Although you may think of us as dog folks, Em & I have both had a number of kitties in years past-- the current wolf just won't tolerate them. Something about her days as a wild Street Dog, and "cats stole her stuff..." Or so she claims.
...and I'll have you know I suffered through dial-up's eternal download to see Sylvie's picture-- our DSL has been bad ever since we "upgraded" to a higher speed, and has been dead since Thursday. Next stop is Wal-Mart for a cable modem, and BellSouth is getting ditched.
Taffy Gee is entitled to not care for cats very much. It doesn't diminish her in my eyes at all.
Sorry about your ISP difficulties. Adelphia has been giving us fits here in FL. Their "high-speed cable" is slower than dial-up at times and their tech support is non-existent. I guess it doesn't help that they've declared bankruptcy - LOL.
If your email address changes, please keep us informed.