Posted on 08/28/2018 8:14:22 AM PDT by MeganC
It was a late summer afternoon, Sally Dale recalled, when the boy was thrown through the fourth-floor window.
He kind of hit, and she placed both hands palm-down before her. Her right hand slapped down on the left, rebounded up a little, then landed again.
For just a moment, the room was still. Bounced? one of the many lawyers present asked. Well, I guess youd call it it was a bounce, she replied. And then he laid still.
Sally, who was speaking under oath, tried to explain it. She started again. The first thing I saw was looking up, hearing the crash of the window, and then him going down, but my eyes were still glued. She pointed up at where the broken window would have been and then she pointed at her own face and drew circles around it. That habit thing, whatever it is, that they wear, stuck out like a sore thumb.
A nun was standing at the window, Sally said. She straightened her arms out in front of her. But her hands were like that.
There were only two people in the yard, she said: Sally herself and a nun who was escorting her. In a tone that was still completely bewildered, she recalled asking, Sister?
Sister took hold of Sallys ear, turned her around, and walked her back to the other side of the yard. The nun told her she had a vivid imagination. We are going to have to do something about you, child.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
First, let me say that I’m not a Catholic.
However, I remember all the good that the RCC has done over the years; orphages that did NOT abuse children, schools for the blind, deaf, and mute, institutions for the handicapped...
Were they *ALL* abusive?
Whas it *ALL* just a ruse?
And how much better is government at doing these jobs?
Oh, boy... those designated to dumpster dive on those ‘evil’ protestants are going to be flooding FR with ‘everybody’ is doing it stories.
Oh what now
Here comes parse parse parse
This aint God at work in that place
Its someone else
Shame youd make a good one
Corporal punishment is fine
This is sadism
And satanism
Here ya go.
I went to Catholic school through third grade. Some of the nuns were kind, some were not. At least one was mentally unbalanced.
I thought there was an underlying ethos of cruelty and hardness in the schools I went to, in three parishes and two states (we moved a lot, my father was a contractor for the Air Force).
I didn’t come up with the “cruelty ethos” concept at the time. It was years later. I tried to have a conversation with a supposedly high-ranking priest about returning to the church. His demeanor was extremely unpleasant; it was obvious he was not interested in talking with me. I came to him humbly and with contrition, and left thinking “never again.”
I don’t know what happened to the Catholic Church. All I have is a collection of somewhat disjointed memories and a vague theory that I can’t prove. I’m 63 now; my parents left the church in 1963, when I was in third grade. I tried going back to church two years ago. I went for several months, got the cold shoulder when I went to breakfast after Mass, and finally left when I had to listen to global warming and environmentalism during the homily.
I did get to experience Mass as a grand symphony of exultation and piety when I was a small child, and I’ve never forgotten it. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to provide that for my children.
yup- i went to Catholic School for 17 years and heard nothing close...
could this be true??? absolutely- the Catholic church, like all other churches, are run by fallible humans who can be evil- so i could believe this being an exception to the rule...
I once had a theological discussion with a Catholic monk.
After about an hour, he asked me, “How can you know so much about the Bible and not be a Catholic?”
My reply was, “How can you know so much about the Bible and still BE a Catholic?”
We both nearly fell over laughing. Great camaraderie.
I’ve never met a priest or monk that I didn’t like.
Or nuns, for that matter.
There is Feeneyite community near us where the nuns are very accomplished fiddle players.
A friend of mine who owns a Blue Grass club tells me that two of these nuns appeared at the club one night. He said they sat there watching the band all night, and stayed after everybody had left.
This is when the band and the owner and his wife retire to the loft to jam into the wee hours.
He saw the nuns follow them up the stairs and wondered what they were up to.
Well, out came the guitars, banjos, and mandolins, and these two nuns pulled out their fiddles. According to him, they proceeded to burn the place down! Figuratively speaking, of course ;)
good for you...i live in a town that is over run by illegals...the priests in our church work with the agencies that protect the illegals as most of the illegals from CA are Catholic...the priests, including our pastor who is a former Marine and leans conservative, knows better than to preach to the congregation about the need to support illegals because if they did most of us would walk out- as you did...
In my NZ town the only piano teachers were the nuns at the convent school...
Any Protestant child who went to them for lessons was habitually tapped on the knuckles for mistakes...sometimes so hard the bruises were still there days later...these were my school mates and I saw the hands ...sometimes even cut...
It was said that the Catholic piano students were not mistreated in this way...
When my mother asked me if I wanted to take piano, knowing about the abuse towards my friends and fearing the nuns I said I didn’t although I loved music and I did long to learn...
Later in high school our headmistress was from a local prominent Catholic family and openly mocked and verbally abused Protestant girls while gushing over the Catholic girls especially her own relatives...
I was fortunate that my older sisters had excelled in academics and sports and my family was a prominent Protestant one so I got a kind of pass, but I knew she wasn’t fond of me either...
I just finished a great book, BEFORE WE WERE YOURS which is a fictional book based on the true events of the Tennessee Childrens Home Society, a state sanctioned orphanage that operated between 1939 and 1950. The director routinely had children stolen from poor families and sold to rich ones, Joan Crawford, June Allison were among their clients. The abuse was horrible, especially to the older kids who were not desirable for adoption and similar to this story although not a catholic orphanage, there were missing children suspected of being murdered, starved and abused.
St. Lukes Catholic Church. Barrington, RI.
I was 7 years old.
Monsignor O’Gara talked my parents out of pressing charges.
The nuns all knew what happened. They grabbed me after the incident.
THANKS SO MUCH for posting this.....I scanned large sections of it, and was surprised at its length, and the exhaustive detail, not to mention the quality of the reportage. Lots was going through my mind as I read, not the least of which being that these accounts are infinitely more believable than all the bogus Salem Witch hunt prosecutions involving day care workers throughout the 1980s, virtually ALL of which were proven to be fabricated in a grand sick conspiracy between Law Enforcement, Lawyers and political figures looking for notoriety as a way to add notches to their respective belts,beef up their resumes as “crime-fighters”-—what a gold mine this was in the 80s,(”Look, a whole new untapped area we can get in on the ground floor!) and how many lives were ruined, how many were literally IMPRISONED (start with Margaret Kelly Michaels, for one, right here in New Jersey. Meanwhile, the prosecutors suffered not at all for their BIG LIE. Once again my thanks, Megan C. -—this will be bookmarked for future reference.
My experience was similar to yours. My mother abandoned my father and I when I was barely a toddler. My father put me in a working class Catholic boarding school when I was about 5, and I stayed there until I graduated from high school. Although I never saw the kind of severe physical and sexual abuse described in the article, the nuns were cold, psychologically abusive in numerous ways, and physically abusive on a lower level — rulers, paddling, smacks across the face — that sort of thing. They also confiscated (stole) allowance money and other things. Kids were never believed. They just had to endure. I hated the nuns, hated that place and rebelled as best I could. Upon HS graduation, I left and never looked back. I also have never actively practiced any religion my entire adult life, because if that’s what it meant to be religious, I want no part of it.
Of course, my offense was nothing remotely close to saying "f you penguin," which I think is where Jake crossed the line.
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