Welcome to Free Republic, newbie.
I shall give you the benefit of the doubt, this once, and assume you are completely unfamiliar with: the Moby Gambit ("I am a life-long conservative, but...(Bush sucks)" or "I have always voted Republican, but...(Bush sucks)" and all other variations on that theme); the serial-retread invaders from DU; the hallmarks of a Troll post (remarkably poor command of syntax, grammar, spelling, let alone logic); and the KKK "Republican" Gambit (where the troll posts in the guise of a conservative with the sole purpose of polluting this board with racist pathology even Senator Byrd, D.WVa, would hesitate to utter). As I said, I shall assume that YOU are ignorant of these known gambits (and others).
We, however, are not.
We do keep track of these things, you know.
This is how it generally goes down:
1. A person signs up. It is, at this point, a "newbie"
2. Within 48 hours, that newbie posts a vanity (a self-generated editorial). At this point, various anomaly detection gear among various FR Junkies begins to whir - as most people are wise enough to lurk a while and participate on established threads and news discussions before being so bold as to editorialize. At this point, it is a "red-flagged newbie"
3. If that vanity falls into one of the trite little categories listed above, a preliminary Troll Alert and ZOT! request can be submitted to the Almighty Mods by any FReeper.
Additionally, those of us in the VKS and RKBA can and do privately or publicly ping one another to the presence of a questionable newbie and formulate consensus about its merits or lack thereof. Some among those shall usually post a non-ZOT rebuttal with specific points begging address and response from the newbie. IF the newbie responds, we make note of that fact. If the newbie responds intelligently, we modify our evaluations accordingly.
Failure to engage in debate is considered a quite reliable indicator of trollery, and such failure is publicly noted.
And ruthlessly mocked, lampooned, paraded, and denounced.
At this point, the newbie is considered FTD - Fixin' Ta Die.
4. The Mods shall make an assessment of the newbie's post, posting history (if any), and shall also scope the newbie's IP address. If, upon such evaluation, the Mods find sufficient reason to do so, they shall nuke the newbie's account, or re-title the thread to indicate ongoing-ZOTtage, or delete the thread, or enact any of several other veiled and sinister Mod-only options which they have on-tap and which are secrets to the majority of the general FR populace.
5. Then, we go to town.
Certainly, many of us have, now and then, jumped the gun on a newbie.
It happens.
Unlike Democrats (and all the other flavors of Leftist), we do not make any pretense of perfection.
However, NOTFRP, you must diligently bear in mind one clear fact: We, the guests of FR, have no power to nuke a newbie's account. Only the Almighty Mods and JR himself have those Powers.
Your "challenge" to us is, on that point, meaningless.
Consider yourself castigated.
Admin Mod,
I think King Prout's tutorial on newbies should be required reading for new signups.
Take a bow!
Bookmarked for future ZOT threads.
Informal ping of my VK/ZOT ping list to KP's #154.First draft of a VK/ZOT Declaration of ZOTependence ??
Most excellent!! It should be required reading upon signup.
Beauty, KP!
glad y'all liked :)
AM - seems my little tract on #154 has found favor.
Feel free to use as you see fit, with my compliments.