You are an infestation within the body. A virus. You are the Andromeda Strain.

You are a cancerous cell intent on causing harm to the healthy cells and spreading the infection.

And you are a self identified edible root. Don't be mad when I call you what you are, Garth Tater. The truth can be a harsh mistress.

you lied to that normie because the normies aren't ready to handle the truth

You lie when you say I lied. Stop that now. I said I 'have my suspicions/anons know'. I do have my suspicions, which if you're being honest, is what they are. Neither you are I are in the meetings of the cabal. You and I both are getting our 'theories' second hand from others. I happen to believe my suspcisions, but they remain that. I now have verification from a President and not some author or lecturer on the fringes. So,, yea. Strongly held suspicions they must remain.

Question everything is not just pretty words. There is such a thing as 'levels of belief'.

Anyway, I believe I'm right, until its proven that I'm not. Normies, as you call them, are still in denial mode. Ya got to be very careful how you approach them. They're like little frightened rabbits in a way, Move too fast and they scream KOOK, WHACK JOB, RUN AWAY, SHUN HIM. GO BACK TO THE Q THREAD, FREAK.

Stop acting like you don't know this. Acting like you don't is a lie, liar McLiarpants.

And yea, I did invite you here. I also told you that this thread isn't set up to argue about the basic fact that Q is Q, but rather to discuss the actual substance of the information he points to and do research and argue, debate, and discuss it.

You still seem intent on discussing the validity of Q, which I don't approve of. I may withdraw my invitation if you can't mend your evil ways, not that I'm the inviter or have any ownership here. We are all one here and nobody has 'authority', despite what you and the other germs may think.

I do believe that America and this movement can use all the smart people it can get, and you're one of them. You are a smart germ.

Disinfect yourself and join the team. There's plenty still to be discovered and you seem to have a leg up. Share. Keep your "Q is a bad guy" theories to yourself and make it just about the information.

That I can live with, edible root.

And that goes for your fellow germs too. We MUST all come together.

The end.

1,049 posted on 11/22/2019 7:58:51 AM PST by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: Garth Tater

Nice taking Petey and my conversation out of context. I understand, it’s what disinformation agents do. We were discussing on who is pulling the levers and control of 90% of all medias, owned by a few corporations.

You left out I made a guess of being a Soros backed Share Blue organization, who have disinformation agents out there on the internet trying to sow discord and busy undermining the truth through deception. From your other info, you haven’t a clue what has transpired with what the Q team has posted, like the pictures that would only have come from inside the President’s circle.

If you wanted to make a good point, you should have never taken a conversation here out of context to fit your ignorant/deceptive narrative.


1,139 posted on 11/22/2019 10:15:09 AM PST by Conservative Gato (Now there are 4 kind of lies... Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics and the Media)
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