Posted on 01/01/2010 6:27:46 AM PST by USALiberty
Folks, I often wondered what possessed Judge Carter in California to tell the world he wanted to try this case on its merits and then do a sudden 180 by dismissing the case with prejudice? Does the word arrogance come to mind? Did the justice system in California just reach the bottom of the barrel? The performance of Judge Carter was totally disgusting to watch.. Oh, and this whoop-ti-do you heard from folks that Carter would do the right thing because he is an EX-Marine.. what happened? Did honor and his oath get flushed on the way to the bench?
I went back and read some of Carters words and was stunned by his lack of knowledge of the Constitution or even a basic understanding of what is really going on here.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
It’s old, it’s fake, and you’ve been had again. Here’s a tip: Stop believing people who have little education and know nothing at all about the matters on which they pontificate. If you believe everything you hear, you are just like the airheads who support Obama.
Re ... What;s your point???
I like to post information related to the topic of the thread. Why does that offend you?
Because he didn't say that.
Does the word arrogance come to mind?
No, the words that come to mind are "crass stupidity" and "incompetence" and those can best be applied to Orly Taitz.
Your email falls apart right there. Pakistan was not and has never been on a State Department no-travel list.
"Section 349 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1481), as amended, states that U.S. citizens are subject to loss of citizenship if they perform certain specified acts voluntarily and with the intention to relinquish U.S. citizenship. Briefly stated, these acts include:
1. obtaining naturalization in a foreign state (Sec. 349 (a) (1) INA);
2. taking an oath, affirmation or other formal declaration to a foreign state or its political subdivisions (Sec. 349 (a) (2) INA);"
The acceptance of an Indonesian passport is prima facie evidence for the relinquishment of US citizenship.
Very easily. IMHO, of course.
Can you point out how Indonesian law can supersede U.S. law?
The judge ruled correctly. If Obama committed fraud in gaining office then the remedy is to impeach him. The election has been certified and cannot be overturned, just as the 2000 election of Bush could not have been overturned if it were proved he was fraudulantly elected. Once the toothpaste is out of the tube it is hard to get it back in. Obama could possibly be prohibited from running again if he can be shown to be ineligible.
I find it both interesting and revealing that he was a recognized Kenyan during his Senate run yet now a Hawaiian.
What you failed to include is those acts must be performed as an adult. A minor child cannot relinquish U.S. citizenship and they cannot have it relinquished by someone on their behalf.
Also, had Obama been adopted by Soetoro then under the Indonesian law in effect at that time he was most likely too old to have Indonesian citizenship granted to him. He would have had to apply for naturalization when he became an adult. By that time he'd been living in the U.S. again for years.
IOW, “The King Can Do No Wrong” philosophy.
A minor child cannot relinquish U.S. citizenship and they cannot have it relinquished by someone on their behalf.Not true. You're confusing a situation where a minor is still living in the U.S.A with a minor who has permanently moved to a country outside of the U.S.A. It's xenophobic to assume a U.S. citizen would never renounce their citizenship to become a citizen of the country they are living in. Minors have as much right to pursue citizenship outside of the U.S. as an adult.
I think that’s one thing people fail to grasp. The Republic of Vanuatu could pass a law declaring every member of FR its citizens, and that would not mean we “relinquish” our original citizenships.
Excellent points. Carter is an outstanding judge.
Where was that mentioned???
Judge is an Ex-Marine. Former Marine. Once a Marine, always a Marine. I know a few Marines, and the “once a Marine, always a Marine” aura don’t seem to be all taht strong. And thoroughly-corrupt, Ex-Marine, Western-Pennsylania Congressman Murtha comes to mind, too.
I have a cousin who has taken the bait and sent this hoax to me at least four times , each with a new, different “tempting” headline.
The line above included in all versions so far is the dead giveaway that the story (even if it wasn't a hoax) is not current, as Obama’s first UK visit was near April Fool's day 2009 when the hoax story first appeared.
I didn’t know that we are now using January 1at for April 1st fools and hoaxes???
I like your post 18 better!!!
No, but it would mean you relinquish your original citizenship if you subsequently apply for a Vanatuan passport.
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