For certain sure.
take THAT, Silky Pony!
IBTS (In Before The Skeptics!)
Don’t let Marco Rubio find out. He’ll want to give the little alien amnesty and a fast track to American citizenship.
Speaking on YouTube, Coun Parkes said he first saw an alien at the age of eight months, when “a traditional kite-shaped face”, with huge eyes, tiny nostrils and a thin mouth appeared over his cot.
He said: “Two green stick things came in. I was aware of some movement over my head. I thought, ‘they're not mummy's hands, mummy's hands are pink’.”
He added: “I was looking straight into its face. It enters my mind through my eyes and it sends a message down my optic nerve into my brain.
“It says ‘I am your real mother, I am your more important mother’.”
He said after contracting chicken pox at the age of three, his mother went to work and left him at home to fend for himself when an 8ft “doctor” dressed as a waiter appeared to offer help.
dude ... why did you have to self-immolate?
Well, I think the guys deserves some real credit here.
No that is a clever way to explain yourself out of a divorce, “hey, honey she wasn’t human, just a space alien. It doesn’t count.”
Well, how else do you explain Bill Maher?
Gee, willfully forcing one’s genitals into the genitalia of a green, 9-foot tall, eight-fingered female alien. That’s way too slimily grisly to contemplate!
Then I reconsidered: What about cramming one’s genitalia into a warm apple pie, as depicted in “American Wedding”? Or how about into the genitalia of female goats as some middle-eastern “allahu Akhbar” screamers are more than wont?
Now, what about forcibly ramming said parts into the thin-skinned, fecal exit port of another male human?
What’s next in the devolution of humans? Cramming male parts into edgy iron storm drain holes? Some are actually attracted to little guillotines as they undergo what Limbaugh calls the choppadickoffame “medical” procedure.
We’re being conditioned here (if not being tempted away from God’s flock), are we not, not to judge the genitalia-ramming choices of others? In most every case, we’re not allowed to have thoughts critical of such people. Many people get jobs and promotions based on their participation if not willing subservience to such things. So much good, right? (NOT!)
Similarly, I supposed we’re supposed not to be critical—like this poor man’s short-sighted wife and mother of his children—of this guy’s choices with the green alien.
This story and our response to us can surely lift us up, no?
I suppose fantasized sex with a 9-foot, 8-fingered alien is a lesser evil than actually damaging human fecal exit port skin and spreading disease. After all, the occurrence of the former compared to the latter is about “at most 4” to billions of times per year. So, I’ll cut the guy just a teensy bit of slack, except for what he’s done to his own wife and family, and everyone else in his audience he would lead astray. OK, let me revise that: no slack.
For those other selfish, mafia-style disease-spreading sadists I will have no sense that He’s done an injustice when God separates those to His left from the rest of us.
His Plan for us hold SO much more promise of goodness!
There used to be insane asylums for people like that. And society as a whole was better off then. Hmmmm....
No, that's the NSA.