OK, let's just get this one out of the way: "As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly."
Too bad the animal rights activists have no sense of humor. I guess "Bombs Away!" is not appropriate as the FAA has concluded that "the turkeys are not considered projectiles!"
Now to me this post could use some pictures, unfortunately, I'm not that smart when it comes to using html.
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To: Towed_Jumper
The agency hasnt intervened in past years because the birds arent considered projectiles. I'm more than a little curious to know the reasoning behind this determination.
2 posted on
10/17/2017 8:52:37 AM PDT by
(... the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed)
To: Towed_Jumper
Oh my, did he get inspiration from the “WKRP in Cincinnati” episode?
3 posted on
10/17/2017 8:53:33 AM PDT by
("If I had to go to war again, I'd bring lacrosse players" Conn Smythe)
To: Towed_Jumper
"The Pinedale Mall is being BOMBED with live turkeys! We go to a live report from our man on the scene, Les Nessman."
4 posted on
10/17/2017 8:53:56 AM PDT by
Bloody Sam Roberts
("Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment." - Will Rogers)
To: Towed_Jumper
Have they thought of dropping Rose Hilliard out of the plane?
5 posted on
10/17/2017 8:54:05 AM PDT by
To: Towed_Jumper
7 posted on
10/17/2017 8:54:37 AM PDT by
(If you want on First Lady Melania's, Ivanka Trump's or Sarah Palin's Ping Lists, just let me know.)
To: Towed_Jumper
As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.
To: Towed_Jumper
One of the funniest 30 minutes in television ever.
... there obviously needs to be common sense turkey control laws to prevent these tragedies.
9 posted on
10/17/2017 8:55:09 AM PDT by
(Standup Philosopher)
To: Towed_Jumper
I’ve seen them fly at my daughters property in upstate NY.
To: Towed_Jumper
I’ve seen this story a couple of times and I still don’t know if they dropped wild or domesticated turkeys. The first can fly while the second will only plummet like a bad of wet cement.
12 posted on
10/17/2017 8:57:16 AM PDT by
(The Whig Party died when it fled the great fight of its century. Ditto for the Republicans now.)
To: Towed_Jumper
That’s how Tennessee re-introduced them by dropping them from a Cessna. That’s what I heard anyway.
13 posted on
10/17/2017 8:57:35 AM PDT by
(WhoVoltaire: "To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.")
To: Towed_Jumper; flaglady47; Maine Mariner
I'll be blunt...anyone who throws live turkeys out of airplanes is sick...and I don't see anything funny in this whole subject at all.
To: Towed_Jumper
"As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly." Well Les, wild turkeys can fly.
However the domesticated birds can't fly to save their lives, as you learned.
And the domestic birds can weigh about twice or more the wild bird.
16 posted on
10/17/2017 9:00:08 AM PDT by
(The welfare state must fail because it is contrary to human nature and diminishes the human spirit.L)
To: Towed_Jumper
"As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly." Well Les, wild turkeys can fly.
However the domesticated birds can't fly to save their lives, as you learned.
And the domestic birds can weigh about twice or more the wild bird.
17 posted on
10/17/2017 9:00:09 AM PDT by
(The welfare state must fail because it is contrary to human nature and diminishes the human spirit.L)
To: Towed_Jumper
18 posted on
10/17/2017 9:03:48 AM PDT by
To: Towed_Jumper
Was Les Nessman there to announce it?
“My God they’re hitting the cars like sacks of wet cement!... Oh the humanity!!!”
20 posted on
10/17/2017 9:12:21 AM PDT by
Mr. K
To: Towed_Jumper
They were making it easier for the birds to fly. The birds didn’t have to expend any energy to take off.
24 posted on
10/17/2017 9:18:23 AM PDT by
(Why have an army if there are no borders?)
To: Towed_Jumper
"As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly." Well that is because they can fly. Just not for long distances.
To: Towed_Jumper
32 posted on
10/17/2017 9:45:56 AM PDT by
(Lost my tagline on Flight MH370. Sorry for the inconvenience.)
To: Towed_Jumper; Maine Mariner; flaglady47
Live wild turkey, not domesticated ones, are used for being tossed out of airplanes in this festival held in an Arkansas town every year. They used to toss them from the top of the courthouse....now it's from a plane.
These heavy birds can fly, but generally, in their normal lives, they fly from tree top to tree top at altitudes up to around 100 feet.
The plane's much higher altitude and being thrown out can stress them out and cause disorientation.
Last year two died on impact, this year four were found injured and bleeding on the ground.
Yes, they DID die and splat on impact like bags of cement at a similar festival in another state.
I'm not PETA, don't have pets.... but I certainly can't find any cause to champion such twisted treatment of living creatures and I can't find humor in it all as evinced by some on this thread.
To each his own, I guess.
To: Towed_Jumper
Oh, he violated a few regs there, guaranteed.
(Federal Aviation Regulation, FAR)
FAR Sec. 91.15 Dropping objects.
No pilot in command of a civil aircraft may allow any object to be dropped from that aircraft in flight that creates a hazard to persons or property. However, this section does not prohibit the dropping of any object if reasonable precautions are taken to avoid injury or damage to persons or property.
36 posted on
10/17/2017 10:01:34 AM PDT by
(CWII is coming. Arm Up! They Are!)
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