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To: theothercheek
2 posted on
12/28/2006 8:18:18 AM PST by
To: Slings and Arrows
The Stiletto has launched a crusade against boobism Boobist ping
3 posted on
12/28/2006 8:18:24 AM PST by
(Sarcasm detector overload!)
To: theothercheek
Our double-D daughter found out early that most men assumed she was:
A. Stupid
B. Easy
C. Both
D. If he was really lucky, her daddy owned a liquor store.
She was none of the above and is now completing a PhD in Genetics.
Oh, yeah, and she found a man who looked at her face when he spoke to her. They're married now.....
4 posted on
12/28/2006 8:20:44 AM PST by
To: theothercheek
To: theothercheek
Boobs And Brains Not Mutually Exclusive lets clear up some notions - they aint boobs, theyre udders.....and those brains, were likely the result of "favors" received
To: theothercheek
Someone had to do it.
To: theothercheek
First, in the interest of full disclosure, let me say that I am pro-breasts.
Having said that, how about that Monica? Don't let anybody tell you that lady doesn't know how to use her head!
10 posted on
12/28/2006 8:28:58 AM PST by
(All vices in moderation. I don't want to overdo any but I don't want to skip any either.)
To: theothercheek
She went to college in England, like Clinton.
Anyone else see unresolved issues here?
13 posted on
12/28/2006 8:30:07 AM PST by
(Reality doesn't say much - doesn't need too)
To: theothercheek
'Boobs' in the title of a thread is an automatic 500+ views
14 posted on
12/28/2006 8:31:06 AM PST by
([there's a lot of bad people in the pistachio business] (...but his head is so tiny...))
To: theothercheek
Since I got my Christmas present, none of this really matters anyore:
To: theothercheek
The 'great' question of our time!
20 posted on
12/28/2006 8:34:19 AM PST by
To: theothercheek
26 posted on
12/28/2006 8:37:00 AM PST by
To: theothercheek
The Stiletto has launched a crusade against boobism It's not boobism .... it's boobslamism.
30 posted on
12/28/2006 8:41:40 AM PST by
(Not one of those seasonal Festivians. I practice the Airing of Grievances daily. Often on this site.)
To: theothercheek
"Breasts make men stupid."
Dave Barry
37 posted on
12/28/2006 8:46:19 AM PST by
(How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?)
To: theothercheek
I've heard it said that men would appreciate women's minds more if they bounced gently when they walked.
Garde la Foi, mes amis! Nous nous sommes les sauveurs de la République! Maintenant et Toujours!
(Keep the Faith, my friends! We are the saviors of the Republic! Now and Forever!)
LonePalm, le Républicain du verre cassé (The Broken Glass Republican)
40 posted on
12/28/2006 8:48:13 AM PST by
(Commander and Chef)
To: theothercheek
I was a boobist before boobism was cool!
44 posted on
12/28/2006 8:50:23 AM PST by
2nd Bn, 11th Mar
(The "P" in Democrat stands for patriotism.)
To: theothercheek
It is not their size that determines brain size (or usage). It is how she "displays" them.
59 posted on
12/28/2006 9:00:31 AM PST by
To: theothercheek
Let's get a grip here, people. Blewbillsky owns a set of double deltas
not because she is voluptiously hot, but because she is F.A.T., like a bovine. There's a world of difference between hot double deltas and sloppy, fat ones.
And the world is chock full of smart fat chicks.
To: theothercheek
It's a degree in social psychology, which means she's good at bullshit. Doesn't necessarily correspond with smart.
72 posted on
12/28/2006 9:12:29 AM PST by
To: theothercheek
83 posted on
12/28/2006 9:21:33 AM PST by
(Bring back Patton)
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