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Review: The iPad Pro
Daring Fireball ^ | November 11, 2015 | By JOHN GRUBER

Posted on 11/11/2015 4:44:20 PM PST by Swordmaker

The iPad Pro

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

First impressions last a lifetime, goes the adage. You’re going to have to forget your first impressions of the iPad to understand the iPad Pro.

When Apple introduced the original iPad in 2010, it was explicitly positioned in a new role for a device — somewhere between an iPhone and a MacBook. That seems obvious, but the problem, for the iPad, is that people loved their iPhones and MacBooks. The only way iPad would succeed, Steve Jobs said, was if it were “far better at doing some key things” than either an iPhone or MacBook.

Apple succeeded. Simply by nature of having a bigger display, the iPad was better than the iPhone for numerous tasks — watching videos or reading long-form text, to name just two. No one would dispute that bigger displays are better for certain tasks — you can prove the productivity gains.

What made the iPad better than a MacBook, in at least some ways, was more subjective than objective. Objectively, a MacBook was faster, by a large factor, could multitask, and offered a rich library of serious productivity apps. A Mac was, simply put, more powerful than an iPad — both in terms of hardware and software. The iPad had some objective advantages — battery life and the pixel density of its display are two that come to mind.1

The trade-offs were obvious. The iPad offered the same conceptual simplicity and intimacy of the iPhone, with the “lean-back” ergonomics of a tablet, at the cost of power — hardware performance and software complexity.

It was, in short, just a big iPhone. To the eyes of many in the tech industry, “just a big iPhone” was damning. They wanted the iPad to impress in terms of power. To the eyes of tens of millions of users, however, “just a big iPhone” was strong praise — music to their ears. An iPhone with a 10-inch display sounded just great.

The intervening five years have turned all of this upside down. The iPad Pro now impresses solely by dint of its engineering. Anyone who doesn’t see this is blinded by their established impressions of the first few iPads.

For the moment, put aside the form factor differences (tablet with optional keyboard vs. hinged clamshell), conceptual differences in iOS and OS X (direct touchscreen manipulation of full-screen apps vs. a mouse pointer and tiled windows) and software differences (simpler iOS apps vs. more complex OS X apps). All those points are worth consideration, but for now, put them aside. Right now, today, the iPad Pro is a peer to the current lineup of MacBooks in terms of computational hardware performance.

The iPad Pro is without question faster than the new one-port MacBook or the latest MacBook Airs. I’ve looked at several of my favorite benchmarks — Geekbench 3, Mozilla’s Kraken, and Google’s Octane 2 — and the iPad Pro is a race car. It’s only a hair slower than my year-old 13-inch MacBook Pro in single-core measurements. Graphics-wise, testing with GFXBench, it blows my MacBook Pro away. A one-year-old maxed-out MacBook Pro, rivaled by an iPad in performance benchmarks. Just think about that. According to Geekbench’s online results, the iPad Pro is faster in single-core testing than Microsoft’s new Surface Pro 4 with a Core-i5 processor. The Core-i7 version of the Surface Pro 4 isn’t shipping until December — that model will almost certainly test faster than the iPad Pro. But that’s a $1599 machine with an Intel x86 CPU. The iPad Pro starts at $799 and runs an ARM CPU — Apple’s A9X. There is no more trade-off. You don’t have to choose between the performance of x86 and the battery life of ARM.

We’ve now reached an inflection point. The new MacBook is slower, gets worse battery life, and even its cheapest configuration costs $200 more than the top-of-the-line iPad Pro. The iPad Pro is more powerful, cheaper, has a better display, and gets better battery life. It’s not a clear cut-and-dry win — MacBooks still have more RAM (the iPad Pro, in all configurations, has 4 GB of RAM, although Apple still isn’t publishing this information — MacBook Pros have either 8 or 16 GB), are expandable, and offer far more storage. But at a fundamental level — CPU speed, GPU speed, quality of the display, quality of the sound output, and overall responsiveness of interface — the iPad Pro is a better computer than a MacBook or MacBook Air, and a worthy rival to the far more expensive MacBook Pros.

The entire x86 computer architecture is living on borrowed time. It’s a dead platform walking. The future belongs to ARM, and Apple’s A-series SoC’s are leading the way.

The A9X didn’t come out of nowhere. Watching Apple’s A-series chips gain on x86 over the past five years, we’ve all been speculating about whether Apple might someday start using ARM chips in MacBooks. As of now, it’s only a question of whether they want to.

What Apple Means by ‘Pro’

With the Mac Pro, the “pro” really does stand for “professional”. There’s pretty much no reason for anyone to buy a Mac Pro unless their work is computationally expensive. There aren’t many people left whose work is slowed down regularly by the performance of their computer. The Mac Pro is aimed at that market. (That said, a higher-end iMac will outperform a Mac Pro in many tasks that aren’t well-suited to multicore parallel computing. The Mac Pro is due for an update.)

With the MacBook Pro, on the other hand, “pro” isn’t really short for “professional”. It’s more like “deluxe” — a signifier that it’s a higher-end product than its non-pro siblings. Faster, better, and accordingly higher-priced. A MacBook Pro with 1 TB of SSD storage is indeed a terrific portable computer for “professional” use by, say, a photographer or film editor or software developer — people who truly stretch the performance of any computer today, portable or otherwise. But a decked-out MacBook Pro is also a terrific and perfectly reasonable choice for anyone who can simply afford one. MacBook Airs don’t have retina displays (and likely will never be upgraded to offer them), and the one-port MacBook is relatively slow.

The iPad Pro is “pro” in the way MacBook Pros are. Genuine professionals with a professional need — visual artists in particular — are going to line up for them. But it’s also a perfectly reasonable choice for casual iPad users who just want a bigger display, louder (and now stereo) speakers, and faster performance.

Anyone tying themselves in knots looking for a specific target audience for the iPad Pro is going about it the wrong way. There is no single target audience. Is the iPad Pro meant for office workers in the enterprise? Professional artists creating content? Casual users playing games, watching movies, and reading? The answer is simply “Yes”.

Smart Keyboard and Converting to a Laptop Form Factor

So unlike the original iPad of 2010, which carved out new territory between that of an iPhone and MacBook, the iPad Pro is clearly an alternative to a MacBook. I’m sure someone out there will carry both a MacBook (of any sort) and an iPad Pro while traveling, but I don’t really see the sense of that. The iPad Mini makes perfect sense as a travel companion to a MacBook. The iPad Air does too — especially someone who watches a lot of video or prefers larger type while reading. But the iPad Pro stands as an alternative to a MacBook. If you want to carry a MacBook, you want a smaller, lighter iPad as a companion, and you don’t need a keyboard for it. If you want to carry an iPad Pro, you might as well get the Smart Keyboard cover and leave the MacBook at home.

The trade-offs are varied. If you don’t type much, or don’t mind using the on-screen keyboard when you do, you’re probably already sold on the iPad-as-primary-portable-computer lifestyle. If you do type a lot and want a hardware keyboard, the appeal of the iPad Pro is going to largely hinge on your affinity for the Smart Keyboard.

I’ve been using this iPad Pro review unit (128 GB, with cellular — top of the line kit, natch) for eight days, and most of that time I’ve had the Smart Keyboard attached. For just plain typing, it’s not that bad — I’ve written this entire review using it, Federico Viticci-style. I went into it thinking that my biggest complaint would be the keys themselves — I like my keyboards clicky, with a lot of travel. But I adjusted to it pretty quickly, and I kind of like the way it feels, as a tactile surface. It almost feels like canvas.

My complaints and frustrations are more from the software, both iOS 9.1 itself and individual apps, both from Apple and third-party developers. Trying to use the iPad Pro as a laptop with the Smart Keyboard exposes the seams of an OS that was clearly designed for touchscreen use first. These seams aren’t new — I’m sure anyone who has tried using an iPad of any sort with a paired Bluetooth keyboard has run into the same things. This is simply the first time I’ve tried using an iPad with a hardware keyboard for an extended period for large amounts of work.

I almost wrote “for large amounts of writing” in the preceding paragraph, but the problems with an iPad and a hardware keyboard are more than about typing. A large part of my work is reading, and with a laptop, the keyboard is a big part of the reading experience. In fact, with the iPad Pro, the keyboard is even more important than it is on a MacBook — and today, it falls short.

Here’s what I mean. First, when the iPad Pro is open with the keyboard attached, holding your arm up to touch the screen for anything longer than a moment or two is ergonomically uncomfortable. Apple has stated for years that this is why they don’t make the displays on MacBooks or iMacs touchscreens (that, combined with the relatively tiny click targets of Mac OS X, which are designed for very precise mice and trackpads, not imprecise finger tips). Scrolling through a long document using the iPad Pro touch screen is uncomfortable when it’s in laptop position. Going through a slew of new emails, likewise. In laptop mode, I want to use the keyboard for these things — and in most cases, because of bugs and/or software limitations, I can’t. That the keyboard falls short in these cases is even worse on iPad than it would be on a MacBook, because a MacBook has a trackpad. The point is, if my fingers are on the keyboard, I don’t want to move my hands. With a trackpad, I don’t have to. With the iPad Pro, I do.

It’s an ancient (meaning dating back to the Classic era) Mac convention that in a read-only scrolling view, you can use the space bar to page down. When your eyes get to the bottom of the display, you can just hit space and the view should scroll to show the next screen full of content — with the last few lines of the previous screen now repeated at the top of the new screen to provide context as your eyes move from the bottom to the top of the display. This works almost everywhere on OS X, and anywhere it doesn’t work should be considered a bug.

On iOS 9.1, Safari tries to support this, but it is dreadfully buggy. Instead of paging down just less than one screen-height of content, it pages down about 1.5 screen-heights of content. It literally scrolls right past huge amounts of content, rendering the feature completely unusable.

Here’s a sample page I’ve created to illustrate. It’s just a simple text file with 1,000 lines, numbered in order. When I view that on my MacBook Pro, I see lines 1–45 (and half of line 46). When I hit space to page, the view scrolls and I now see lines 44–89. Hit space again and the view scrolls to show lines 88–132.

On iPad Pro, I see lines 1–49 initially. But when I hit space to page down, the view scrolls to show me lines 75–123. Lines 50–74 are completely skipped past. It’s not even just a line or two — it’s huge chunks of text. This happens in all web pages in Safari on iOS 9.1, and it is not specific to the iPad Pro and Smart Keyboard. I see the exact same behavior on any iPad with a paired Bluetooth keyboard.

Mail is another app in which, on my Macs, I depend heavily on the keyboard for scrolling and selection. On iPad, Mail does let you move from message to message using the keyboard (⌘↓ and ⌘↑), but it doesn’t support scrolling the actual message content — the space bar does nothing, and the Smart Keyboard doesn’t have a proper Page Down key.

The space bar doesn’t work as a Play/Pause toggle for audio or video, either. I think it should.

I don’t think it’s inherently problematic that iOS has no conceptual support for a mouse pointer, and thus can’t work with any sort of trackpad. But, given this constraint, good support for navigating as much of the UI as possible using the keyboard is more important on the iPad than it is on the Mac. But iOS’s support for navigating using the keyboard is worse.

Another problem: when editing a long document, if you use the arrow keys to move the insertion point above the first line on screen or below the last line on screen, the insertion point just disappears off screen. The view doesn’t scroll to keep the insertion point visible, which is clearly what should happen (and does happen on OS X). Surely iOS will work this way eventually, but right now it still shows its roots as a touchscreen OS where a hardware keyboard is a decided second-class citizen.

All is not lost, however. ⌘-Tab works for app switching just like it does on the Mac. Tap it and release and you switch to the most-recently used app. Tap it and keep holding down ⌘ and you get a visual switcher showing the 10 most-recently-used apps. (Again, this works with any hardware keyboard connected to any iPad — it’s just that this has been the first time it’s been relevant to me, personally.) The Smart Keyboard lacks a Home button, but there is a system-wide shortcut that maps ⌘-Shift-H to “Home”. Not bad, but once you’re at the iOS home screen, there’s not much you can do without requiring you to touch the screen. For a few days, I sort of wished that I could use the arrow keys to navigate the home screen, with the selected app icon popping “up” like in the “focus” UI of the new Apple TV. But that idea, I suspect, is too far afield from the regular touchscreen-based UI of the iOS home screen. My keyboard idea requires a select-then-act two-stage model — the regular touch-based launcher is single-stage: just tap.

But then I realized that the problem I wanted to solve wasn’t that I wanted the home screen to be keyboard-navigable. The problem was that I wanted to use the keyboard to launch apps that weren’t listed in the ⌘-Tab switcher. To do that on iOS without a hardware keyboard, you go home, then tap the app. With a keyboard, though, you can do it, just in a different way.

Hit ⌘-Space system wide, and you’ll be taken to the home screen’s system-wide “Quick Search”. It’s like the iOS equivalent of Spotlight. Start typing the name of the app you want to launch, and there it is.

But go ahead and play a sad trombone wah-wah here, because at this point, you still have to pick your arm up and touch the screen to launch the app. You can also use Quick Search for starting a web search in Safari, or anything else. But you can’t use the keyboard arrow keys to navigate the list of results. (Another problem with Quick Search using the keyboard: you have to wait a second or so for the Quick Search text field to accept input. I’m pretty sure it’s because we’re waiting for the animation to complete — first to show the home screen, then to jump to Quick Search. So if you type ⌘-Space and immediate begin typing what you’re looking for, the first few characters you type are lost. The user should never have to wait for the computer, especially if it’s just for an animation. Any Mac user with muscle memory trained by LaunchBar, Alfred, Quicksilver, or even Spotlight is going to find this enforced delay on iOS maddening.)

This lack of keyboard support is prevalent system-wide. In Messages, if you start a new conversation and type the partial name of a contact, you can’t select from the list of matches using arrow keys or auto-complete the name you’ve partially typed using Tab. You’ve got to — you guessed it — reach up and touch the screen. You can use the arrow keys to select from a list of suggestions in the recipients fields in Mail, however, and arrow keys also work for selecting from the list of suggestions in the Safari location field.

The bottom line is that the potential of the iPad Pro as a laptop is tremendous. The keyboard is just fine for typing, and the magnetic connection between the iPad Pro and the keyboard is surprisingly sturdy. You can absolutely use it as a literal laptop without any worry that the iPad Pro is going to fall off the Smart Keyboard. I even like the 4:3 aspect ratio — it shows more lines of text when reading than my 13-inch MacBook Pro. It also occupies a smaller footprint than an open MacBook Pro, meaning it should fit better on the seatback tray of an airplane. But the lack of pervasive support for keyboard-based UI navigation in iOS is a problem for anyone with longstanding Mac keyboard shortcuts ingrained in their muscle memory.

As an actual cover, the Smart Keyboard does feel thick, and when closed, it bothers me a little that it’s thicker on the outer two thirds (where the keyboard is folded under) than the inner third. I wouldn’t recommend the Smart Keyboard for anyone who doesn’t plan to actually use the keyboard quite a bit. But if you do plan on using the keyboard frequently, the trade-off in thickness (compared to the non-keyboard Smart Cover) is well worth it.

(It occurs to me that for many people, the Smart Keyboard might best be thought of not as a thick cover, but as a thin very portable desktop docking station.)

Keyboard Bugs

I experienced some flakiness with the keyboard throughout the week. Sometimes, system-wide keyboard shortcuts would stop working: ⌘-Tab, ⌘-Space, and ⌘-Shift-H. Typing within apps still worked, and keyboard shortcuts within any given app still worked, but the system-wide shortcuts sometimes stop working.

Less frequently, I’ve seen the opposite problem: the system-wide keyboard shortcuts work, but keyboard shortcuts within any given app stop working. (iOS 9 has a very clever feature, by the way: press and hold the ⌘ key and you’ll see a HUD pop-up displaying all keyboard shortcuts available in the current context. This makes keyboard shortcuts more discoverable than they are on the Mac, where they’re spread across multiple menus in the menu bar.)

In either case, I’ve been able to fix these keyboard problems by detaching and re-attaching the iPad from the Smart Keyboard. I don’t know if it’s a bug in iOS 9.1 or a faulty Smart Keyboard. (Apple has shipped me a second Smart Keyboard to test, but it won’t arrive until later in the day, after this review has been published. I’ll update it after the replacement arrives.)

Apple Pencil

It’s about precision: accuracy where you touch (Apple claims sub-pixel precision on screen), accuracy regarding pressure, and low latency regarding what you see on screen. I am not an illustrator, but I do know my own signature. My signature never looks like my actual signature when I have to sign electronically on a point-of-sale terminal. Usually it doesn’t even look close. On iPad Pro with Apple Pencil, it looks exactly like my signature when I sign with paper and ink. My handwriting looks like my handwriting, period (for better or for worse).

All previous iOS devices have touchscreens designed for input from one source: fingertips. Fingertips are relatively fat and capacitive. The relatively fat size and imprecise location of a finger on screen is why tap targets are relatively larger and more spaced apart on iOS than OS X. This is also why third-party styluses for iOS devices have broad tips made of capacitive rubber — they’re more or less fake fingertips. The capacitive touchscreens on iPhones and (non-Pro) iPads aren’t designed for “fine tips”.

Apple has done a few things regarding sampling the screen for input with Apple Pencil. First, there is something new in the display itself — something in the layer between the glass surface and the LED display, I think. Or perhaps it’s under the LED? Apple alludes to it in the Jony Ive-narrated video on the Apple Pencil web page, but they’re not really talking about it in detail.

For capacitive (finger) touch, the iPad Pro samples at twice the rate of previous iPads — 120 times per second instead of 60. With the Pencil, though, the iPad Pro samples at 240 times per second. The way the Pencil works requires cooperation with the display, and so there’s no way this Pencil could be made to work with existing iPads. The Pencil is not iPad Pro-exclusive out of product marketing spite — it’s exclusive to the Pro because the two were engineered in coordination with each other. And if Apple had designed the Pencil differently, to allow it to work with existing iPads, there’s no way it could have had this level of accuracy, because the tip would have needed to be broader and capacitive. (The Pencil’s tip is not capacitive at all — it doesn’t register as a touch at all on any other iOS device.)

My guess is we’ll start to see Pencil support in future iOS devices in addition to the iPad Pro, starting with the iPad Air 3.

Because the Pencil is round-barreled and has no clip on the cap, I was worried that it would roll around (and eventually, off) a table top. But it’s actually weighted inside, sort of like a Weeble Wobble, so unless it’s on a sloped surface, it won’t roll more than an inch or so before settling in place. In hand, I can’t tell that it’s weighted like this.

I think most people who buy an iPad Pro are going to want a Smart Keyboard. The Apple Pencil is the more technically remarkable peripheral, but I suspect it’ll prove useful to far fewer people. Sketching apps like 53’s Paper and Apple’s own built-in Notes app certainly have appeal and utility to people who aren’t artists, but I suspect a lot of Apple Pencils are going to be bought out of curiosity and then go largely unused.

For actual illustrators and artists, however, the Pencil and iPad Pro seem poised to be a career/industry-changing combination. What has been largely abstract — drawing using a device over here, looking at the results on a screen over there — can now be direct.



From a hardware perspective, the iPad Pro strikes me as a seminal device. It runs faster than the Intel x86-based MacBooks, gets better battery life, and costs significantly less. And it has a better display with significantly more pixels than even a 15-inch MacBook Pro.

Software-wise, support for the Smart Keyboard needs to get even smarter — but I’d be shocked if it doesn’t. For me, the iPad Pro marks the turning point where iPads are no longer merely lightweight (both physically and conceptually) alternatives to MacBooks for use in simple scenarios, to where MacBooks will now start being seen as heavyweight alternatives to iPads for complex scenarios.2

Is it a MacBook replacement for me, personally? No. For you? Maybe. For many people? Yes.

It brings me no joy to observe this, but the future of mass market portable computing involves neither a mouse pointer nor an x86 processor.

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Computers/Internet
KEYWORDS: applepinglist; ipadpro

1 posted on 11/11/2015 4:44:20 PM PST by Swordmaker
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To: ~Kim4VRWC's~; 1234; Abundy; Action-America; acoulterfan; AFreeBird; Airwinger; Aliska; altair; ...
Apple opened pre-orders for their new iPad Pro and the Apple Pencil today. John Gruber and others offer reviews of the new iPad Pro and the specific Pro accessories such as the Apple Pencil, the new keyboard, and smart case. -- PING!

Apple iPad Pro Pre-Sales start today

The latest Apple/Mac/iOS Pings can be found by searching Keyword "ApplePingList" on FreeRepublic's Search.

If you want on or off the Mac Ping List, Freepmail me

2 posted on 11/11/2015 4:49:45 PM PST by Swordmaker ( This tag line is a Microsoft insult free zone... but if the insults to Mac users continue....)
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To: All
Here is Walt Mossberg's review:

Mossberg: The iPad Pro can't replace your laptop totally, even for a tablet lover
The Verge, Walt Mossberg, November 11, 2015

I am a tablet man, specifically an iPad man. I do love my trusty, iconic, MacBook Air laptop. But, except for heavy writing, I'm likelier to grab my iPad Air or even my diminutive iPad mini to get work done.

That includes everything from email to photo cropping; from reviewing and annotating PDFs to signing legal documents and editing articles and spreadsheets. I surf the web on it, run Slack on it, use it for Facebook and Twitter, business and personal video calls, and even keep my calendar on it.

Of course, I also use my iPads for consuming content -- videos, photos, books, and music. But, contrary to the conventional wisdom, I see the iPad as a productivity device as well. While the iPad hasn't entirely replaced my laptop, it has replaced so many of the scenarios for which I used my laptop in the past that I turn to the laptop much less often.

So I was quite intrigued when Apple announced the iPad Pro, a new, jumbo-sized iPad with an optional snap-on physical keyboard cover and stylus for drawing. This whopping slate can be ordered starting today, and I've been testing it for the past week. In fact, I wrote much of this column on an iPad Pro with Apple's Smart Keyboard. For comparison, I also used a new iPad Pro keyboard from Logitech, and a MacBook Pro to write portions. And of course I've reviewed the Microsoft Surface Pro and its Type Cover in the past, and used a variety of third-party iPad keyboards as well.

The iPad Pro is a huge tablet. Its 12.9-inch screen is almost as large as the 13.3-inch display on the MacBook Air, and has much higher resolution. The display is 78 percent larger than the screen of Apple's standard-sized iPad Air 2. When encased in its keyboard cover, the iPad Pro is longer, wider, thicker, and heavier than Apple's smallest Mac laptop, the 12-inch MacBook.

You'd think an iPad guy like me would be over the moon about the iPad Pro, despite its hefty base price of $799 for a Wi-Fi-only model with 32GB of memory, which stretches to $949 with 128GB of memory, and soars past $1,000 with cellular capability.

But I'm not.

And here is another review by Lauren Goode also on The Verge:

iPad Pro review
The Verge, Lauren Goode, November 11, 2015.

When I first picked up the iPad Pro at an Apple event this past September, I couldn’t help but laugh a little bit. For one, its size: it is holy-crap-look-at-this-iPad big. And with a price tag that easily jumps up to around a thousand dollars, it’s the most expensive iPad ever.

There’s also the fact that Apple has once again hung back and watched others launch a new product category before bursting in and laying claim to it. The company had done this with MP3 players, phablet phones, smartwatches. Now, it was unveiling a high-powered tablet computer with a stylus and accessory keyboard.

But after a few days of using the iPad Pro, I started to look at iPad differently. The large tablet pretty much demanded it. I’ve always been a bit of an iPad skeptic, never understanding how people can use them all the time for productivity, even with a Bluetooth accessory keyboard attached. By day three with the iPad Pro, I had started to wonder, Could this replace my MacBook?

It’s the question everyone is asking. And while Apple says it didn’t make iPad Pro with the intent to replace a laptop, even Apple CEO Tim Cook suggested in a recent interview that this could be the case — because what else could this massive iPad be for? It’s the same question Microsoft has been trying to answer with the Surface since 2012, with mixed results.

Either way you look at it, the iPad Pro is meant to change how we think about computers (or at least turn around the iPad’s flagging sales) — which is, actually, no laughing matter.

(There's a lot more at the link above. . . )

3 posted on 11/11/2015 5:09:26 PM PST by Swordmaker ( This tag line is a Microsoft insult free zone... but if the insults to Mac users continue....)
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To: Swordmaker

And the technology continues to grow and amaze me.

For those of you who have slightly aged Macbook Pro’s, I just got rid of my hard drive for a SSD drive. BIG IMPROVEMENT.

It’s easy to change.

4 posted on 11/11/2015 5:19:38 PM PST by Loud Mime (Honor the Commandments because they're not suggestions; stop gambling on forgiveness.)
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To: Swordmaker

Have had my iPad mini for a year now. For me, the iPad is a communication device. Light weight and a good size crisp clear screen. Great for short posts, like this one, and as an ereader for study text, blogs. Great for playing certain types of games and monitor weather, earthquakes apps. Short emails, sending pics. And on-line shopping, can’t forget online shopping. OK, I do a lot on my iPad. My laptop pc is for work.

5 posted on 11/11/2015 5:26:13 PM PST by Conservative4Ever (ENOUGH!! Man the pitch forks and torches...let the revolution begin!!!)
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To: Loud Mime

I did that to my mid-2009 MBP and it did improve performance. Now I need to work on the battery.

6 posted on 11/11/2015 5:27:32 PM PST by bubbacluck (America 180)
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To: Swordmaker
Sounds like a neat device. My old trust iPad 2 is getting long in the tooth, seems awfully slow now -- it seems slower with each iOS upgrade, which makes no sense unless newer versions of iOS are slower. So maybe one of these Pros is in my future.

But you'd think Walt Mossberg could at least use the terms correctly:

> ...Wi-Fi-only model with 32GB of memory, which stretches to $949 with 128GB of memory...
No, Mr. Mossberg, the new iPad Pro has 4GB of "memory". RAM. Mossberg means 32GB or 128GB of "storage" as in "file system" and yes I know that SSDs are really Flash memory but we don't call our automobile tires "rubbers" do we? Well, at least -I- don't call them that. Grrr.

Anyway, nice long review but worth it if one is interested in the Pro. Thanks for posting.

7 posted on 11/11/2015 5:30:36 PM PST by dayglored ("Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.")
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To: Swordmaker
I have an iPad Air 2. It is just fine for traveling. I can look up what I need and I can keep up with FreeRepublic. It's also great for off roading. The big screen allows me to see the big picture. Much better than paper maps.
8 posted on 11/11/2015 5:49:47 PM PST by AlaskaErik (I served and protected my country for 31 years. Progressives spent that time trying to destroy it.)
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To: Swordmaker

What an outstanding review, unlike 99.9% of them out there.

9 posted on 11/11/2015 6:13:42 PM PST by montag813
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To: Swordmaker
The new MacBook is slower, gets worse battery life, and even its cheapest configuration costs $200 more than the top-of-the-line iPad Pro. The iPad Pro is more powerful, cheaper, has a better display, and gets better battery life.

. . . the future of mass market portable computing involves neither a mouse pointer nor an x86 processor.

Interesting article. I’ll be taking a look at the iPad Pro. Don’t need one, but I could see my wife enjoying having one.

10 posted on 11/11/2015 6:15:48 PM PST by conservatism_IS_compassion ('Liberalism' is a conspiracy against the public by wire-service journalism.)
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To: dayglored
But you'd think Walt Mossberg could at least use the terms correctly:

Mossberg is a hack. His reviews are rarely insightful.

11 posted on 11/11/2015 6:18:07 PM PST by montag813
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To: Swordmaker

Ok, my dear Sword, here is my big question: can the iPad pro be working multiple browsers at once like a laptop?

I live with my iPad next to me or on my lap. My iPad is my most prized possession, I guess. I don’t have to go over to my desk where my iMac sits except for one thing I need to do in my small business that requires multiple browsers at once. I’d like to have a laptop for that, but if an iPad could do that, I’d not need anything else ever. :)

Can it multitask yet?


12 posted on 11/11/2015 7:05:56 PM PST by Yaelle
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To: Yaelle
Ok, my dear Sword, here is my big question: can the iPad pro be working multiple browsers at once like a laptop?

I live with my iPad next to me or on my lap. My iPad is my most prized possession, I guess. I don’t have to go over to my desk where my iMac sits except for one thing I need to do in my small business that requires multiple browsers at once. I’d like to have a laptop for that, but if an iPad could do that, I’d not need anything else ever. :)

Can it multitask yet?

iOS 9 has allowed multitasking for some apps since it came out. I just tried it on my iPad Air and it works. I was running Safari and Chrome side-by-side on the screen simultaneously. I had FR on two different windows with two different articles. Works. So, Yaelle, yes, it does.

13 posted on 11/11/2015 7:42:13 PM PST by Swordmaker ( This tag line is a Microsoft insult free zone... but if the insults to Mac users continue....)
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To: Swordmaker

Pretty, rocks out, a grand.

14 posted on 11/11/2015 11:43:46 PM PST by SunkenCiv (Here's to the day the forensics people scrape what's left of Putin off the ceiling of his limo.)
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To: Swordmaker


15 posted on 11/12/2015 5:02:10 AM PST by Enlightened1
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To: Swordmaker

I have an iPad Air and love it. My previous device was the iPad II.

Anyhow, I’m thinking about getting this.

If I do then I’ll sell my iPad Air on Craig’s List.

16 posted on 11/12/2015 5:08:27 AM PST by Enlightened1
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To: Swordmaker
I start my new job at a small company today. From what I see, corporate laptops are older Lenovos and Dell. I have a maxed out HP 3rd gen i7 that I may bring to work.

So I spent last night drooling over the Surface Book, and thinking that I may finally try to get a top-of-the-line Win 10 laptop. And yes, it would be useful to have a Surface Book selling the products I rep.

Which goes against the entire line of thinking that my next laptop will be OS/X. The iPad Pro actually focuses my thoughts on how I use my computers, since I travel 160+ days annually.

Reading this review makes me realize that even if the hardware is the same or better than Apple, it is the compromises from M$ that I no longer want to deal with. And no more threats from CryptoLocker etc.

Do you think that the transition from an all M$ world to OS/X is realistic, in a small company with little IT staff?

I live by Outlook and dozens of Windows programs for my demos.

I wish the Apple had the 6th gen i5 and i7. I wish the Surface Book I want wasn't $3,000. I wish a Democrat anywhere would stop spending my money for me, and for unicorn ... well, you get the idea.

As an IT professional who lines in both worlds, how much agony do I bring to the new company's IT guys if I have a Macbook Pro? They know Winders and Linux.

Any other thoughts that I should consider before I convince my wife that I really need a $3,000 upgrade? (actually, forget the wife part of the equation)

17 posted on 11/12/2015 9:19:49 AM PST by texas booster (Join FreeRepublic's Folding@Home team (Team # 36120) Cure Alzheimer's!)
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To: texas booster
You might be surprised. You can buy your OS X Macbook Pro and run Windows 10 on it if you absolutely have to. . . but OS X Mail can also handle Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. What else are you looking for?

I cannot say that you would be immune from bad guys sneaking CryptoLocker onto your Mac. . . because they usually use a browser to get those kind of malware onto a computer. But getting it onto a Mac is harder and getting it off is much easier without paying the ransom. They have figured out how to put it on Linux (a clean-room derivative of UNIXâ„¢, and OS X is UNIXâ„¢), so it may be just a matter of time. I've seen Ransom Ware even on my Safari Browser. To get out of it, I just force-quit Safari, held down the Shift key on restarting Safari to not load the previous session's tabs, and went on my way. I also now run Ad-Block to avoid malicious advertising that may contain such a script.

IBM is transitioning to OS X at the rate of 1,900 Macs per week, with over 220,000 already in stalled. My company has been 99% all Mac for the last ten years. The 1% that is left is required because there is one on-line website we must access via Internet Explorer so we run Parallels running Windows 7 on two of our iMacs to access that website in coherence mode (Windows Apps appear on the OS X dock and in windows in OS X, transparently with OS X apps). We use that website, perhaps five minutes each day to find patient insurance coverage.

There is absolutely no reason that website should be Windows and Internet Explorer only, except the IT department of the company that maintains that database, requires it. The interface looks like it was written in DOS. Trying to connect to their website brings up an alert that states users must be using a Windows computer using Internet Explorer. I once asked their IT director if they were in the business of selling their data or selling Microsoft Products, he replied I ". . .should buy real computers instead of toys. . ." and hung-up on me.

Talk about computer bigotry! My office is a paying customer of theirs. . . only because they are the only source for this service! Complaints to sales always get referred to the same IT department guy. We are not allowed to talk to corporate. Frustrating. Apple will refresh the MacBook Pros with the 6th generation intel processor but you have to realize that OS X is more efficient at many things than is Windows. You have to use it to realize what that means. OS X stays out of your way for the most part, just helping you when you need it.

One of the best descriptions of the differences between Microsoft Windows and Apple OS X is this:

"Microsoft Windows is a frenetic Boy Scout, always wanting to do good deeds for you and always telling you about them when it has done them, and offering to help you across the street when you don't want to go across the street. On the other hand, Apple OS X is an English Butler, appearing at your side only when you need him, with exactly what you need when you need it, and then disappearing until you need him for something, then appearing again, offering politely the exact thing at the right time, but leaving you alone when you want to be alone."

18 posted on 11/12/2015 12:39:37 PM PST by Swordmaker (This tag line is a Microsoft insult free zone... but if the insults to Mac users continue....)
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