She also posted her reaction to the non-transparency this administration has shown in handling the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, which is keeping part of the draft in a secret room on Capitol Hill.
The secretive, hugely impacting Obamatrade deal is another behind-closed-doors fast-tracked D.C. deal that screams dont pass it til we know whats in it! Yet politicians are going along to get along, supporting Obamas pet project while ignoring the publics right to know whats in this monumental international trade deal. This, despite the Presidents track record proving he hasnt got it in him to put American workers first, Palin posted.
If Congress hands this secretive deal to Obama on a silver platter, admitting to not even reading it first, then shame on us for letting another one slide. This is fast-tracked, friends. Like Obamacare, when we sounded warning bells but too many were too busy to pressure their employees (your elected politicians) to do the right thing and learn it first. Since when is Congress able to halt any bullying administrations fast-track deals? They never have before. Didnt we learn last time?
The vote on TPA is expected Friday afternoon.
Good for Sarah!
Bad idea to call it “Obamatrade” when a large percentage of liberals and progressives are against it every bit as vehemently as anyone on this board. Even Obama fanboys HATE this thing.
It would be good policy for the GOP to oppose Obama on everything he wants and does.
It is good enough for American-backstabber Cruz.
What a fool Americans have been for supporting
Cruz who first says he did not read TPA, then lies
and says he did, although “not every footnote”.
Cruz is toast after today because
Trust once lost cannot be regained on this.
I knew she wouldn't let us down.
IT’S A TRAP ,the Dems will vote yes in just enough numbers to pass it so the GOP get ALL THE BLAME for this Turkey
I was hoping Sarah would weigh in on this.
Ted Cruz: Jeff Sessions is WRONG about ObamaTrade deal [FULL AUDIO]
Ted Cruz was on with Jeff Kuhner this morning and answered some tough questions about why he supports the TPA/TPP agreements. One of the questions was specifically about what Jeff Sessions has been saying about the trade deal and Cruz blatantly said that what Sessions has been saying is not accurate. In short, he said that the US is not ceding any sovereignty to any transnational commission, that it has no power to bind the US with any law or agreement.
The interview is 24 minutes long and I urge you to listen to the whole thing. But if you want to skip ahead to the Q&A about Jeff Sessions take on this, it begins around 16:10.
Calm the TPP Panic: Congress Has Five Months to Vote Down Obamatrade-Andrew C. McCarthy
This whole thing has become an Absolute Cluster, A True Mess.
I truly don’t get it. (Maybe I do, but....)
An extremely unpopular (worse even than GW Bush) potus in his lame duck years. Why in the world would GOP help any of his agenda?
Imagine Bush pushed for some secret deals/bills during his twilight presidency, it would be laughed out of the doors by any Dem.
they pass it.. then implement it.. and when people want to get rid of it they say ‘its already implemented... there’s no way to get rid of it now’
they like to get it ‘woven’ into the system before people have the ability to react
“She also posted her reaction to the non-transparency this administration has shown in handling the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, which is keeping part of the draft in a secret room on Capitol Hill.”
This TPP “secret” bill will be public for 60 days before the vote on it. It is not the one set for a vote today.
Must be married to trade deals, cannot divorce it. Exactly the kind of crap gay marriage gay parasite Obama wants all along. It is fascism and shariah capitalism.
This stuff is straight out of Koran text interpretation found in Qatar in the methods and demands and greed.
I go by this logic, if Obama wants it I know its BAD BAD BAD for America, that’s all I need to know