Posted on 12/09/2005 5:50:13 AM PST by NYer
Catholic League president Bill Donohue remarked today about last nights episode of South Park (it will run again for the next three nights):
A South Park character gets a DWI and is ordered to attend AA meetings. Told about the 12-step program, he concludes that he needs a miracle to cure him. The plot then focuses on a statue of the Virgin Mary who is bleeding out her ass. The Vatican dispatches a cardinal to investigate and he is sprayed with blood when he walks behind the statue. He then declares this to be a miracle, which draws even more people. The alcoholic, now in a wheelchair, is also sprayed with blood: he then claims he is cured and jumps out of his seat.
Pope Benedict XVI goes to investigate. He, too, is sprayed with blood when he walks behind the statue. A reporter says, The pope investigated further and determined that the statue was not bleeding out its ass, but its vagina. To which the pope replies: A chick bleeding out her vagina is no miracle. Chicks bleed out their vaginas all the time.
Comedy Central is a subsidiary of MTV, which is owned by Viacom. On the board of directors of Viacom is a practicing Catholic and a distinguished public servant, Joseph A. Califano; he served under Presidents Johnson and Carter. We are writing to him today requesting that he intervene in this matter. We want a) an apology to Roman Catholics and b) a pledge that this episode be permanently retired and not be made available on DVD. In the event Viacom does not cooperate, we are asking Mr. Califano to issue his own statement of condemnation. We are asking our members to contact him as well. Remember, they chose to insult Our Blessed Mother on the eve of the Immaculate Conception, and the holy day itself.
Joseph A. Califano is chairman of the board of The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse. He can be reached at CASA, 633 Third Avenue, NY, NY 10017; phone, 212-841-5200; fax, 212-956-8020; email,
I think humorists often get the wrong idea that because something is outrageous or shocking it is automatically more humorous. Humor has an element of surprise, but being offensive is not part of that.
These talented boys could take a lesson from P.G. Wodehouse instead of Howard Stern.
The plot does not even sound funny. How can anyone call this trash entertainment?
I taped the episode Wednesday night but still haven't watched it. I better get my butt in gear! :)
And thanks for the ping. I'm a bit late to the party this morning. I'm retired so I tend to sleep in late.
Bill Donahue has a little bit of sand in his vagina, don't you think?
I think the 'apology' came before the trashing
AA has its problems, no doubt. But at its core, the 12-step method is a brilliant, common-sense approach to sobriety that puts the burden entirely on the subject. It may not work for everyone, but it has saved countless lives, and improved countless more.
The fact that these two overgrown towel-snappers can't see past the most superficial layers doesn't do much to enhance their credibility as social satirists.
I think the dichotomy is effective. You normally wouldn't expect much value from something with rude dialog, toilet humor and crude animation, but there underneath is serious social satire on par with the best.
BTW, the crude animation is on purpose. They had to tone-down their high-speed digital animation software to get the crude-looking effect.
"You admiration fuels SP to direct their focus to yoru types."
Ha! I don't live in fear of the trendy set throwing barbs my way. My type is a conservative. Those that denigrate God, America, our armed forces, can cause offense but I don't reel-in my beliefs in order to avoid attack.
That kind of attitude will get you time in a federal prison.
Thanks for the pings! I finally dragged my lazy butt out of bed so that I could notify the troops. :)
"South Park panders to the most devolved human minds on earth. You know, weak minds...."
"A bit harsh aren't we?
Most of it is damn funny.
The Virgin spraying blood on the Pope was just disgusting."
You contradict yourself. You say I'm harsh in responding to (harsh) disgusting(your term) filth passing itself off as "entertainment". *shrug*
I am sure that if someone insulted your mother you would be equally tolerant. But then maybe you don't have as much respect for your mother as I do the Virgin Mary.
>>The howls of outrage on this thread really let you know how good South Parks's marksmanship is. Right on target, apparently.<<
The humor, it hits the target audience. They don't look to make friends, they look to make money.
The timing, On the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Poor.
The Catholic League would freak about this no matter when it was.
The average non-Cafeteria Catholic would be offended by the timing. I am.
I see the humor and how everything is fair game but geez, choose a better day.
If someone was insulting everyone's mother, why should I be surprised when it comes to be my mother's turn?
I figured their taking on the Catholic Church (again) and AA would probably give them some extra cover in case the Scientologists decide to sue the Smith family.
How was the Virgin Mary insulted?
>>Bill Donahue has a little bit of sand in his vagina, don't you think?<<
Geez, it's his JOB. He is the head of the Catholic League afterall.
If he didn't get on this, I would be shocked.
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