Posted on 12/11/2012 3:37:42 PM PST by Kartographer
Have you noticed that it has become trendy to bash preppers? For a long time the prepper movement was ignored, but now it has become so large that it is getting very difficult for the mainstream media to pretend that it is not there. In fact, it has been estimated that there are now approximately 3 million preppers in the United States alone. So now the mainstream media has decided that mocking the movement is the best strategy, and lots of critics and skeptics out there have picked up on this trend. Instead of addressing the very real issues that have caused millions of Americans to prepare for the worst, those criticizing the prepper movement attempt to put the focus on individual personalities. They try to find the strangest nutjobs they possibly can and then hold them up as typical preppers. The goal is to portray preppers as tinfoil hat wearing freaks that need to be locked up in the loony bin for their own personal safety and for the good of society. The criticism of preppers has really ramped up in recent months, and it will likely get even worse in 2013. The establishment does not like any movement that is outside of their control, and the prepper movement is definitely not under their control.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I’ll tell you what I’ve got, because I’m not afraid to discuss these things either. My wife and I are 52, and we’re out in the country with 2 acres. But there’s woods behind the house, and a large pond back there.
I have (here in the Piedmont area of NC): 3 fig trees (2 brown turkey and 1 black mission), 14 blue berry bushes; 4 peach, 2 plum, 2 pear, 4 kiwi fruit, and 5 apple trees. Two grape vines (one golden scuppernong and 1 muscadine).
We have a large bed of perennial everbearing strawberries. I picked some this morning.
A fairly large asparagus patch. My winter garden now has 2 types of cabbage, turnips, radishes, 3 types of lettuces, and arugula.
We have Mountain Home freeze-dried cans to last several months. I have a well and manual pump. Guns: 3 x .22 rifles (2 w/scopes), AR15, single-shot 12-gage, .357 revolver, and my wife has her Lady’s S&W 38 special.
I have lots of tools. 6 hoes. 4 axes. I think with a good hoe you have a chance to survive.
I don’t have any off-grid electricity. I hope to change that. I want 2,500 w and battery storage to go with it. I want chickens. I’ve got everything ready for them. I’ll get 6 next year, I think. I don’t have enough canning supplies. Here’s a link to reusable canning lids:
I need to get some of those.
Lots of ammo.
Well, the label used to be “survivalist” and that had a bad connotation, so the word, “prepper” came along. Pick any other word and it will also become a bad label because it represents the same thing, us.
I only talk to like minded preppers about our plans. I have a brother who’s ready for a nuke. Another brother just laughs at us. We’ll see who has the last laugh. I won’t ‘invite’ non preppers to our bunker when the shtf, except for my 80+ year old parents.
Well said, sir.
Problem is that in 1929, folks still had skills, didn't rely on electricity, or just-in-time shelf stocking.
Today, a lot of urban folks don't have any skills besides twisting off a bottle cap or ordering out.
My dad lived down the street from where I am in the 30s, and he didn't get electricity at the old rock house until right before the war.
My great-grandmother taught my first wife how to trim a wick on an oil lamp. Skills lost.
because they’re not scraping by like everyone else.
because every crisis needs a Goldstein to deflect attention off the politicians and bankers.
What makes individual Americans who prepare for disaster so much worse than our president & congresspeople, who will enjoy top drawer accomodations should the SHTF?
At least they prep with their own money.
Whoo Hoo - right on. The first sentence is great, and bears repeating.
The second sentence? PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!
Repeat it often!
LOL. Hubby and I worked our way through college washing dishes, waiting tables, and cooking on the grill.
Good skills to have.
The commie lady bureaucrat at the link (Valerie Hyphen-Somebody)decided to make the distinction between “prepper” and “doomer”. A Doomer was selfish, and not interested in the community-at-large, only his own selfish hide. So the new term of derision is Doomer.
LOL. Thanks for the 2 new tips re: roadkill and lime solutions, already had first hand experience with all the others.
“A Doomer was selfish, and not interested in the community-at-large, only his own selfish hide. So the new term of derision is Doomer.”
So if TSHTF and I don’t give my stuff to the community, I am a Doomer. Just call me Doomer.
Fabulous links as to WHY not to let people know your plans.
These videos are a lesson, if you earn anything, don’t let people know how prepared you are.
So, continue to prepare, and if someone says you are nuts for doing that, tell them the government is the biggest prepper in the country so it must be okay for its citizens to prepare.
And don’t forget to repeat: At least the prepper is using his or her own money, not someone else’s!!!!!!!!
Blue board insulation makes a great artic toilet seat. Warms up almost instantly.
If only Granny had known that when I was little, I wouldn’t have had such a cold tush when I was a kid.
Trick is to wait for someone bigger than you to warm the seat, then 'strike while the seat is warm'.
Right on. I don’t call it prepping - I call it LIVING - and a satisfactory life at that!
Just call me a Country Gal at heart.
Stand Your Ground has always been a favorite principle of mine.
I just copied some instructions on how to build a smokehouse. I love smoked turkey and smoked pork.
That "emergency manager" sure is selfish, not sharing her bank account, house, car, etc with us!
Probably true, and the best you can hope for is to stay one step ahead of the MSM that despises “preppers”.
One idea might be to copyright and trademark a name, that can be used only under limited circumstances. The open source movement has put a lot of thought into this. Imagine the glee of demanding royalties any time the MSM used that name.
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