To: Towed_Jumper; flaglady47; Maine Mariner
I'll be blunt...anyone who throws live turkeys out of airplanes is sick...and I don't see anything funny in this whole subject at all.
To: MinuteGal
“I’ll be blunt...anyone who throws live turkeys out of airplanes is sick...and I don’t see anything funny in this whole subject at all.”
The U.S. Army repeatably threw live people (including me), out of airplanes. Most of the time we thought that was pretty hilarious (*). However, please accept my regrets for having offended you...that was not my intent.
(*) Paratrooper humor
22 posted on
10/17/2017 9:12:52 AM PDT by
(Imagine an America where Sen. John McCain had instead "failed to eject" over North Vietnam.)
To: MinuteGal
I'll be blunt...anyone who throws live turkeys out of airplanes is sick...and I don't see anything funny in this whole subject at all.I must be sick, I think it's hilarious!
(The article implies but does not state that the birds were fine. The article states they were subsequently chased.)
26 posted on
10/17/2017 9:22:36 AM PDT by
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