My Sylvie has been immortalized on FR (please see the article by PetroniDE). We're so honored! :-)
Whoo Hoooo!!! What a cute thread - what cute cats! (Hmmmm, Dansy and Allegra - I think I've seen these 3 before.) :)
Wonderful Thread, PetronideDE!
Although you may think of us as dog folks, Em & I have both had a number of kitties in years past-- the current wolf just won't tolerate them. Something about her days as a wild Street Dog, and "cats stole her stuff..." Or so she claims.
...and I'll have you know I suffered through dial-up's eternal download to see Sylvie's picture-- our DSL has been bad ever since we "upgraded" to a higher speed, and has been dead since Thursday. Next stop is Wal-Mart for a cable modem, and BellSouth is getting ditched.