Posted on 08/25/2018 10:11:20 PM PDT by ransomnote
“Trust The Plan”
YouTube President Trump This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected (The Plan) - 6 min
YouTube Joe Masepoes Q - The Plan To Save The World - 13 min - popular introduction
Threadreader Jason Wright Q Anon Is Real - Oct, Nov 2017 Q drops + commentary
Threadreader ImperatorRex A thread on how Team Trump is preparing the normies for what is coming: major Swamp Draining. - overview
Paul Serran What is Q? - 31 point introduction
Article Sundance Imagine You are Not a Politician, Yet You are Running For The Presidency - overview
Thread Martin Geddes WWG1WGA: The greatest communications event in history - 4 min - quick overview
“Pay Attention” Thread Q drops - created by Q, searchable by date or drop number
Website Q drops and research - includes extensive resources and links
Website Q drops - copied from Q’s 8chan board
“The Truth Is Spreading” Thread Anonymous QProofs - compiled “proofs” that Q has trusted insider access to President Trump Oracles Bagster Oracle - warm and witty summaries of each day's thread Lexicon Swordmaker LexiQon - immense list of expanded acronyms and terms used by Q; invaluable reference “Power to the People” YouTube Praying Medic Series of videos explaining Q-drops Praying Medic Immediate reactions to Q-drops YouTube Dustin Nemos Series of videos identifying Q content - Well reasoned; excellent documentation links ImperatorRex Includes Q-drop reactions Thread SkyPilot Story of Q - collection of Q information “Silent Majority No More”
Website White House Email the White House with your support and suggestions Website Congress Email Congress with your support and suggestions Website Q Cards Thread Little Jeremiah Memes “Fight, Fight, Fight!” YouTube President Reagan A Time for Choosing - 3 min - 1964 speech set to Matthew Worth’s images YouTube President Kennedy The President and the Press - 20 min - 1961 speech on secret societies
I do not believe that white hats would encourage suicide.
Agree. I think they might give a heads up about proof of wrong doing that will be revealed, though.
I take the same position I do for terrorists, if you don't need them for intelligence exploitation, kill them in battle. Tip your servers! But not with a cloth!
I haven’t had time to thoroughly read last nights drops.
“[The weasel just arrived on Capitol Hill a short while ago]”
I just happened to see that and I thought he looked very ‘cocky’ just like Strzok looked.
Very prescient.
Good doggy.
And welcome to Free Republic.
New drops. :D
One thing that might happen in 30 days is that it gets delayed again. It's been delayed and rescheduled 4 times, so why not one more time?
Another thing that might happen is that Mueller recommends a very very light sentence. Zero days in jail and a $1000. fine. I think that Flynn might prefer that to having the plea bargain dropped.
If the plea bargain is dropped, guilty plea withdrawn, then Flynn is back in the cross-hairs for a number of things that the guilty plea immunized him for. In particular working as a foreign agent without registration is probably a crime he's guilty of. (And a zillion others in DC too, and it's a small crime in the grand scheme of things, but probably could carry a long sentence.)
Remember when Scooter Libby got five years in prison for, basically, remembering a conversation differently than someone else.
Also, there was some reporting that Mueller was going to indict Flynn's son. That's a signature move of these guys lately, so I tend to believe it.
So, even if it's a B.S. charge Flynn may prefer that the sentencing goes through, particularly if it's a "slap on the wrist' type, mostly because it immunizes him.
Alternately: he could ask to withdraw his guilty plea. It was widely reported that Papadopolous was considering withdrawing his guilty plea.
I can speculate in several directions, but I favor the "he gets a slap on the wrist".
Did he provide any useful information on Trump/Russia? I think he did not. Mostly because he had none, mostly because nothing ever happened, and the Trump-Russia collusion story is as fake as a three dollar bill.
But again going back to Libby: the fact that the Special Counsel learned the answer to the question he was hired to investigate in the first 15 minutes on the job (Who leaked the fact that Plame worked for the CIA to the press? Answer: Richard Arbitrage), that did not even slow Fitz down in conducting a full on witch hunt, and eventually prosecuting and convicting Scooter Libby and then getting him sentenced to Five years in prison.
I think most people caught up in something like this get to the point where they just want the threat of something like that (a ridiculously long sentence for a fake crime) to go away. I suspect Flynn is there.
I suspect Trump pardon's him, too, at some point.
I take it to be an implication that the Ayatollah may be vulnerable.
LOL, not an issue.
Brilliant analysis of Black Jack’s rigged scoring system.
#1943 Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 28 Aug 2018 - 9:56:22 AM FISA (ABCs) v INSCOM NOFORN NSA INSCOM BRIDGE FISA = FISC Who is accountable to Congress (civilian body)? Define 'State Secrets'. Process of obtaining a FISA warrant? What must be DEMONSTRATED to be GRANTED? Who must SIGN OFF? Can 'select' individuals in senior positions of power be SHADOW BANNED from ACTIVE FISA WARRANTS / SURV? NAT SEC Sufficient evidence shown to demonstrate rogue elements of intelligence apparatus illegally violated FISA law (tenets) in coordinated effort w/ d+foreign allies to impact/mod the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election & safeguard against future uncover / criminal prosecution? Who must sign off on FISA warrants? Who directs the signers? Given magnitude of spy campaign (U.S. Presidential Election Republican Party Nominee Candidate + President Elect + President of the United States) would HUSSEIN be required to DIRECT ORDER? How would updates occur? PDB? Who has access to the PDB? On-site CLAS briefings / SIT ROOM / OO / PEOC / N_C? How often does a President use PEOC?📁 Could FISA warrants be issued/active for numerous 'in-the- news now/future' U.S. targets? 'Foreign' tangent req to obtain warrant to spy on U.S. ORIG? Define 'Projection'. What is Known? Connections (them) to Russia/other F assets? Who commands INSCOM? Who commands No Such Agency? Who has ULTIMATE command? Q
See 1285 too.
“””Haffast, can you elaborate on the sumptin, sumptin that can help me. My rage is threatening to overtake me every time I hear some TV whore call him a hero. I am vomitous. Requesting we pay for flight and military band, seriously?”””
I feel your pain, and the irony of [ They ] using our hard earned money to promote their narratives.
“The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money.” - Alexis de Tocqueville
Sorry for the late reply, but I had to hang up my eyeballs early after spending most of my time last night listening to the anons. Therefore I’m waaaay behind and posting blind. Apologies to the FReeQ Hive Mind. Buzz, buzz
One notable for me was:
Anonymous 08/27/18 (Mon) 20:16:29 5c1a6a (8) No.2758914
The higher they are, the further they will fall, kek
People watching everyone fall over themselves with praise for him, will be a more effective red pill, when all the information comes out, that prove the opposite.
It will be a great red pill.
Watch Donald Trump Take Down WWE’s Vince McMahon Back in 2007
President Trump is an excellent promoter/troller. It’s showbiz!!
MSM goes wild. Look at this idiot!! LOLOL
Rug gets yanked out from under them. Discredit, shame, they reveal who they are.
Wash, rinse, repeat. Wash, rinse, repeat. Wash, rinse, repeat. Each time America notices a little more.
Now it’s time for “War Hero” No-Name
MSM: How dare you dis a veteran and “war hero”!! It’s outrageous. Unpatriotic! You hate America!! Don’t you know any better???!!
Why yes. Yes he does. Better than you MSM.
At the proper SHOWTIME comes the rug yank again. President Trump has backed off a bit, he’s just watching for the proper timing for best effect.
Cheer up, get comfy, and watch the show! MAGA
HIVE MIND, some things to ponder:
Arizona Mafia
John McCains Mob Connections
March 11, 2008 by Kipper Mathews
John McCain Accused of Genocide (NAVAHO)
March 6, 2008 by Kipper Mathews
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: fd6f58 No.2758814
Aug 27 2018 19:11:09 (EST)
HRC election loss = CF inflow stop
CF inflow stop = No Name Institute inflow ramp
Compare donors.
Who got the 20% uranium? Through Oh Canada!! and Friend of Bill?
Who got 25% copper leaving us the shaft? Friend of Bill Australian Alexander Downer:
I chased an Apache Down a rabbit hole and only came up covered in copper ore dirt:
The Top of the Pyramid: The Rothschilds, the Vatican and the British Crown Rule World
Compare 5EYE countries list with the original 1931 British Commmonwealth list. Note who sticks out.
SpyGate. GCHQ. Halper’s Hurricane
[ They ]have never been our ally.
Who controls London?
Meet your master(builders).
Godfather III coming this Fall
“Warning - The links on this page are valuable sources of information but there is no guarantee that all of the information provided is the truth. The truth is elusive at best and if you wish to find it you must listen to everyone, read everything, believe nothing unless you can prove it in your own research.”
“This is the age of deception. We are engaged in an information war. Links will take you to many other websites containing varying degrees of personal belief, religious dogma, truth, lies, misinformation, and disinformation. We urge you to practice due diligence in your quest for truth.” (Warnings credited to William Cooper)
I've never been convinced that the fellow identified as Al Baghdadi is really him. This was originally just based on me thinking it didn't look like him. (I had watched his entire video of his speech in the mosque a few years ago, watching video gives you more of a feel for what someone looks like than a single snap-shot.)
The official story is that the guy pictured was another resistance leader:
[I]t has been vexing for Mr. McCain to be battling persistent and false Internet rumors that he not only helped invent [ISIS] but also knows its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed caliph of the Muslim world and Americas latest Public Enemy No. 1. The rumors are based partly on images of a Syrian fighter who resembles Mr. Baghdadi, seen in photographs with Mr. McCain some originally posted on Twitter by the senator during his visit in May 2013 to northern Syria.In fact, they didn't just rely on Snopes to debunk this story, they called out the big guns - a full article in the New York Times:Brian Rogers, Mr. McCains communications director, was not amused. The man who was misidentified as Mr. Baghdadi in the photographs, Mr. Rogers said, was a commander of the Northern Storm Brigade, a group linked to the Free Syrian Army. Mr. Rogers declined to identify him by name, saying he feared for the mans safety.
Try as He May, John McCain Cant Shake Falsehoods About Ties to ISIS
So, it's interesting that Q not only brought the photo back up, but chose the meme version with its explicit naming of Al-Baghdadi.
Baghdadi has been killed many times, and just recently released a long tape threatening the West with more terrorism.
Toronto Sun: EDITORIAL: ISIS leader calls for attacks on Canada again
#1944 Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 28 Aug 2018 - 9:56:22 AM FISA (ABCs) v INSCOM NOFORN NSA INSCOM BRIDGE FISA = FISC Who is accountable to Congress (civilian body)? Define 'State Secrets'. Process of obtaining a FISA warrant? What must be DEMONSTRATED to be GRANTED? Who must SIGN OFF? Can 'select' individuals in senior positions of power be SHADOW BANNED from ACTIVE FISA WARRANTS / SURV? NAT SEC Sufficient evidence shown to demonstrate rogue elements of intelligence apparatus illegally violated FISA law (tenets) in coordinated effort w/ d+foreign allies to impact/mod the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election & safeguard against future uncover / criminal prosecution? Who must sign off on FISA warrants? Who directs the signers? Given magnitude of spy campaign (U.S. Presidential Election Republican Party Nominee Candidate + President Elect + President of the United States) would HUSSEIN be required to DIRECT ORDER? How would updates occur? PDB? Who has access to the PDB? On-site CLAS briefings / SIT ROOM / OO / PEOC / N_C? How often does a President use PEOC?📁 Could FISA warrants be issued/active for numerous 'in-the- news now/future' U.S. targets? 'Foreign' tangent req to obtain warrant to spy on U.S. ORIG? Define 'Projection'. What is Known? Connections (them) to Russia/other F assets? Who commands INSCOM? Who commands No Such Agency? Who has ULTIMATE command? Q >>2767120 Define 'Treason'. [Fact] : the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family : the betrayal of a trust : treachery Define 'Treason'. [Fiction][Sample] have-forgotten-what-treason-actually-means-how-it-can- ncna848651📁 meter/article/2018/jul/23/treason-trumps-actions-russian- putin-meeting/📁 heffernan-treason-20180804-story.html📁 treason-bill-maher-and-john-brennan-agree-he-has- 1.6413926📁 traitor-conversation-former-cia-director-john-brennan- 1090821📁 -russia-investigation-putin.html📁 trump-treasonous-heres-the-legal-and-historical-answer-to- that-charge-2018-07-17📁 https://www.washington treason/2017/02/17/8b9eb3a8-f460-11e6-a9b0- ecee7ce475fc_story.html? noredirect=on&utm_term=.f082167f9992📁 news/2018/jul/18/readers-panel-us-voters-react-to-trumps- conference-with-putin📁 news/shortcuts/2018/jul/17/are-donald-trump-and-theresa-may- really-committing-treason📁 ntary/ct-perspec-trump-treason-oath-of-office-0720-20180719- story.html📁 ome-dare-call-it-treason-219014📁 trustand-trump-1534803727📁 politics/2018/07/18/treason-trump-benedict-arnold-legal- definition-widespread-political- application/792598002/📁 Trump-Vladimir-Putin-visit-Helsinki-summit-treason-USA- law📁 https://www.huffington searches_us_5b4d1330e4b0de86f485ada1📁 Define 'Projection'. What is the penalty for treason? actions/2018-amendments-manual-courts-martial-united- states/📁 Q
ping to great summary
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