Andorians on Star Trek have four genders (zhen, shen, chan, and thaan). I should tell them I mentally FEEL Andorian and feel discriminated against since there's no "thaan" option. The fact its fictional isn't an excuse either... they have a facebook language option for "pirate" so everything will be written like Long John Silver.
Hmmmm. Okay, lefties, as long as you want to portray the GLBTQWHATEVERTHEITIALSARETHISWEEK movement as the same as racial discrimination, then aren't homosexuals who self-identify as "queer" doing the same thing as blacks that self-identify as "niggas"? If I call them "queer", you'd claim it's a hate crime. Interesting they're allowed to use the label, though.
most of those are fiction too
I thought the left was always screaming, “Don’t label me !” ?
What about me? I'm a chan trapped in a thaan's body. Trans-chan! Not to be confused with Charlie Chan.
Seriously most of those "options" are different words for the same thing. And I thought the whole point of the "trans" thing was to be the other sex? So wouldn't a guy who's had genital surgery want to click "female" rather than some third option?
"Cisgender" is funny, that's a word they made up to mean men and woman who AREN'T transomthing.