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1 posted on 08/07/2018 11:09:15 AM PDT by duckln
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To: duckln

Guy needs and editor. I’ll fix it for him:

‘Among the Jewish NeoCons, hatred of Russia also runs deep, and little or no distinction is made in most quarters between things Russian and Soviet.’

2 posted on 08/07/2018 11:21:06 AM PDT by PAR35
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To: duckln

Tell that to Putin. He doesn’t seem to get it.

3 posted on 08/07/2018 11:25:03 AM PDT by CondoleezzaProtege
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To: duckln

PUTIN is the one who is still stuck in Stalin-land and bitter about the collapse. And wanting to revenge. And he hates America as much as any lefty Democrat.

4 posted on 08/07/2018 11:26:02 AM PDT by CondoleezzaProtege
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To: duckln

No, but the Democrat party is trying to make America into the Soviet Union.

6 posted on 08/07/2018 11:27:14 AM PDT by Scott from the Left Coast
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To: duckln

The Democrats didn’t hate the Soviet Union, only post-soviet Russia, and only after they stopped the gravy train when Trump was elected. Remember, almost everyone connected to the Clintons were on the Russian payroll.

8 posted on 08/07/2018 11:28:22 AM PDT by marron
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To: duckln

The huge difference between Russia and the Soviet Union is that Soviet Union had a messianic, religious ideology it was promoting throughout the world. Yes, it worked for national power, but it cloaked itself in the religion of global marxism

Russia is the opposite. It works for national power, but its ideology is now the opposite. It focuses on Russian culture, Russian religion, Russian language and Russian race. It has no ideology to sell the world.

That makes a very typical nation, and you engage it in the same way as all rivals

11 posted on 08/07/2018 11:33:32 AM PDT by PGR88
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To: duckln

Mike Pence on Putin and Russia:

(from the VP debate on Oct 5, 2016)

“When Donald Trump and I observe that, as I’ve said, in Syria, in Iran, in Ukraine, that the small and bullying leader of Russia has been stronger on the world stage than this administration, that’s stating painful facts. That’s not an endorsement of Vladimir Putin — that’s an indictment of the weak and feckless leadership of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.”


Also from the Oct 5, 2016 first VP debate...

QUIJANO (Moderator): I want to turn now to Syria. Two hundred fifty thousand people, 100,000 of them children, are under siege in Aleppo, Syria. Bunker buster bombs, cluster munitions, and incendiary weapons are being dropped on them by Russian and Syrian militaries. Does the U.S. have a responsibility to protect civilians and prevent mass casualties on this scale, Governor Pence?

PENCE: The United States of America needs to begin to exercise strong leadership to protect the vulnerable citizens and over 100,000 children in Aleppo. Hillary Clinton’s top priority when she became secretary of state was the Russian reset, the Russians reset. After the Russian reset, the Russians invaded Ukraine and took over Crimea.

And the small and bullying leader of Russia is now dictating terms to the United States to the point where all the United States of America — the greatest nation on Earth — just withdraws from talks about a cease-fire while Vladimir Putin puts a missile defense system in Syria while he marshals the forces and begins — look, we have got to begin to lean into this with strong, broad-shouldered American leadership.

It begins by rebuilding our military. And the Russians and the Chinese have been making enormous investments in the military. We have the smallest Navy since 1916. We have the lowest number of troops since the end of the Second World War. We’ve got to work with Congress, and Donald Trump will, to rebuild our military and project American strength in the world.

But about Aleppo and about Syria, I truly do believe that what America ought to do right now is immediately establish safe zones, so that families and vulnerable families with children can move out of those areas, work with our Arab partners, real time, right now, to make that happen.

And secondly, I just have to tell you that the provocations by Russia need to be met with American strength. And if Russia chooses to be involved and continue, I should say, to be involved in this barbaric attack on civilians in Aleppo, the United States of America should be prepared to use military force to strike military targets of the Assad regime to prevent them from this humanitarian crisis that is taking place in Aleppo.

There’s a broad range of other things that we ought to do, as well. We ought to deploy a missile defense shield to the Czech Republic and Poland which Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama pulled back on out of not wanting to offend the Russians back in 2009.

QUIJANO: Governor, your two minutes are up.

PENCE: We’ve just got to have American strength on the world stage. When Donald Trump becomes president of the United States, the Russians and other countries in the world will know they’re dealing with a strong American president.



PENCE: What we’re dealing with is the — you know, there’s an old proverb that says the Russian bear never dies, it just hibernates.

And the truth of the matter is, the weak and feckless foreign policy of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama has awakened an aggression in Russia that first appeared a few years ago with their move in Georgia, now their move into Crimea, now their move into the wider Middle East.

21 posted on 08/07/2018 11:59:41 AM PDT by ETL (Obama-Hillary, REAL Russia collusion! Uranium-One Deal, Missile Defense, Iran Deal, Nukes: Click ETL)
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To: duckln

Donald Trump: 'Putin has eaten Obama's lunch, therefore our lunch, for a long period of time'

Mar 13, 2014
Eun Kyung Kim: TODAY SHOW (NBC)

Donald Trump slammed President Obama Thursday on TODAY for failing to take a stronger line against President Vladimir Putin in dealing with Ukraine, saying he feared Obama would now make up for lost time with imprudent moves to "show his manhood."

The real estate mogul and reality-TV star, who has criticized Putin for sending military troops into Crimea, said Obama must now take fierce steps to prevent the situation from escalating further.

"We should definitely do sanctions and we have to show some strengths. I mean, Putin has eaten Obama's lunch, therefore our lunch, for a long period of time," Trump said. ..."

Here’s the interview w/ Matt Lauer on YouTube...

Donald Trump (2014): ‘Vladimir Putin Has Eaten Obama’s Lunch’:

22 posted on 08/07/2018 12:00:17 PM PDT by ETL (Obama-Hillary, REAL Russia collusion! Uranium-One Deal, Missile Defense, Iran Deal, Nukes: Click ETL)
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To: duckln
JULY 2017...

Trump, in Warsaw Speech, Criticizes Russia’s ‘Destabilizing’ Role in Ukraine, Syria

The president also reaffirmed his commitment to NATO’s mutual-defense pact

Jul 6, 2017

President Trump called Russia a “destabilizing” influence in Europe and the Middle East, and urged it to “join the community of responsible nations,” in his strongest remarks yet against the regime of Vladimir Putin, whom he is scheduled to meet Friday in Hamburg for the first time.

His remarks in Warsaw’s Krasinski Square, which marks the 1944 Warsaw uprising against the Nazis, came after the U.S. agreed to sell Patriot missiles to Poland. The president also used the opportunity to reiterate the NATO commitment to mutual defense, a declaration he did not make during the NATO summit in May, prompting consternation among U.S. allies wary of Russia’s ambitions.

“To those who would criticize our tough stance, I would point out that the United States has demonstrated—not merely with its words but with its actions—that we stand firmly behind Article 5, the mutual-defense commitment,” Trump said Thursday. “Words are easy, but actions are what matters. And for its own protection, Europe, and you know this, everybody knows this, everybody has to know this, Europe must do more.”

Trump has repeatedly said NATO members must spend more on defense—a position in line with past U.S. administrations. But he has been criticized because he appeared to suggest U.S. commitment to mutual defense was predicated on its allies’ defense spending. ...”

23 posted on 08/07/2018 12:00:42 PM PDT by ETL (Obama-Hillary, REAL Russia collusion! Uranium-One Deal, Missile Defense, Iran Deal, Nukes: Click ETL)
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To: duckln

How Russia arms America's southern neighbors

Ioan Grillo
May 9, 2014

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil -- Russia's push into Ukraine has put many on edge. But less known is that Russia is also strengthening its military links south of the Rio Grande and re-establishing itself as a power in the region.

Vladimir Putin has been strengthening military links here, and Russia is now the largest arms dealer to governments in Latin America, surpassing the United States.

Russia has even floated the possibility of building new military bases in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, and putting its warships permanently in the Caribbean.

In the midst of the Ukraine crisis, Russia's top diplomat Sergei Lavrov recently visited Cuba, Peru, Chile, and Nicaragua, where he announced that Russia would also pour money into the new Central American canal project. ..."

Russia Boosts Arms, Training for Leftist Latin Militaries

Moscow defense minister inks deals with Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua for joint exercises

BY: Bill Gertz
February 20, 2015

Russia agreed to provide military training for three leftist regimes in Latin America and increase military visits and exercises following a visit last week to the region by Moscow's Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu, Pentagon officials said.

Shoygu met with defense and military leaders in Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua and signed several agreements on warship visits and military training during the visit, which ran from Feb. 11 to 14. It is not clear whether any new arms deals were completed during the visit.

Defense officials said the Russian leader is seeking bases in the region for strategic bomber flights that Shoygu recently promised would include flights over the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean.


KGB/FSB Putin very much wants a 'unified Korea'...under communist NK rule


Russia and North Korea declare 2015 a ‘year of friendship’

“The biggest cause for concern is the growing military alliance between Russia and North Korea, with the two regimes recently announcing plans to conduct a series of joint army, navy and air force exercises this year.”


Russia steps up North Korea support to constrain US

May 17, 2017

“Despite efforts by the United Nations to impose isolating sanctions on North Korea in response to the country’s continued development of nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles, trade between Russia and North Korea soared more than 85 percent in the first four months of the year.”


Sept 5, 2017

North Korea nuclear crisis: Putin calls sanctions useless

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said pursuing further sanctions against North Korea is “useless”, saying “they’d rather eat grass than give up their nuclear programme”.

The US said on Monday it would table a new UN resolution on tougher sanctions in the wake of the latest test of a nuclear bomb by the North on Sunday.

Mr Putin also said that the ramping up of “military hysteria” could lead to global catastrophe.

He said diplomacy was the only answer.

China, the North’s main ally, has also called for a return to negotiations. ...”


From the Sino-Russian Joint Statement of April 23, 1997:
"The two sides [China and Russia] shall, in the spirit of partnership, strive to promote the multipolarization of the world and the establishment of a new international order."

"Joint war games are a logical outcome of the Sino-Russian Friendship and Cooperation Treaty signed in 2001, and reflect the shared worldview and growing economic ties between the two Eastern Hemisphere giants."

25 posted on 08/07/2018 12:01:45 PM PDT by ETL (Obama-Hillary, REAL Russia collusion! Uranium-One Deal, Missile Defense, Iran Deal, Nukes: Click ETL)
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To: duckln
Post Communism Russia is not the Soviet Union

It can be argued that Communist Russia was Czarist Russia with less food and with post-communist Russia we are back to Czarist Russia without the titles.

Russia really does not change.

They have been playing "The Great Game" for a thousand years now. They are not the West, they are not the East. They are themselves. And while our interests may run in tandem for a while you should never turn your back on them or expect them to keep their word unless it is to their advantage.

In some ways they are much like China.

30 posted on 08/07/2018 12:23:10 PM PDT by Harmless Teddy Bear (Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea is getting cold.)
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To: duckln

It wants to be. Putin is KGB.

34 posted on 08/07/2018 1:09:51 PM PDT by TBP (Progressives lack compassion and tolerance. Their self-aggrandizement is all that matters.)
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To: duckln

That’s right!!!


35 posted on 08/07/2018 1:11:09 PM PDT by Enlightened1
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To: duckln

Good article.

Russia is not a superpower and its not even hostile. Unlike the Soviet Union, it is not bent on our overthrow and destruction. Its no friend, true enough. Its not an enemy either though.

We need to withdraw from NATO and the Middle East and bring the boys home. That alone would remove practically all of our disagreements with Russia. Besides, why should we subsidize the Yurps’ defense and given our booming energy sector, why should we constantly meddle in the middle east to ensure the flow of our which we don’t need? If that flow gets disrupted, China and Europe take it right in the shorts. *shrug* Oh well. That’s not our problem.

37 posted on 08/07/2018 2:27:27 PM PDT by FLT-bird
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To: duckln

I have little problem with Russia. Putin however has made clear multiple times that he wants to restore Communism and the USSR, even aiding and abetting Communist revolutions and Communist states such as North Korea. Don’t believe me? Read this:


Bear in mind that the first three aren’t liberal rags such as the LA Times or Newsweek (like the final one), but actual Conservative news sources that make this clear and even quote Putin on many aspects regarding the promotion of Communism. If he were truly concerned with restoring Russia, he would have made SURE to wipe out the Communists, get rid of ALL iconography that honors them, do a full-on Nuremberg of all Communists in Russia, ban the party, and also make sure to not only reject funding for any Communist allies, but if anything back as allies anti-Communist forces. That’s what I would have done in his shoes regarding making Russia great again.

38 posted on 08/07/2018 2:27:41 PM PDT by otness_e
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To: duckln

My father’s father came to this country from Russia in 1923, in the immediate aftermath of the Communist Revolution. He had one brother here, with the rest of the family unable to get out. Fast forward to the 1990s, after the (blessed) fall of the USSR: one of my father’s cousins got out, and I asked him what it was like to live in Russia after Communism. His response was:

“Same wall, different wallpaper.”

IOW, those living there knew that nothing much had, or would, change.

It isn’t just “neocons” or “Jewish neocons” who believe this.

Now, from my own POV, the further we get from the USSR, the more that Russia will become the Russia of old. Since it is, essentially, Mexico with a very large nuclear arsenal, we had best get along at least well enough that we don’t have any reason to start shooting at each other. The trust necessary to continue avoiding that kind of event will lead, over time, to more trust. Perhaps, after a generation or two, it may even lead to a friendship of sorts. After all, we’re now friends with Great Britain, Germany and Japan - and they all used to be our bitter enemies.

44 posted on 08/07/2018 3:31:53 PM PDT by Ancesthntr ("The right to buy weapons is the right to be free." A. E. van Vogt)
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