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The 13 Best Androids, Cyborgs, And Robots In Film
13 Great Movie Androids, Cyborgs and Robots
Curnblog ^
| 04/07/2014
| Ernest Buehman
Posted on 04/27/2014 3:25:14 PM PDT by Carbonsteel
Everyone loves lists and movies. I love mechanical life forms too. So Ive rolled all three into one with a little engineering spin. This list is by no means comprehensive its simply thirteen of my favourite androids, cyborgs and robots.
13. Blinky BlinkyTM (2011)
BlinkyTM is a short film about a boy, Alex (Max Records), and his robot. Blinky doesnt go on adventures, hes just a toy meant to placate Alex while his parents fight. Blinky isnt what most people would call an interesting character, but what he illustrates in this short film is enough to make feuding parents think twice about how they treat their kids. Alex ultimately resents his robot companion since he doesnt solve the underlying unhappiness he feels as a result of his parents decaying relationship. Alex and his parents pay for their mistakes when a combination of robot abuse and a short circuit turn Blinky into
youll just have to watch the film.
12. Johnny Five Short Circuit (1986)
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TOPICS: Humor; Music/Entertainment; TV/Movies
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To: Carbonsteel
To: Carbonsteel
"Sorry Dave, but your list is defective."
To: Carbonsteel
Robby the robot (Forbidden Planet). The model for most robots for years.
posted on
04/27/2014 3:30:02 PM PDT
(Romans 8: verses 38 and 39. "For I am persuaded".)
To: Carbonsteel
Oh, come on! How can you make such a list and not include the T1000 from “Terminator?”
posted on
04/27/2014 3:31:34 PM PDT
To: Carbonsteel
Danger Will Robinson, Danger! Danger!
posted on
04/27/2014 3:34:24 PM PDT
To: Diogenesis
My favorites are Huey, Dewey, and Louie, running around the forest satellite.
posted on
04/27/2014 3:35:51 PM PDT
To: Carbonsteel
OK no mention of the Terminator?
posted on
04/27/2014 3:36:55 PM PDT
Telepathic Intruder
(The only thing the Left has learned from the failures of socialism is not to call it that)
To: Carbonsteel
summer glau...what movie?
posted on
04/27/2014 3:39:29 PM PDT
(--raised by wolves, disciplined and educated by nuns.)
To: Carbonsteel
What about Crow T. Robot and Tom Servo? There was a MST3K movie.
To: Telepathic Intruder
No mention of Terminator and no Major Kusinagi from Ghost in the Shell (and they even have one from anime, so it's not like they limited the field to Hollywood live-action movies).
posted on
04/27/2014 3:45:01 PM PDT
(And when they behead your own people in the wars which are to come, then you will know...)
To: RBStealth
She was one of the terminators in the Sarah Conner Chronicles. It was a pretty good show but it was on Fox, so it got cancelled after a couple seasons.
To: RBStealth
The best cyborgs ever....
To: The_Reader_David
posted on
04/27/2014 3:55:38 PM PDT
Telepathic Intruder
(The only thing the Left has learned from the failures of socialism is not to call it that)
To: Carbonsteel
posted on
04/27/2014 3:57:57 PM PDT
Ruy Dias de Bivar
(Sometimes you need 7+ more ammo. LOTS MORE.)
To: Carbonsteel
How does a blog omit The Robot from
Lost in Space, Robby from
Forbidden Planet and Gort from the original
The Day The Earth Stood Still and actually claim to be serious? Even worse: Gerty? WTF?! He's a complete rip-off of the Hal-9000 from
2001: A Space Odyssey. Worse Yet: Bishop. Bishop?!
Ash RULES. Bishop is just a lapdog.
And worst of all Wall-E at #1.
Wrong. Just wrong. On so many levels. Wrong.
posted on
04/27/2014 3:59:42 PM PDT
(Das ist nicht nur nicht richtig, es ist nicht einmal falsch!)
To: Carbonsteel
In Homer Simpson's most languorous doughnut-slobber-voice: ... Number ... Six ...
posted on
04/27/2014 4:02:24 PM PDT
(Das ist nicht nur nicht richtig, es ist nicht einmal falsch!)
To: Carbonsteel
what a sad list!
Did make me wonder if one of Niven’s strengths was his avoidance of robots.
posted on
04/27/2014 4:05:28 PM PDT
(Dumb sluts: Lifeblood of the Media, Backbone of the Democrat Party!)
To: IronJack
Or the ones from Battlestar Galactica.
I also liked Sonny in I, Robot, and the kid robot and Teddy Bear in AI.
To: Carbonsteel
There were a couple of "Futurama" movies starring Bender, the greatest robot of them all. Ask him.
Also, the robot dog Rags, from "Sleeper". And what about Dr. Who's K-9?
posted on
04/27/2014 4:09:04 PM PDT
Sirius Lee
(All that is required for evil to advance is for government to do "something")
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