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Locked on 05/15/2018 5:03:31 PM PDT by Jim Robinson, reason:
911 conspiracy crap is unwelcome on FR at any time. If you “Q” posters try sneaking it in on “Q” threads, you’re going to lose the thread. Also, banned posters are banned. Do not continue posting their crap, ie, Quix and his craziness is unwelcome on FR! |
Posted on 05/08/2018 8:10:43 PM PDT by ransomnote
This thread is a friendly collaborative place for FReepers to analyze information and share opinons. FReepers have a wide variety of reasons for investigating Q Anon content; this is not the appropriate place to criticize or badger those who choose to use some of their time in this manner.
If you are new to Q Anon, the three links below provide overviews to help answer the questions, "Who is Q?" and "Why read Q drops?".
Q Anon: A Freeper's post re the "new Parallel Construct that Trump has created"
First post to Q ping list. Please read and let me know if you want off or on it
You can locate Q Anon threads by searching the key word "Qanon" using the search window in the upper right of Free Republic's forum page.
If you haven't seen it yet, President John F. Kennedy's excellent speech regarding secret societies, as well as comments about the press, is located at the following link:
A helpful FReeper passed along the following Youtube link to a good source for concise reviewes of Q drops, Praying Medic:
Praying Medic also has a a Twitter account:
Q "drops" (i.e., posts) can be read with their original formatting on various websites. Sometimes the Q drop websites come under cyber attack or stop updating. This week, I've been using the following link:
Q drops (i.e., posts) often use unfamiliar acronyms. Swordmaker maintains a list of acronymsto help FReepers understand Q drop text. The master list of acronyms is stored on Swordmaker's profile page. It's really great to have a convenient place to find definitions and explanations of terms used in the drops. Here is the link:
Within our threads, Swordmaker posts updates featuring the latest terms added to the lexicon - you can find his updates on threads by looking for this silver Q graphic:
SkyPilot has been collecting Q Anon information into one interesting, detailed, "story of Q" post which I'll place here:
Here's a handy link for those who would like to read what people on Twitter are Tweeting about Q Anon:
Click to read what Tweeters are saying about Q Anon
For those who want a little uplifting video which outlines the big picture that we are now striving for, here's a video from 2016 in which candidate Donald Trump outlines what he wants for Americans and America and his promises if elected.
This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected
If you'd like to communicate your support for President Trump's efforts to "red-pill" Americans, you may want to use the link Hoosiermama posted which provides you with and email page - you can send the president an email. Here's the link:
Email support for President Trump
Pamela Anderson just sent out a twitter plea to Kanye asking him to get involved with JAs case, she says she thinks he’s being tortured.
You're welcome.
Agree, safe numbers
Great picture only amplifies the “why” they needed to stop
and “refuel” AF1 in Alaska....
Dig in ....
The answer is out there
Black left eye most likely took a right.
Appreciate the summary.
Hi Cboldt- just read your post re NZ/funding/spy agencies - etc.
Within the quote at the bottom of your last paragraph, the phrase was used, “And that is the catch-22 with spy agency”
In earlier Q posts, he has used and emphasized the number “22.”
I am wondering if a possible alternate (not the only) meaning of those Q references could be to that common phrase, taken from the movie, “Catch 22.”
Just a thought.
“Strictly speaking, a “Catch-22” is “a problematic situation for which the only solution is denied by a circumstance inherent in the problem or by a rule.”[13] For example, losing something is typically a conventional problem; to solve it, one looks for the lost item until one finds it. But if the thing lost is one’s glasses, one cannot see to look for them a Catch-22. The term “Catch-22” is also used more broadly to mean a tricky problem or a no-win or absurd situation.
In the book, Catch-22 is a military rule typifying bureaucratic operation and reasoning. The rule is not stated in a general form, but the principal example in the book fits the definition above: If one is crazy, one does not have to fly missions; and one must be crazy to fly. But one has to apply to be excused, and applying demonstrates that one is not crazy. As a result, one must continue flying, either not applying to be excused, or applying and being refused. The narrator explains:
There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one’s safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn’t, but if he were sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn’t have to, but if he didn’t want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle. (p. 56, ch. 5)”
"This initial production of 900 satellites is planned for launch into low Earth orbit beginning in 2018, to deliver affordable Internet access globally."
Wasn't there yet in September 2016. . .
Holy crap. Well done and thankQ
Go be a troll somewhere else. piss off some more, I'm not a troll, anymore than you are an "oracle". Do you have trouble telling reality from the little voices talking to you in your head?
. We are discussing important issues, including Ruth Bader Ginsburg. It's above your pay grade.
The day I need you to tell me what my "pay grade" is on Free Republic will be the day I'm six feet under.
I'm not the one calling myself "The Lesser Oracle". What a pretentious clown you are. And it's right out here for everyone to see.
Attention all Q brigade freepers!
BOLO- Possible person of interest in CI ops. against PDJT?
You’re correct! Here I am left-handed and I didn’t think about that.
Agreed Patriot!
"never address the folly of a fool."
A blow to the face from a "southpaw" would be more likely to blacken the right eye?
Technically, reproducing a printable stamp is considered counterfeiting. Crossing out the "FOREVER" is required to make it non-usable under postal regulations. The second one is in violation of the regulations because the "FOREVER" is not crossed out.
Yes, insidious fits.
Jerome Corsi just claimed on the Alex Jones show that Q is quote a psyop. Corsi has of course previously been one of the largest supporters of the authenticity of Q.
Alex Jones even got Corsi to admit that Jones warned him months ago that Q didnt appear legit. Not clear if or when Corsi will post an article admitting this, but he was unequivocal on air
“...can I get a short update ...”
CP - look at bagster’s Post 1931
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