I want an Obama-free White Hut!
And for partridges in a pear tree I want to see Hairy, Pelosi, both Clintons, Valerie, Jesse, Sharpton, Gore, Axlerod, and a host of other ‘Progressives’ dangling.
From your handle I was thinking...
‘Christmas’ heard on NBC
Flanders & Swann
A bold hippopotamus was standing one day
On the banks of the cool Shalimar
He gazed at the bottom as it peacefully lay
By the light of the evening star
Away on a hilltop sat combing her hair
His fair hippopotamine maid
The hippo-pot-amus was no ignoramus
And sang her this sweet serenade
(Chorus four lines)
Mud, mud, glorious mud
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood
So follow me, follow / down to the hollow
And there let us wallow in glorious mud
I want milk and cookies
But all I’m gonna get is switches and a lump of coal
I wanna MP5-A5 . .
and ammo
I’d rather have a hippopotamus than an Operation game. I got one of those Operation games for Christmas when I was a kid. I could never get the stuff out without touching the sides and hearing that “Bzzzzzzz!”. How I grew to hate that sound, “Bzzzzzzz!” The other children laughed at me and my clumsiness. They laughed until we played the new game I made......Operation: The 220 Volt Edition. Then, I laughed.
“Jimmy, your hair seems to be on fire. Try taking out that funny bone again.”
“C....C....Can’t we just play Monopoly?”
I want a purple-lipped, bat-eared, wart-faced Kenyan in leg irons and an orange jumpsuit.
Oh, and a lion cub.
I want an elephant gun.
I don’t mean a gun that SHOOTS elephants.
I mean a gun that shoots ELEPHANTS.
One where you pull the trigger and a flaming pachyderm comes flying out.
Thats what I want.
OK, second wish. I want to be a weretiger that eats liberals.