Sex Robots Scary REAL...
They have a pulse, can speak the whole nine yards.
[more research coming up]
Well I suppose if it came down to some pedo getting his jollies by watching two child looking robots engage in simulated sex or looking at real kiddy porn or, worse, abusing child himself. The robots would certainly be the only option where no actual children were harmed. While I wouldn't go as far as to say it is harmless, it would certainly be better than real child abuse.
They will soon have robotic goats for them!
“Derka derka derka”
1. The theme of sex robots being used as a release for perverts is already addressed in the TV show “Humans” and other sources. And I expect sex bots to make human sex workers obsolete except for a few enthusiasts.
2. Sex robots won’t replace women for much of humanity because the religious will shun them for the real thing. Since the future belongs to those who show up, you’ll see the same conservative shift against the tech in two generations just as pro-life is beating pro-choice because the liberal secularists have fewer children and conservative alternatives like home schooling are culturally insulating the conservatives who use them. End result - one to two generations of all the boys who use it getting selected out of the population and future generations that mostly ignore them.
3. Religious mandates to reproduce among Muslims will result, at best, a sex robot he uses often while still having a sex slave as a status symbol and wife for production of true Muslim sons.
While everything mentions is very sick and depraved, how do we enforce such a law against such things without infringing upon a person’s rights as indicated by the bill of rights?
Good grief!
Thank you for all you have done...
Ironic that I am seeing news stories about the giveaway NOW...when it is the 11th hour and sands running through the hour glass...
Not sure you saw this post of mine...lots of tough talk around here...Trump’s gonna take it back, pry it from my cold dead fingers, etc....
my reply to such tough talk:
Tough talk...Sorry, that is not what I hear...
This article, Bolton, Gaffney, Cruz, Duffy plus from video below, this cyber security expert, Morgan Wright, on For the Record tonite with Britt Hume...Morgan Wright, says after Oct. 1, there is no putting the toothpaste in the tube...Brave New World where we dont know if the address entered is really where we are going...
At 22 minute mark...maybe 4 minutes long...Ironic that no one covered this issue BEFORE the votes when something could have been done...
Why do you think some of us have devoted days and days to getting the word out?!?! Texting, Tweeting, emailing, calling and posting numerous articles here...
Sorry FRiend, sadly it is not BS.
As of Saturday, it is a Brave New World. Wont change immediately but it will change.
If you havent made any calls, Friday would be a good time to start...
If you havent started praying, now would be good time for that that perhaps the lawsuit or Cruz letter will have some results...
Here is TX AG website—no updates as of yet
Hoping and praying for some last minute stay...
pull this thread please
What was stopping this kind of dirt anyhow...
Most people were complaining about how listings would be taken off the WWW, but this looks now like a concern about listings ADDED to the WWW (i.e. lotsa dirt).
It would still be up to local IP providers whether to pass such traffic of course. They can’t filter 100% of it but they can filter most of it.
There’s nothing “about to” about it. And nothing about having the US in charge has stopped it, and it won’t change with the UN (or whoever) in charge.
“Euphoric, narcotic, pleasantly hallucinant”that’s what Mustapha says of soma. It’s arguably the best tool the government has for controlling its population. It sedates, calms, and most importantly distracts a person from realizing that there’s actually something very, very wrongnamely, that the citizens of the World State are enslaved.
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley