The things I miss about Southern California include the daily car chases. I also miss The Sizzler, Wahoo's Fish Tacos, Pick Up Stix, and authentic Mexican Food instead of this Tex Mex. (Sorry he killed himself. We watched via internet last night)
1 posted on
06/14/2018 8:24:44 AM PDT by
To: vespa300
Bad joke time.
What part of the body is the Cajon Pass?
End of bad joke.
2 posted on
06/14/2018 8:28:50 AM PDT by
(I chose to be a sheepdog once I saw what happens to the sheep.)
To: vespa300
That’s why the stream ended so quickly...
4 posted on
06/14/2018 8:30:22 AM PDT by
(We WON the Battle, Now let's WIN THE WAR!!!!)
To: vespa300
I guess I am a bad person.
A man who endangers himself and every innocent on the road with a rented U-Haul truck, by evading arrest is not a person I will miss. Criminals are not an endangered species, although I wish they were. The world is a better place with fewer people like that in it.
Assume personal responsibility. I pull over and take my ticket; I expect others to do exactly the same thing.
6 posted on
06/14/2018 8:33:08 AM PDT by
(A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.- Burroughs)
To: vespa300
If it leads...
8 posted on
06/14/2018 8:40:44 AM PDT by
(Wisdom is more valuable than gold and diamonds, and harder to find.)
To: vespa300
High speed in a UHaul truck? Don’t they govern them to 60 mph?
9 posted on
06/14/2018 8:42:34 AM PDT by
(I Shall Remain, in spite of __________.)
To: vespa300
What was in the u-haul?
Why did the guy flee?
Why did the guy off himself?
10 posted on
06/14/2018 8:43:17 AM PDT by
To: vespa300
12 posted on
06/14/2018 8:46:43 AM PDT by
Celtic Conservative
(Do you know what really burns my ass? A flame about 3 feet high.)
To: vespa300
I have a friend from high school who became a Sheriff's Deputy. I used to ride with him when I was working Security.
I was listening to the scanner one evening and my buddy and another deputy got into a chase with a murder suspect, who shot himself at the end of the chase.
The radio traffic was as follows:
That subject 10-7?
10-4, he's definitely 10-7, 10-42.
13 posted on
06/14/2018 8:47:35 AM PDT by
real saxophonist
( YouTube + Twitter + Facebook =
To: vespa300
16 posted on
06/14/2018 8:51:14 AM PDT by
(Texas Conservative Christian *born again believer in Jesus Christ* Black Man!)
To: vespa300
shot himself in the Cajon Pass at the end of the pursuit.
Just here for the snarky comments at this one.
To: vespa300
The video showing the actual “suicide” shows the bullet exiting the roof of the truck. So obviously he blew his brains out.
To: vespa300
I miss Roberto's rolled tacos, the weather (I lived in San Diego County), and the car chases. We drove that same route last November while we were visiting. My brother-in-law lives about 2 miles from where it ended.
Now I follow the chases on @PCALive.
To: vespa300
Did you forget to mention In-and-Out Burgers?
24 posted on
06/14/2018 11:41:48 AM PDT by
(Revival, America's only real hope!)
To: vespa300
“The things I miss about Southern California include the daily car chases.”
You don’t have to be left out- Tim Conway Jr follows every single one that happens during his KFI evening show- and all the local news channels that have a copter show live feeds at their online sites.
27 posted on
06/14/2018 11:47:20 AM PDT by
(California, Mexico's socialist colony)
To: vespa300
If only the criminals and crazies would stick to killing themselves instead of killing others or taking others with them...
34 posted on
06/14/2018 12:36:11 PM PDT by
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