To: mozarky2
"Theres about a 2-3 acre grove of trees on the grounds of my workplace.
The only time we see that many vultures(turkey) on the ground is there's a dead animal. Usually roadkill deer but occasional a dog will get hit.
We leave them alone because they will render the carcass down to bones quicker than if you called the county to come pick the mess up
65 posted on
03/11/2019 8:47:51 PM PDT by
("Those who turn their arms in for plowshares will be doing the plowing for those who didn't.")
To: RedMonqey
They roost in that grove at night; about 200 of them. They used to roost in an old house, but we tore that down. They may not be there anymore. I just retired a couple months ago at 71 yo. I think they were waiting me out...
70 posted on
03/11/2019 9:48:31 PM PDT by
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