The hell...?
Well what ever happened to STUDMAN, er, STEDMAN? She gone AC/DC now? Money makes alot of people crazy...
As the ole saying goes...Money is a horrible master, and a magnificent slave!!
It's kind of unfortunate and sad that anyone would think they had to defend or explain a nonsexual relationship.
"So I get why people have to label it how can you be this close without it being sexual?"
Homosexuals have been asking that for years.
I think it stems from never having a close relationship with their parents, friends, siblings, God, neighbors, grandparents, teachers, mentors, etc. etc.
Sex does not equal love. Sex is not the ultimate expression of love.
Once upon a time, there was a definition in our culture. It was called "friendship."
It used to be that having lifelong close friends of the same sex didn't raise suspicions. If you saw two guys palling around with each other in trunks at the beach, they were just friends. If two women walked arm in arm, it was because they were really close confidantes. It's only now that homosexuality has been legitimized and streamlined as a "alternative lifestyle" or "orientation" that people think it's 50/50 something sexual is going on if two women or two men are roommates or constant companions.
And I understand why Oprah would make a statement like that. Gayle is pretty and sweet, a very kind person who has put up with who-knows-what kind of diva stuff from her friend for so many years.
If O wanted to enhance her rep with her gay followers, she would deny having an affair with someone like Gayle. And Gayle being Gayle, she would go along with whatever O said. She is the epitome of "too nice."
If Oprah was homosexual,she'd announce it in a heartbeat.Such an announcement would increase her net worth by a billion dollars within 3 years.
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One time, two women I knew explained to me they were not gay. They said, "Sure, we are bi and have sex with each other, but we're not gay. We're bi!" |
Four-times-a-day phone calls? GAY! Gay gay gay gay gay! 1000% limp wristed freggin` gay!
"I`m not lettin` ya`ll know I`m gay! I can`t lose people from watching my format that I ripped off from Phil Donahue!"
In other news, it was announced today that the Pope is not Catholic.
i don't get it, if it's ok to be gay anyway, why bother to deny it in the first place?