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I'm Burning a Koran in the Morning. Who's With Me?
| Me
Posted on 09/10/2010 4:47:11 PM PDT by Cyber Liberty
Hey gang! I've downloaded, and burned to CD, copies of the Koran (English and Urdu). Tomorrow morning, 9/11, 8:45 AM Eastern Time, I'm going to take it into my backyard and I'm going to set it on fire. Who's with me?
You can download the files here:
Mash here!
Thanks and hat tip to freebird5850
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To: Cyber Liberty
I'm gonna write Koran on a peice of paper and burn it.
Damn muslims are deliberate...Their philosophy is kill all the Christains and Jews...and when I hear Obama preach tolerance on OUR PART....I feel like puking.
Fool me twice...shame on me!!
To: Cyber Liberty
Got my free copy from cair years ago and threw it,unopened,out the car window going down the freeway.
posted on
09/10/2010 4:56:57 PM PDT
To: Cyber Liberty
posted on
09/10/2010 4:57:31 PM PDT
Joe 6-pack
(Que me amat, amet et canem meum)
To: dfwgator
Burn a picture,same damn thing.
To: Cyber Liberty
I’m in. Also using it to drain bacon.
posted on
09/10/2010 4:57:49 PM PDT
( "It does no good to be a super power if you have to worry what the neighbors think." BuffaloJack)
To: Cyber Liberty
I am not a book burner, but I said earlier I had 1/2 a mind to burn one just to piss Obama off.
Since my motivation is my distaste for the Pretender in Chief, I must wait until 9/12.
9/11 is not about my dislike of the President. The other 364 days are fair game :-)
To: doc1019
Go High-tech, doc! Burn a CD from the download link I provided!
posted on
09/10/2010 4:58:41 PM PDT
Cyber Liberty
(Build a man a fire; he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire; he'll be warm the rest of his life)
To: Cyber Liberty
i say burn a koran daily until obama shows his full birth certificate. if the mussies go crazy blame it on obama for hiding his records.
To: mdittmar
posted on
09/10/2010 4:59:49 PM PDT
Cyber Liberty
(Build a man a fire; he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire; he'll be warm the rest of his life)
To: Cyber Liberty
I am with you. I will do English and Persian.
To: dynachrome
Starting the charcoal tomorrow for the pork chops with a couple of pages I printed out.
Man give a little warning before posting something like that, I almost shot root beer all across the screen... other than that, a great idea!
posted on
09/10/2010 5:00:42 PM PDT
("Put the wagons in a circle for all the good it'll do")
To: Joe 6-pack
BRAVO!!!! Let’s give it to them...
posted on
09/10/2010 5:00:56 PM PDT
Cyber Liberty
(Build a man a fire; he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire; he'll be warm the rest of his life)
To: Protect the Bill of Rights
My hat’s off to ya! Happy BBQ!
posted on
09/10/2010 5:01:54 PM PDT
Cyber Liberty
(Build a man a fire; he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire; he'll be warm the rest of his life)
To: Joe 6-pack
posted on
09/10/2010 5:02:08 PM PDT
("Put the wagons in a circle for all the good it'll do")
To: Cyber Liberty
Download it and burn it to a CD. No Ink, no paper. Then BURN THE DAMN THING. Or you could put it in the microwave for a few seconds. No need for a burn permit that way.
posted on
09/10/2010 5:02:23 PM PDT
To: Cyber Liberty
I would but I don’t want that piece of crap on my HD.
posted on
09/10/2010 5:02:59 PM PDT
(Martyrdom is a great thing, until it is your turn.)
To: Cyber Liberty
Go for it.
I will not behead you if you do.
To: Protect the Bill of Rights
Maybe we need a National Burn the Koran day. Any day except 9-11. Pick one. Any day will do. We can burn a Koran every year on that day. How about the day that the president gives his State of the Union address.
It is pretty nippy in January, even down here in Texas and that would warm things up a bit.
posted on
09/10/2010 5:03:22 PM PDT
Misplaced Texan
(July 4, 2009 - the first day of the 2nd Revolution!)
To: DejaJude
They didn’t have microwaves in the 7th century. FIRE!
posted on
09/10/2010 5:03:37 PM PDT
Cyber Liberty
(Build a man a fire; he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire; he'll be warm the rest of his life)
To: Cyber Liberty
Is it proper to drench a Koran in gasoline, made from middle-eastern oil, prior to burning it?
posted on
09/10/2010 5:03:49 PM PDT
(I won't be reconstructed, and I do not give a damn.)
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