To: theothercheek
Someone had to do it.
To: andy58-in-nh
And you just had to be the one!
To: andy58-in-nh
Thanks for observing the rules so rigorously.
65 posted on
12/28/2006 9:06:29 AM PST by
Uncle Miltie
(Heads up, people! The Nazis are back. They're more numerous and gearing up with atomic weapons.)
To: andy58-in-nh
79 posted on
12/28/2006 9:17:56 AM PST by
(Bring back Patton)
To: andy58-in-nh
Someone had to do it.Thanks for doing the honors. I was going to if no one else had.
86 posted on
12/28/2006 9:23:45 AM PST by
null and void
(Propaganda doesn't have to make sense. Hell, it often works better if it doesn't.)
To: andy58-in-nh
"I wish these were brains."
Honey, half the population shares that sentiment, the other half likes 'em just as they are.
113 posted on
12/28/2006 9:55:01 AM PST by
Lonesome in Massachussets
(The artist doesn't have to have all the answers; he must, however, ask the right questions honestly.)
To: andy58-in-nh
A photograph of the Seattle Needle Tower....
124 posted on
12/28/2006 10:11:49 AM PST by
("It aint what you don't know that kills you. It's what you know that aint so" Theodore Sturgeon))
To: andy58-in-nh
Wish I was a brain surgeon and she needed a check up...
150 posted on
12/28/2006 10:38:52 AM PST by
Doctor Raoul
(BUSH KNEW liberals didn't have the balls to fight terrorism.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson