I have come to find, that if I don’t fill my role as father, someone else will. Scary,but true.
I grew up in farm country.
Really? This man was overcome by horror and dread and became a spineless jellyfish over the thought of explaining to his children (not baby goats) how they came to be? I am supposed to learn something from this man?
I remember very clearly when I had to have “The Talk” with my son. Only it was not the one about the Birds and the Bees. It was the one about the ineluctable fact that, one way or the other, he and others of his generation will be paying for my retirement and health care, and the retirement and health care of his mother, his aunts and uncles, and all the other boomers. I had to give him the sad news that there was no “Lock Box,” and if there was one, it was empty. He was not happy.
The best thing for kids is to have two parents - a male and a female - who love each other and show it and who are solid rocks when it comes to setting a good example.
A lot of problems are caused by bad example but parents need to be the kids best role model. And that means that you don't let anyone take your place. If the school you have your children in teaches either immorally or amorally remove them immediately and find a situation that does not allow your children to be perverted away from your morals.
Teaching sex? Most of what they learn is the affection they see you extend to your wife/husband. They learn that what mom and dad do in the bedroom is for them only. But when they see you hug and kiss your mate, that does more for that child in re-enforcing true love outside the bedroom where most of our living takes place.
You are the only one who can answer their sex questions with sensitivity and tact. No schoolroom sex ed teacher can do that.
When my son began to date I began to have a series of talks with him. I let him know that he needed to respect his girlfriend's body. That her body as well as his is a house for the Holy Spirit. And to show that respect he should not touch her anywhere a modest two piece bathing suit would be. And that if he was not intending to get married right away they should not spend a lot of time necking. They should do things together and with friends rather than make time to be alone. He and his girlfriend married as virgins.
Because I had carefully watched out for his moral training all his life and I was in that pair who was his best example, it made talking to him much easier.
Young people are capable of withholding their sexual desires for future benefit.
Delightful story of parents teaching children. God bless them.
The virgin birth isn’t the result of the immaculate conception. I see this all the time. It’s wrong.
Being a naturist family, our boys knows where babies come from.
Here’s how:
Start with this one: http://www.amazon.com/Where-Did-I-Come-From/dp/0818402539/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1409590922&sr=8-1&keywords=how+to+talk+to+kids+about+sex
Use this one as your kids get older: http://www.amazon.com/Talk-Child-About-Step-—Step/dp/1582380570/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1409590922&sr=8-3&keywords=how+to+talk+to+kids+about+sex
The key is not to make sex taboo or let your kids learn about it from friends, movies, music or the street. It’s precious, it’s part of God’s procreative power that we’re granted by Him and it belongs in marriage. Emphasize that while teaching and your kids will get it.
My friend tells this joke:
How long does it take for a baby to be born?
The first baby can come any time after the wedding. The next child will take nine months.
Getting pregnant before marriage doesn’t destroy our relationship with God. The Atonement can overcome all sorts of mistakes big and little.
When our daughter was about 8 we got a book on her level from our local library about human sexuality, and told her we would answer any questions she had. After that, it was relatively easy to deal with.
Circa 1983-4, We sat both of ours down at the same time. 15 year old boy and 14 year old girl.
After my well thought out start, our daughter took over the session and ran down the entire list of what I was going to say.
The year before she did the same thing about drugs. Bottom line they knew where to buy drugs and didn’t want to and could not see that they would ever partake. They knew who the “stoners” were at school, the dealers and the clean kids.
I think if my daughter was in charge none of the kids would have had sex or used drugs in HS.
Very interesting that I had a very similar reaction from my son. He was 9 and I was trying to be non-chalant and was telling him about the technical details of sex on the way to Little League practice. After awhile he put up his hand and said “stop, that’s all I want to hear right now.”
That night as mom tucked him into bed he disgustingly said to her “you let dad do that to you FOUR times?!
My parents taught me about sex the old-fashioned way. I learned it from the gutter!