Posted on 06/24/2011 9:03:36 AM PDT by chuckee
CHICAGO (CBS) The teenage robbery mobs are at it again on North Michigan Avenue.
Some 50 young people barged into a Walgreens at Michigan and Chicago on the Magnificent Mile on Tuesday afternoon. They took bottled drinks and sandwiches off the shelves, then ran off, CBS 2′s Suzanne Le Mignot reports.
A police report says authorities were able to nab three of the thieves.
Walgreens says the store is working with police, helping investigators with video from the store security camera.
The Mag Mile earlier this year was hit by similar mobs of young thieves. Attacks on commuters and bicyclists have become violent, and police have stepped up patrols.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Ah, the “youths” are back in the news. Who could have predicted that?
Response: I think it is safe to say "We have a trend!"
Comment: "Conspiracy is a combination for an unlawful purpose." Perkins on Criminal Law. It is a Felony even if the underlying crime is a misdemeanor: i.e. conspiracy to steal a candy bar would be a Felony. However, our society does not have the strength to resist the type of action underlying the posted report. As one famous historian stated "We can no longer excrete." This is especially true when it comes to blacks. As the Gaul said to the Roman: "Woe to the conquered!"
Hey, I like this better than my suggestion to charge them with felony strong-arm robbery instead of the usual misdemeanor shoplifting and disorderly conduct.
<When mobs start breaking in to steal FOOD (not TVs or Stereo) things are getting worse than we are being told.
In this case, I don’t think so. I think they wanted the flash mob experience, wanted lunch, and if caught, figured they weren’t going to do a lot of time for stealing a coke and a sandwich. It’s a different story if you do this in a jewelry store.
I was just in Chicago the other month and enjoyed my stay around the corner from the Magnificent Mile, shopping and walking up and down. I live in a small town now and it was a treat to go to the big city. I’ve been to the MM several times before and never in all my life did I think I’d have to worry about my safety while inside a store there. What is the world coming to?
I agree with the FReeper who suggested RICO charges. Hang ‘em high and discourage this kind of behavior.
“Search still works”
That’s the response I received when I attempted to make the 2nd post to a thread .. the one which I’d just posted of this exact same article.
~ ~ ~ ~
Teen Mob Hits Walgreens On The Mag Mile (50 thugs)
CBS Chicago ^ | 6-23-11
Posted on Friday, June 24, 2011 4:14:44 PM by STARWISE
~ ~ ~ ~
However, when I searched this exact title in titles at the top of the page at approximately between 3:55 and 4:14pm, (I copied and pasted the exact text in search as I always do) NOTHING CAME UP. ZERO .. NADA .. NO RESULT .. NO ARTICLE.
Please explain how this happens .. if, in fact, “search still works” .... ???? .
I certainly wouldn’t post a duplicate, if search worked and it appeared. I never do .. who would?
There are technical glitches here.. some recently ... as we all know, so can we assume those are ongoing and these little malfunctions will continue to happen?
It was surprising to me I had posted a duplicate thread after searching correctly.
I have not yet seen the video of this incident (if any is available) but I will say this unequivocally: I have personally seen at least four different events within the last 3-6 months of these “flash mob” things captured on surveillance video.
In each case, they were all 100% black (within the view of the camera) And,disturbingly (to me) they appeared to be well dressed and groomed (from what could be discerned from the video)
If someone can send me links to video of these flash mobs that would show any other group participating in them, I would be grateful, because to tell you the truth, I don’t get any enjoyment or satisfaction out of making what appears to be a blanket statement, but is true nonetheless in my experience.
Again, not to belabor the point, but it is 100% true in my experience that all blacks are not participants in flash mobs that steal and vandalize private businesses, but it is also true that the four incidents I have heard about WERE all black youths, all appeared to involve middle class people (by appearance) and if the incidents were reported nationally (which they were not, as far as I know, but I could be wrong) there was absolutely no mention of the race of the perpetrators, at the local reports that WERE availble.
I find that just as disturbing as well.
Check out the search criteria...;o=time;q=quick;s=walgreens
OF COURSE, I searched it after the thread was pulled and saw that. I said that I searched .. and I *ALWAYS* do ... before I post. It’s foolhardy and a huge frustrating waste of my time to do otherwise.
Again, the fact is: when I searched BEFORE posting my version of the piece from CBS .. around 3:55pm CT .. this thread did NOT come up .. there was no result .. ZERO. So, unless the clock here is off or there’s some other quirky technical glitch and that’s confirmed .. I’m totally lost.
Could it be the clock ?
Is it possible that the tech issues that do crop up from here time to time are possibly behind this kind of glitch?
I’d sure like to get some insight .. I’m sure others would, also.
Thanks in advance for the possible logical culprits.
There’s some quirky glitch somewhere. Makes NO sense .. and it’s extremely frustrating.
Posted 6/18/11: African American Flash Mob thieves raid a Convenience Store
May 2011: African American Teen Mob Swarms Convenience Store in Las Vegas
Teenage Flash Mob Robberies on the Rise
Rotten young punk crooks ... looks like it’s gonna be the flashmob summer. This is getting out of control... one person would be helpless against such savages.
They’re just practicing for Nov 2012.
This is going to ruin business everywhere this summer.
The losses from the thefts are reimbursed by insurance.
The loss of customers is forever. Who wants to shop anywhere that this happens frequently?
Thanks, Obama, for your wonderful boost to the economy!
The loss of customers is forever. Who wants to shop anywhere that this happens frequently?
‘Zackly ..!!! Summer .. uneducated, unsocialized, unemployed animals, time on their hands, muckraking on their minds, loose in the streets. What more do you need to drive folks away from retail shopping in person?
Cops had better get a quick handle on this crap.
Dear God ...
I had on the spot experience with the Detroit riots of 67.
There’s no substitute for robust firepower.
God,how low we have sunk.
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