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‘It Was Pretty Scary’: Hordes Of Vultures Taking Over South Jersey Town
Philadelphia CBS ^
| March 8, 2019
| Cleve Bryan
Posted on 03/11/2019 5:43:44 PM PDT by RedMonqey
Menacing-looking vultures are taking over a town in South Jersey and residents want them to buzz off. Hordes of vultures have been hanging around in Mount Holly. Residents want them gone but not everybody feels that way as environmentalists say the vultures are an important part of the ecosystem.
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TOPICS: Humor; Local News; Outdoors; Pets/Animals
KEYWORDS: birds; hoffa; mafia; newjersey; vultures
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To: NativeSon
"Its Jersey - already full vultures, they run the state
(Birds of a feather, flock together....
posted on
03/11/2019 8:35:37 PM PDT
("Those who turn their arms in for plowshares will be doing the plowing for those who didn't.")
To: ProtectOurFreedom
Thanks for the “fun facts”
Especially the “leg coating”
Didn’t know it had a purpose. Yucky but a purpose
As kids we used to lie on our backs and watch the summer clouds go by. Occasionally a “kettle’ of vultures would circle around us(guess they thought we were a “meal” They would circle a few times then catch a thermal and rise...and rise about the tops of the Cumulus clouds and drift out of sight, away from our farm. We counted about twenty something birds. Good times...
posted on
03/11/2019 8:39:22 PM PDT
("Those who turn their arms in for plowshares will be doing the plowing for those who didn't.")
To: Tired of Taxes
"I don't know why this story is even on the news
Slow news day, I ponder..
posted on
03/11/2019 8:40:28 PM PDT
("Those who turn their arms in for plowshares will be doing the plowing for those who didn't.")
To: Intolerant in NJ
"I'm not dead yet -
"Well, he will be soon, he's very ill."
"I'm getting better."(Thud)
posted on
03/11/2019 8:44:13 PM PDT
("Those who turn their arms in for plowshares will be doing the plowing for those who didn't.")
To: mozarky2
"Theres about a 2-3 acre grove of trees on the grounds of my workplace.
The only time we see that many vultures(turkey) on the ground is there's a dead animal. Usually roadkill deer but occasional a dog will get hit.
We leave them alone because they will render the carcass down to bones quicker than if you called the county to come pick the mess up
posted on
03/11/2019 8:47:51 PM PDT
("Those who turn their arms in for plowshares will be doing the plowing for those who didn't.")
To: FreeReign
"On my street, I saw five vultures surround a dead rabbit.
I've read somewhere that vultures, despite the "hook bill they have, cannot open an fresh carcass like, say an eagle or an hawk. They have to wait for the flesh to "mature" and burst it's contents.
That's why the crow snatched the rabbit and the vultures just stood by, dumbfounded.
posted on
03/11/2019 8:53:12 PM PDT
("Those who turn their arms in for plowshares will be doing the plowing for those who didn't.")
To: matthew fuller
I shot and killed a squirrel last week,
posted on
03/11/2019 8:55:40 PM PDT
fortes fortuna juvat
(Civilization is held together by the hangman's noose.)
To: matthew fuller
I had a problem with buzzards. I shot one and the rest of them ate the dead one. Kept that up for a couple of weeks and they ended up all gone.
posted on
03/11/2019 8:58:26 PM PDT
Texas resident
(Democrats=Enemy of People of The United States of America)
To: RedMonqey
Very interesting. Thanks.
To: RedMonqey
They roost in that grove at night; about 200 of them. They used to roost in an old house, but we tore that down. They may not be there anymore. I just retired a couple months ago at 71 yo. I think they were waiting me out...
posted on
03/11/2019 9:48:31 PM PDT
(Ya never stand so tall as when ya stoop to stomp a statist...)
To: ProtectOurFreedom
“My favorite is a squadron of pelicans”
It occured to me once that pigeons flying around and around in their silly circles should be called a “panic of pigeons”. They are the idiots of the bird world. Maybe they’re Democrats. Seems fitting.
posted on
03/11/2019 10:21:57 PM PDT
(I'm becoming a cranky old person. It really annoys me.)
To: RedMonqey
Everyone knows you can’t make democrats leave town.
posted on
03/11/2019 10:36:54 PM PDT
(Islam is an ideology. It is NOT a religion.)
To: RedMonqey
We had a huge smelly dead amur (grass carp) in our pond last spring. My hubby dug it out of the pond and threw it in our woods. The smell was atrocious. Within an hour, a bunch of turkey vultures arrived, ate it, and flew away. Even the smell was gone!
We welcome them for the occasional cleanup job. We live in the woods, and they’re a necessary part of life. They leave when the job is done. We’ve never had issues with their droppings.
Years ago, our town cleaned up roadkill. They don’t anymore. That’s when the hawk and vulture population increased. Actually, they’re more dependable than the city ever was.
posted on
03/12/2019 7:54:22 AM PDT
To: Pearls Before Swine
Vultures as roadkill??
The question then becomes: WHAT EATS THE DEAD VULTURES??
posted on
03/12/2019 7:59:14 AM PDT
To: RedMonqey
To: RedMonqey
Except that vultures fill a very necessary and critical role in any ecosystem.
Democrats? Hardly. Most useless creatures in all God’s creation.
To: ProtectOurFreedom
posted on
03/12/2019 9:17:42 AM PDT
( The USA is not an ATM!)
To: ProtectOurFreedom; RedMonqey
* Kettle refers to vultures in flightLook carefully, and you'll see other large birds sharing their airspace. (e.g.: Bald Eagles, Ospreys, Redtail Hawks).
A friend who soars gliders in those updrafts says the birds "chat" among themselves.
posted on
03/12/2019 11:46:39 AM PDT
Does so
(Build the Cpl Ronil Singh Memorial Wall...A Legal Immigrant...)
To: Does so
I love watching raptors soar. You see them frequently flapping their wings to find new thermals. You hardly ever see a vulture flap its wings. Next time you see some, watch for that. They generally only flap wings to get airborne and land. They are that good at soaring.
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