But the followup question would have to be -- which agency of the Obama administration do you want to empower to set standards for what can be posted to the Internet, and to prosecute violators?
One could also make the case the the availability of porn and violent video games reduces violent crime because people interested in such things can get their jollies, if you will, in a virtual way rather than acting out their fantasies in the real world.
Horrible story, but 15 year old boys who sick in the head raped before there was an Internet.
The boy needs to take responsibity for his crime and not blame pixels on a screen.
I am not saying the two are at all related, correlation isn’t causality - but in this case THERE ISN'T EVEN CORRELATION!!!!!
Just make all porn web sites end in .xxx
Just like ratings at movies, it helps parents.
If you want it, go get it. If you don’t, you can easily block it.
I am not saying the two are at all related, correlation isn’t causality - but in this case THERE ISN'T EVEN CORRELATION!!!!!
As if a 15 year old couldn’t get past any lock if he wanted.
Bollox that. Have the Gubmint take care of it instead of you teaching your daughter how to deal with violent attacks? Lazy git.
I know this is the UK but surely Krav Maga has not been outlawed yet. Poor excuse for a father.
Why, of course the government should step in for irresponsible parents.
Seriously. Just head down to the local ^subsidized^ public library and call-up the browser history of any one of the “public” PCs.
Exercising First Amendment Rights lead to a criminal result?
We must therefore require all people who speak or read to first register each act with the government!
That won't stop it. Hold the parents of the perpetrators responsible and sue them out of their welfare checks.
He should have used the right word. "Liberty" is not the problem.
A virtual slap on the wrist and hardly a deterrent to other potential brutal rapists.
Liberty is the foundation of personal safety and security. The existence of liberty, directly and immediately establishes personal security in the sense of safety from the initiation of physical force. When one is free, one is safe secure - from common crime, because what one is free of or free from is precisely the initiation of physical force.
Liberty is the precondition of personal safety, because it is an essential requirement for individuals being able to act on their rational judgment. When they possess liberty, individuals can consider their circumstance and then choose the course of action that they judge to be most conducive to their personal security and thus to their well-being. Liberty is the basis of everyone being as secure and safe as the exercise of his own reason and judgment can make him.
Since liberty is the absence of the initiation of physical force, every attempt to justify any form of restriction or limitation on liberty is actually an attempt, knowingly or unknowingly, to unleash the initiation of physical force. As such, it is an attempt to unleash the destruction of human life and property, and for this reason should be regarded as evil.
Surely the safety of girls like my daughter is more important than peoples liberty,
Spoken like a true sheep.