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The Release of the Destruction of Life Devoid of Value: A Vote for Obama is a Vote for Infanticide.

One of the things that has always surprised me is the lack of historical knowledge of how a country like Germany could come to the point that they voted in and supported the Jack-booted thug NAZI's that they did. I am a student of history. My studies have led me down the path of searching out this matter.

I have read volumes of information concerning the events that led up to the advent of the NAZI killing machine. And in my reading I have very rarely found a single item that more clearly expresses the lead-up to the destruction that took place as does a small simple pamphlet published in pre-war Germany. (Pre-War of course referring to the times between WW1 and WW2.)

This pamphlet was written by two German doctors, Dr. Karl Binding and Dr. Alfred Hoche in 1920. The title of the pamphlet was "THE RELEASE OF THE DESTRUCTION OF LIFE DEVOID OF VALUE" and was written to fortify the argument that there were types of life that were valueless. This was a pamphlet that proposed that there were some in our society, though human like the rest of us, that should be killed. They wanted the government of Germany to embrace the idea that there were people that were ‘life devoid of value.",/b> This included, but was not limited to retarded children and adults, the severely handicapped, and those who suffered incurable diseases such as epilepsy, and other disorders, including wounded WW1 vets.

This pamphlet was written to the German people at large. In this pamphlet they argued that this should be allowed as a form of "mercy" to those who were so afflicted. This argument was coming from two very popular doctors whose standing in the world's medical community was impeccable. They argued at that time that nothing that was being proposed would get out of hand, and that only the ones they mentioned would be targeted by this killing, which they titled euthanasia.,/b>

Because the Weimar Republic of Germany was the clearest most democratic of such bodies in the world they knew that if they could garner a majority of the German people's support for such a program, they would be able to enact it into law.

This of course was argued with all emphasis being on how ‘merciful' an act the euthanasia would be, and how it would never get out of hand and be used on anyone who didn't fit the targeted group. This argument, of course, was accepted by the entire scientific community, and by the medical community. The concept which was proposed was that it could never get out of hand because it was not a program of the masses, but precisely because it was the offspring of a medical/scientific and enlightened community.

While Adolph Hitler was nothing but a jailed prisoner and a former corporal in the German Army the German people were quickly embracing this doctrine of euthanasia as a form of enlightened mercy to the needy and incurable. The also portrayed it as an act of mercy to keep the rest of society from being inconvenienced by those who were so afflicted.

Before the name of Adolph Hitler was known but to a few the German people were already embracing the ideas of ‘mercy killing.' They were being led to these conclusions by the "enlightened" medical and scientific community who were only proposing these things to assure that civilization could progress forward and act in the way an enlightened civilization should act.

This was probably the first time that the scientific community weighed it's view heavily on the people of a nation. This was the time when the German people abandoned their ancient views and allegiance to the ministers and priests of their past and embraced a new priesthood, a priesthood of doctors, scientists, all backed up by lawyers who told them that they were on good legal grounds in doing what they were proposing.

But even if the greatest minds of the day argued these things, it was still up to the German people to take this on themselves and to enact this into their lives. This was an act of the people, not just the leadership.

The sad thing is that the German people were persuaded to adopt the ideology of the utilitarian view of human life. This view was then the springboard for the great darkness that was to descend upon the entire European Continent. It only took a mere 16 years from the date of the publishing of the pamphlet, till the date that the very ideas proposed in that pamphlet became enshrined into German law. These laws were adopted by the NAZI government at a city in Germany called Nuremberg, and were called the Nuremberg Laws.

First the ideology, then the actuality. It doesn't take long for a society to adopt great darkness in a seed form that eventually will grow up into the monster that devours them and everything around them.

We defeated the NAZI's in WW2. We vanquished the German hierarchy and brought them to trial for crimes against humanity at the very city where they adopted the Nuremberg Laws. In our innocense we thought in doing these things we had vanquished this great darkness from our earth. However, we did not vanquish the seed of destruction that lay within the monster. We allowed it's DNA to continue to prevail under the guise of eugenics and other things which turned into today's modern ‘abortion on demand' movement.

Many people have felt that the writers of the pamphlet "THE RELEASE OF THE DESTRUCTION OF LIFE DEVOID OF VALUE" were not given a fair shake and were not ‘able' to see the effects of their beliefs on the German people at large. However, there is no doubt that these men wrote what they did hoping to enlist the power of the German people into their crusade to advance these new and "enlightened ideas" into the public arena.

When Adolph Hitler took the reigns of control over the German people he came to the place where he saw the "reasonableness" of this argument for the euthanasia of the undesirables. However, the caveat in all this is that he allowed any and all German doctors who wanted to opt out to not be involved with any of the euthanasia that was to take place with the undesirables mentioned in the pamphlet to opt out of the program. However, there wasn't a single doctor, psychologist, nurse, or nurses aid who recused him/her self from the process. In other words everyone in the medical community not only remained silent, but actually took part in this program of death and destruction.

This program against the helpless went on unchecked for years before Nuremberg and the advent of the ‘final solution' as it was called. There were thousands of helpless retarded, and handicapped people murdered before a single Jew was set on a train headed for the camps and for destruction.

Nonetheless, once the stage was set for the destruction of life, and for the view of human life in utilitarian context, nothing more needed to be done to make the holocaust happen other than to aim it at any given group that was available and unable to defend itself. This is how we ended up with 10,000,000 people systematically murdered and cooked in ovens in a mere ten years from the time of the passing of the Nuremberg Laws and a mere twenty five years from the writing of that pamphlet.

What does this all have to do with us? How do we fit in here?

I have been deeply involved in the pro-life movement since the advent of the Supreme Court decisions Roe V Wade and Doe V Bolton. (Roe brought in abortion on demand in all the states, and Doe brought in abortion on demand up till the moment of birth in all states.) My brother Jim and I were sued way back in the seventies over our anti-abortion activities (preaching and protesting). (Crist V Henderson) Our case was John Whiteheads (Rutherford Institute) founding case. We were the first case to win in argument over the issue of using the word murder to describe abortion. Up until that time you were not allowed to use that word in description of abortion.

We, my brother and myself, (he is chief counsel for the ACLJ in the Washington, DC, office) have been on the forefront of fighting for the witness of the gospel in the public arena since the early seventies. He has fought on the legal front and I have fought on the ground, in the streets, and in the public arena.

One of the greatest woes that we have seen in our society was the devaluing of human life that has come through these sister cases Roe V Wade, and Doe V Bolton. At the moment that the US Supreme Court enshrined these two cases in law, personhood was removed from the unborn child and that child at that moment was then viewed in a utilitarian manner. If the life was valuable to the mother, then it was valuable; if the life was not valuable to the mother then it was of no value to the rest of society.

Thus this nation began to view these babies with a utilitarian concept in mind, and they lost all legal personhood before our constitution, and all protection of the law. Whatever the mother decided was what ruled from that moment on till the very moment of birth. The moment of birth was always seen as the line of demarcation for these babies. It was viewed as the Mason Dixon Line of life. Make it past that moment and into this world and we will allow you to live. Make it past that line and we will give you the same treatment of any and all who are born as ‘wanted' children.

This was a line drawn on paper only. And just like the line that was drawn for escaping slaves was no longer the Mason Dixon line after the Dred Scott case in the 1800s; the unborn are no longer secure when reaching birth.

Utilitarianism rules today, just as it ruled in NAZI Germany. You are only a person, worthy of all Constitutional protection if you are considered useful, or wanted. Many people have argued back and forth over the viability of the child in the womb, but one thing is clear, there was no argument concerning the child once it was born. Because of the nature of the beast that desires to see life as utilitarian (satan) there is no doubt that there will be no satisfaction in this monster till it has total control over this society as it did in the death camps of NAZI Germany. The stage is set today for this monster to once again grab control over a society and completely bring in it's full destruction. We are that society.

Today we have a candidate running for president representing one of our major parties that not only embraces abortion on demand until the very moment of birth, but has voted to extend that ‘right' to end up with a dead baby to those babies who survive the abortionists knives and are actually born alive.

Barak Obama three times voted to stop the "Born Alive Infant Act" from becoming law in the state of Illinois. He stated on two of the occasions that he stopped the act that he was doing so because it wasn't written using the same language that the federal law used. The third time that it came before him it was with the exact same federal language and he killed it in committee. This man three times voted to allow infanticide of these most innocent, already born, babies.

To what can we compare this man? Is he like these two German doctors? Not at all. He is far worse than these two German doctors. He is like the men that sat around the table in Nuremberg and crafted the ‘final solution' to the Jewish question. He legislated into existence the opportunity for thousands of children to be killed in the hospitals of Illinois via starving them to death, or otherwise killing them through neglect. Why? Because the mother came to the abortion wanting a dead baby, and she was entitled to ending up with a dead baby.

To this wicked man the sacred (life) is the profane, and the profane (death) is sacred, all because a woman decides she will choose death over life. He, of course, having no ability to have a choice over whether or not he will kill one of his own children knows that there will be thousands of thousands of women who choose to do so. He is a believer in the idea that life is utilitarian. It is obvious that he doesn't believe in killing all babies because his own are still alive. However, im sure he sure appreciates the women's vote who believe in killing their babies.

Maybe his view towards the rights of women to kill their babies is as utilitarian as his view that these babies have a right to life. But either way it doesn't matter. Three times he voted to kill living babies through neglect. He is vastly worse than the doctors or nurses who do the actual killing. He is equivalent to the party officials in Germany who voted the death camps into law. He is guilty of crimes against humanity in a way that even the guards at a death camp would not be.

Where is justice in this matter?

Now, as to the rest of his pro-abortion stance? He is the only member of the US Senate to vote for "partial birth abortion." In the hundred and fifty times he managed to only be able to vote ‘present' at bills that were offered, he did manage to stand alone as the only United States Senator to vote for partial birth abortion. He stated that partial birth abortion had to be upheld at all cost because to not do so would somehow take away a woman's right to end up with a dead baby.

In other words he is for INFANTICIDE. He doesn't care if it is through pulling a baby partially out of a woman and scrambling it's brains in order to keep it's body alive so that the organs can be harvested like some horrible science fiction movie, or to just allow a baby to starve to death in a closet in a hospital, slowly and by itself.

Where is God in all of this? Where are the Christian witnesses to God's word in all of this? Sadly, many Christian people are going to vote for this man to run our nation in this next election. Many Christian people are willing to allow the idea that life can be viewed in a utilitarian manner such as this and feel that it is all up to whether a woman decides to kill her child or let her child live. Many Christian people have no understanding of God's view towards the murder of the innocent. Many are going to put their hand to the lever and make themselves a partaker of the sins of those who believe that murder of the innocent is an right and good.

The moment a believer puts his/her hands to the lever and votes in someone that they know promotes these great sins they will at that time become a partaker of that persons sins and will also become a partaker of their judgments. And we know for sure there will be great judgments over this sin of baby murder. God said that He hates the hands that shed innocent blood. How can we get around that?

Germany, when they were passing the Nuremberg Laws, were years away from their judgments. They, at that time, hadn't even had the victories they were to enjoy over France, Poland, and the rest of Europe. They were a rising power. Many good Christian people thought that the abuses that were in the NAZI Party were only glitches in the picture of where Germany was going. They chose to ignore these great sins at a time when they could have prevented them from getting worse. They chose to ignore them at a time when they could have stopped them, and mainly over what they thought were ‘economic' reasons. They also chose to ignore the scripture which said, ‘whatsoever you do to the least of these my brothers, you do unto me."

Every retarded child, handicapped person, ‘useless eater' was an opportunity to see and minister to Jesus, yet the German people chose to follow someone who saw them as nothing of value because they had not utilitarian value to the greater society. These were not people born with pitch fork tails and horns on their heads. These were hard working educated people, cosmopolitan people who had bred a society that contained the height of culture and science. The greatest minds came from that country, as did the greatest strike against humanity that has been seen in human history, the attempted systematic genocide of an entire people.

Nothing was too extreme when it came to promotion of this great genocide, nothing. When the camp at Treblinka was liberated by the Allies they found an area 100X50 yards six foot deep full of ‘human grease' from the remains of burning human bodies. They found this pool of human melted fat, and it still was not a sign to the leaders that they had reached excess.

Eventually the judge of the whole earth did right and brought great judgment on Germany. Their economy was dismantled, their women ravished and their children murdered in the streets by the Russian Armies as they took Berlin and other cities. Hardly a girl escaped the raping and pillaging mobs let loose on the German people. (The Russian Army policy was to allow rape and murder for three days in any area they had conquered.)

Every German felt the judgment that came to them over the great evil they had unleashed first on themselves and then on the world.

What more do we need for a warning? How much more can be said to us to tell us that we are on the verge of a great judgment? At what point will we stop the progression into the same mind-set that ruled the German people prior to the Nuremberg Laws?

We too are submerged into a societal acceptance of the ‘utilitarian' view of life. We too follow the scholars, scientists, doctors, lawyers, who lead us down this path of destruction, all the while claiming to be a path of enlightenment and liberality, a path of freedom, not a path of death and great darkness.

Simply put, " A vote for Obama is a vote for infanticide." A vote for Obama is also a vote to our own destruction. If we pull that lever for that man we will be pulling a lever of death and destruction on ourselves. God made life. Life is precious and valuable to Him. Even the tiniest baby in the womb has as much value as the greatest person in our human history. God hates the hands that shed innocent blood, and He will bring great judgment on us if we decide to lift our hands to help them shed more blood.

It is not too late to reject this evil which has come upon us. Where are the honorable men and women who would go into these hospitals and snatch these babies out of the hands of these evil merchants of death? Are there any who work in this industry who are willing to lift the cover off this great evil and go to the public with what is going on right here and now in our hospitals? Are the medical personal silent participants, just as were the doctors, nurses, and medical assistants in that day?

Where is the Church today in bringing testimony about this great day of evil? One of our great political parties has become the party of Infanticide. This truth should be shouted from every roof top till there isn't a Christian in the land who will dare touch the lever and vote this darkness upon our nation.

Proverbs 24: 11 tells us to "Rescue those that are unjustly led to the slaughter and drawn to the death." It also says in the next verse that if we fail to do so then God will laugh at us in the day of our calamity. What are we going to do? The challenge lies up to us in this day to take the bull by the horns and to bring into our society a culture of life. A culture that exposes the great darkness of making life nothing more than an utilitarian experience.

We are sitting on the verge of either great darkness or on the verge of great advancement as a people. We must not be lulled into thinking that temporary victories in our society are indicative of an overall victory for God's view of life. When the Nuremberg Laws were passed the German people had already set their course for death, destruction, and the eventual judgments that would follow. But before that happened Germany broke off it's neck the yoke of the Allied War Reparations and their economy was beginning to boom. They were about to consolidate a great amount of military victories, and were on the verge of many scientific discoveries that have effected the modern world since. However wonderful these might appear to the German people, they were also about to taste the great judgment of God for having embraced this culture of death. Great victory and prosperity immediately proceeded the great judgment of God on them.

When that judgement came from God, that judgment was sure and it was final. When are we going to understand that the judgment came, not because of the jack-booted thugs and broken cross flag, but because of the societal acceptance of the culture of death that they had embraced as a result of a single small pamphlet that opened the doors of evil on them as sure as Pandora's Box.

We stand at the same cross-roads that they stood at days before that conference in Nuremberg that set their doom. We have those in our midst that, though they do not march with the Waffen SS lightening bolts on their lapel, are just as deadly and evil as those who did. It is no mystery how a society could come to this evil that was done, it happens one decision at a time.

First it is the retarded or handicapped child aborted because of the inconvenience of caring for such a child, then it is the elderly man/woman allowed to die because it is easier on them and the family than loving them would be. Now it is babies who survived the attempt to kill them who face the merciless death camp of some hospital closet where they will live out their last days without the touch of human kindness and mercy, all because they ‘serve no purpose' to those who want them dead..

We need to ‘cast down these evil imaginations' in our minds, and in our society. And when we have become obedient to the truth we need to revenge all the disobedience we formerly walked in. We need to root out this great evil at every opportunity, be it through speech or actions. We need to hammer away at it like they did the Berlin Wall till it just simply falls apart. However, if we do not understand what it is that is at the root then we will never prevail over this darkness.

We have history to remind us what happens if we fail to overcome this anti-life attitude, this attitude that says that life is only as valuable as I am willing to let it be. The economy of our nation is tied to the view of life that we embrace. If we think that we will get a solid economy while murdering the least among us, we are as mistaken as were the pre-war Germans. Our economy is only as strong as the protection we put around the least among us, and our willingness to fight to the finish this evil anti-life spirit that now rules in our society.

When Roe V Wade and Doe V Bolton were ruled on by the Supreme Court (1973) over 75% of the people of the United States were against abortion under any circumstances. In a mere 35 years of this anti-life mind-set ruling in our society we now have almost 75% of our nation for abortion under any and all circumstances.

When we first engaged this battle way back in the early days we warned that after the baby in the womb is no longer protected and granted personhood, the baby out of the womb would be next. We almost didn't believe what we were saying ourselves, but felt compelled to say it.

Now we have seen the fruit of a 35 year courtship with death.

We now have babies born alive and silently killed through starvation and neglect. We now have a major party candidate who promotes, embraces, and votes for this to be the law of the land.

The only question remaining for you Christian reader is, "Whose side are you on?" Are you on the side of the innocent? Are you on God's side? God hates those hands that shed this innocent blood! Or are you on the side of the devil who glories in and loves the opportunity to shed the blood of the innocent?

Choose ye this day whom ye shall serve, as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

A vote for Obama is a vote for infanticide.

1 posted on 10/06/2008 9:19:16 AM PDT by TrailofTears
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To: TrailofTears

I have a bumper sticker that says A Vote For Obama is a Vote FOr Infanticide.

Mccain is a fool and needs to hit Obama with all the truths we know about him. This is a battle for civilization. Perhaps McCain is simply the other half of the dialectic. Thesis-Antithesis....I do not trust any of the Washington elitists.

I think McCain wants to lose - as the American people are now ready to accept transformation!

2 posted on 10/06/2008 9:55:38 AM PDT by caffe (please, no more consensus)
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To: TrailofTears

Educate, Educate, Educate!!!

This issue alone will bring him down. Most people can not look in the face of extreme evil and agree with it.

The Freedom of Choice Act. Educate, Educate, Educate!!!

3 posted on 10/06/2008 9:59:06 AM PDT by JPII Be Not Afraid (McCain/Palin 08)
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To: TrailofTears

We don’t know our own history, nevermind German history. That’s why we have to wrest control of the schools from the government, through vouchers, which McCain supports.

4 posted on 10/06/2008 10:07:30 AM PDT by Aquinasfan (When you find "Sola Scriptura" in the Bible, let me know)
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To: TrailofTears; wagglebee;; narses; ELS; Caleb1411; rhema; Mr. Silverback
If you are the author, you might want to research a bit deeper on what took place in Obama's work to protect the abortion method known as 'induced labor abortion', because sentences like the following one are grossly inaccurate, under emphasizing the real truth, focusing upon the misdiretcion Obama has posed:

"Today we have a candidate running for president representing one of our major parties that not only embraces abortion on demand until the very moment of birth, but has voted to extend that ‘right' to end up with a dead baby to those babies who survive the abortionists knives and are actually born alive.."

Obama was fighting to keep legal a heinous abortion method becoming popular with abortionist murderers. He was not fighting to block medical attention for alive babies who survive an abortionist's knife.

Induced labor abortion is the planned premature birth and then killing by neglect of the struggling premature alive child. Let me explain further.

With induced labor abortion, the abortionist places a 'laminary' in the cervical os, to slowly stretch the cervical opening. Then the pregnant female is given drugs to induce labor and cause her body to expell the alive premature child. The abortionist thus avoids killing the alive child inside the female's body, and instead delivers an alive, struggling to breathe child who is left unattended, to die alone from suffocation. This method accomplishes two things:

1) the child is not killed or dismembered within the body of the mother, thus risk to the mother is reduced

2) the child is a more 'pristine source of fetal tissues' for harvesting and shipping to research programs in an industry amounting to billions in dollar trade/value.

It is important to note that Barack Obama was protecting this heinous method of killing the alive unborn (by causing them to be born prematurely then in an act of infanticide these struggling children are left to die 'of natural causes'). These bastard democrat ghouls have shaped the argument to hide the truth of their protection for after birth infanticide, as a way to get rid of unwanted alive children.

If you're going to address this evil, please distinguish it from the false trail the Obama and democrat ghouls have fashioned to try and hide their evil work.

5 posted on 10/06/2008 11:08:59 AM PDT by MHGinTN (Believing they cannot be deceived, they cannot be convinced when they are deceived.)
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