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Is The End Of The World As WeKnow It Right Around The Corner? (Lunacy or The Coverup Of History?)
BushCountry ^

Posted on 06/02/2004 8:23:38 AM PDT by Happy2BMe

News Archives

WARNING:  If talk about "End Time Events" disturbs you in any way, please, and we do mean, please leave this article. It is without doubt, the most disturbing end time scenario we have ever seen, mainly because of the references, articles and coincidences that the writer points to. We are not admitting the information revealed is accurate, but it does sound like events described in Revelation, in fact, the person who is posting the messages makes references to this fact and they are not a Christian.  With that said, here is the article:


Dear Bush Country,

Like I asked you to do in the last article I sent you, please keep my name off this article as individuals who have leaked this information have had their lives threatened. The information below is from the same individual who was posting comments on the forum I was following a couple of weeks ago that I sent to you.  Problem is, it seems as though the Government or someone up high found out about that thread because they started messing with it, so the individual (who is called Aussie Bloke) went to another forum to continue it, this is that continuation.  It starts off talking about the same things as the other thread poster was doing: a dust cloud that is coming, meteor/comets that will be hitting the earth, and gives a time frame for it. However, he does reveal more about what is coming. 

When I saw this, I began to follow the thread and now feel as though it is time to send to you.  I will send a third one after this individual gets back from saying goodbye to his family.  I have slanted  his comments, along with a few other individuals that made comments on the bulletin board, although I mainly provide the Australian guys comments because this is where the info was coming from.  Hold your hats, it may just be a very scary summer!

Aussie Bloke
1:12 am EDT

As I keep saying...LOOK TO THE SKIES! It would seem some people out there are doing this...keep it up...but I must warn you all of something. The last time I told EXACTLY what I know the forum I posted it on was shut down and another one was so screwed up with virus freaks that it lost the plot. I cannot say which forum it was because if I do they will be onto me and shut this one down too...and that would be a real shame. This forum so far has been one of the best. Lots of different people with different opinions and some of you actually have brains and functioning eyeballs. Hopefully some of you have a decent set of lenses and a good dose of common sense. DON'T believe the crap the government keeps throwing at you. I used to work for them...I know how they operate. Just keep on looking...its there...nasty....real...and imminent. Its only a matter of time now.
I will post a SWAN pic of the three comets (the third one is an anomaly - not certain what it is). Here’s the link to the pic:

Aussie Bloke
1:12 am EDT

PEOPLE....there IS IN FACT some very SERIOUS and DEVASTATING objects coming our way RIGHT NOW!!!!! RUN and try to survive. It will be the biggest light show in the history of the world.

Anonymous Coward
1:19 am EDT

To Aussie Bloke,

How do you know for sure that an object is coming our way? Did you see it with your own eyes? I am not saying you are lying or you are loony I am just asking simple question because no one can say for sure when exactly if at all those comets will hit us. Unless of course you saw or know something that we don't

Thank you.

Ausie Bloke
4:22 am EDT

OK....seems I have got at least SOME peoples attention. Some people want to know what I have seen and observed...very well then. BUT...before I go on I will say one thing about all this doom and gloom stuff. I am over 60 years old. I have seen it come and seen it go. I watched the computer age being born. I have seen and heard every type of doom and gloom scenario you could imagine. All my life I have watched the skies and believe me...I know when something is NOT right with things. I have observed over the years a steady increase of the knowledge that something aint right with the universe in general. For years now...longer than most of you have been alive...I have seen the indoctrination of doom spread across mankind's face. People are not what they used to be and things have changed a lot. AND NOW....after many years of planning and indoctrination...what they were subconsciously preparing us for is at our very doorstep. You see...I cannot blame the powers that be for covering up what they know...and they know a hell of a lot....I used to work for them. Crying wolf always works. Spread "false" alarm and when nothing happens...then everyone sleeps once more...only they will be much harder to awaken NEXT time. NOW....the wolf is here...and we all sleep. LOOK this way....LOOK that way....LOOK everywhere but where we WANT you to look. AND THEN!!! someone sees it...and thinks ITS REAL!!!!....WHAT DO I DO?" so they run off to warn...and get laughed at. I have seen this many many times. Like now....the same thing. SO...that being said I will tell you what is coming toward us. I will not give a date because it is variable so that would be pointless. But I will give you a definite timeframe to either prepare...or die....your choice. The object coming at us...or OBJECTS as such...are in fact similar (but not the same) as what you have already been told about. It IS a comet...of sorts...surrounded by a hell of a lot of debris. There will be several impacts of differing sizes spread over the globe. The bombardment will last a week or so at most. The largest fragment will rock the planet and the smaller ones will wipe out a city here or there depending on where they come down. There WILL be quakes and firestorms and major flooding of coastlines due to ocean impacts. will be much like the movie "deep impact" only worse. The good news is....we will NOT be destroyed by a "Big One" as such. There will be no "America saves the day" scenario here either. This is reality...not a movie. Mankind will survive...but at great cost. On the other MAY...and I mean MAY miss us...but it wont be by much. But so far it does not look too good...and time is fast running out for a last minute miracle...but one can only hope. The timeframe...yes...I know you were saying "well...what about the TIME?" here it is. WITHIN SIX TO EIGHT WEEKS we will either all be dead or wish we were...OR....hopefully...we will be saying "THANK GOD IT JUST MISSED US". But personally from my observations and what I know from days WONT MISS...that is....the fragments wont miss. The comet may miss...the fragments WONT...PERIOD. Prepare yourself for the biggest light show you have ever seen. I am not into religion as such but I have been around long enough to at least give SOME credence to the ancient writings. I too have read revelation and other prophecies...and this coming event fits in rather well with the bit in revelation about the stars falling from heaven and the sky rolling up like a scroll and the moon turning to blood (by the way. this is EXACTLY what will happen while passing through the debris cloud) it have eyes. Oh little interesting fact I forgot to mention here. 25 years ago I was at an astronomer’s convention in Canberra and we were discussing the possible effects of the debris cloud of the crab nebula passing through our solar system in 2000 to 2005. I wonder if this may have something to do with all the "stories" and such about nibiru and other similar stuff?? Something to ponder. And by the way....don’t go expecting me to give technical details and other rubbish like that. I am only talking to astronomers and scientists here. THEY can look and thus confirm what I am saying. THEN they can tell you what they see...IF indeed they look in the right direction with the right lenses....and most probably get laughed at for their trouble. You see...I am sick to death of having to explain myself and I have become rather impatient over the years with ignorant know it alls who THINK they have it all worked out. 25 years ago we wondered what to tell people about the approaching debris cloud...among other things....and we just could not answer the question. Who knows...perhaps we were wrong on our calculations...but personally I pray we are NOT. I would rather the world was woken up by a natural disaster than a nuclear least you can rebuild after meteors...but you cannot rebuild after least not for a long long time.

Aussie Bloke
8:59 pm EDT Re: 16 April 2004 - VOL #3

OK some stuff stirred up. I thought that bit about the crab nebula would get the debunkers to identify themselves. It worked well. Just goes to show you how easily people are led in one direction or another. Serious astronomers know which debris cloud I am talking about and now I know we have some here. I can talk freely. Yes indeed...there IS a debris cloud passing through our solar system. They have attached all sorts of names to it...photon belt....nibiru.....and what have you. BUT the debris cloud will not do any damage as such...what it HAS done is stirred up the oort cloud in a big way. Blame nibiru as much as you is a good whipping post after all and it DOES cause controversy which keeps EVERYONE arguing while the REAL wolf approaches. Good tactic of the PTB I must say. I have watched it all unfold like clockwork and the plan is working perfectly. Everyone is at each others planned...and STILL none of you are correct simply because the PTB has misdirected you ALL. Ever seen that movie "Swordfish"? prime example of misdirection tactics. Throw some wars...fake some terror....blow up a couple of buildings....and generally KEEP everyone from seriously watching the skies. It funny how they jumped up and down about Hale Bopp....BIG media event...or non event. AND NOW and even BIGGER show is here and its all hush hush. Those who try to make it public are ridiculed and laughed at. Soho always going down...observatories around the world "under repair"...oh how convenient. We knew all along what would happen and to be honest its for the best. Imagine six billion people KNOWING they may die going NUTS. It HAD to be concealed to the very last moment. And now the truth is there in the skies and on the net...but hey...who takes these nut case doom and gloomers seriously....which is all well and good. Throw in a fake wolf here...another there...and what do you get? A soundly sleeping populace snoring quietly through the coming doom. EXACTLY as PLANNED. Its for our own good. Live it up and have a lot of fun while you can.

P.S. About the debris cloud....can you think of a better explanation as to why the sun is almost a white star, explain the massive increase in meteorites and comets lately or why the sky (even on clear days) seems fuzzy? Can YOU think of a better way to keep the public uninformed than what I have described? Tell me...if YOU were the PTB what would YOU do....would you TELL everyone of their impending deaths...OR if you knew about it would YOU put a plan into action to keep everyone asleep. Comets approaching fast and no one is looking for it...a job well done.

Aussie Bloke
6:15 pm EDT

Hmmmm....seems you have done some research...and yes...your hypothesis is reasonable and would also explain a few anomalies of late....well done I must say. Its time to wake up people...we have few weeks left. The movie "day after tomorrow" is nothing compared to what will REALLY happen. They are still on the job psychologically preparing us all for what is to come. AND NO!! I will NOT tell you EXACTLY until the LAST MOMENT what is your own homework as some of you have. You are very close...and getting warmer. Look up "SUPER NOVA" AND 2-0 bc. that is one clue and only a part of the puzzle. At the time we discovered these things we could only we know our original hypothesis was indeed correct. The oort cloud has been stirred. Soon the sun will vanish behind a cloud of thick dust...and all hell will reign on earth as we receive impact after impact. Why do you think they invented a telescope that can look through DUST!! HMMMMM??? they will NEED it very shortly to plot the course of incoming objects so as to try to blast them out of the sky. WHY do you thing they have re instated the cold war weapons of missile defense??? TO SHOOT THE BLOODY THINGS DOWN!!!! Boys and girls...its time to get real here. We are all in very VERY close range of our doom...and STILL some of you are to brainwashed by all the distractions to see what is REALLY going on. called DO do a good job of keeping the controversy going. Wont matter anymore anyway. You are all in fact already DEAD and are just waiting for the reality of it to sink in. YOU will walk blindly to your deaths laughing all the way...when SUDDENLY the sun will darken...and the moon WILL turn the color of blood...and death will rain down in the form of nickel-iron chunks of doom moving VERY VERY FAST!!! and you will have only a week or so to realize your death is imminent...and you will remember my words and the warnings of others...and think to yourself:- THEY WERE RIGHT!!!!

Aussie Bloke
7:10 pm EDT

Well Well Well.....I do have a somewhat "in your face" approach don’t I? The reason being is simply because I have been trying to warn people for years and years...explaining myself again and again. Do you have ANY idea how bloody frustrating this can get? Another thing...about 2012...what is about to happen now is only the BEGINNING of our sorrows. Mankind WILL survive to a large extent the original bombardment...BUT...the fighting that will break out later over the few resources left will do most of the damage. One half of the population will die more or less instantly...the rest will be bled off over the next few years...until 2012. I am NOT going to tell you what is coming THEN because by then no one will care and even if I told you now it wont matter. Maybe its natures way of deleting the virus called HUMANITY.

Aussie Bloke
9:02 pm EDT

Very Good ladies and gentlemen. Seems you have done some digging. Getting close...and then BAM!! the site shuts down because certain people hit the nail RIGHT ON THE careful what you reveal. This site is watched VERY closely. Every ten seconds or so a hack attempt is made on my pc....explain THAT. Seems we are getting to the nitty gritty...they are VERY interested in stopping me. Too many clues. I thought they would not bother...but hey...maybe I was wrong. If it was going to happen next week they wouldn’t care but we still have a few weeks left. OK...time for some more clues. This will piss them of BIGTIME...LOL

Key words:- Dust cloud...super nova...centre...interference...cosmic storm...oort cloud....debris...shockwave....1978-79....ETA.2000 to 20005.....gamma.....influx of max extended....white dwarf.....distract.....polar drift.....anomalies....unpredictable.

Have fun...only weeks left to solve the puzzle...and when you do...TELL ALL...I WILL...for then it will be too late to shut me or this site down.

Aussie Bloke
2:42 am EDT Re: Aussie Bloke Vol.#1

Oh least this saves me the trouble of starting my own thread. I’m afraid I lost the plot with some ____head Americans (you are not all ____heads by the way) and went of the beam with some rather insulting words....true words...but insulting nonetheless. That aside I have decided that due to all the bull I am receiving just because I am not getting technical enough I will NOT give anyone the satisfaction of KNOWING FOR SURE.....YET. I have waited for over two decades for this time...and its HERE boys and girls. I really don't care if you think I am legit. Think what you bloody want to think...or should I say...think as THEY (the PTB) want you to think...right up until its raining DEATH. Its coming...I promise you...IT IS COMING....but bugger me if I will let my exact technical knowledge out until three days BEFORE first impact. THEN you will have your proof...and it will be too late then. Some of you if you have any brains will research FAST the clues I gave because they lead to other clues. I will give no more...YET...have fun with what you know for now. IF someone can find EXACTLY what I am getting at THEN I will announce to EVERYONE on the forum EXACTLY what I know...HOW I found it out....WHEN I first learned of the imminent impacts and so on. ALL will be revealed...but YOU must do your homework. When I finally DO let the cat all the way out of the bag...THEN you will know...oh yes...then you will know it all. I will show you beyond a shadow of ANY doubt the REAL TRUTH. You will be able to verify everything I say. Not all of it can be found on the net. Actually I will be surprised if you DO find what I am referring to on the net, Try old libraries and archives. You will find some very interesting...and long buried FACTS in those places. I have given you the key words...the ones you need for now. WHEN you return with your homework I will reveal MORE...until the puzzle fits. BUT do not be surprised if when the real truth dawns you go a bit will feel the deepest sense of betrayal by your government you could imagine. Thus the reason they will never tell you what is coming they have lied to and manipulated us all...except those of us who KNEW from the beginning like myself. At the last week I will tell who I am...and then you will know WHY I had to remain hidden. It is also the reason WHY I never get technical because if I did I would expose myself. There are only so many 60+ astronomers in
Australia who know what I know. If I were to tip my hand the game would be up...and then you would never know the truth. I will wait until there is nothing they can do to me before I stop speaking in riddles...the time will come however...very soon...when I will tell all. But do some searching yourself as well.

Aussie Bloke
7:27 pm EDT Re: Aussie Bloke Vol.#1

AS to the sun getting dark...THIS will be due to the thick dust cloud approaching. You wont see it yet because most scopes WONT see BLACK. It will NOT occult the stars until it is at our doorstep. It approaches south of the ecliptic...BIG surprise for everybody. The approaching comet...well...THAT will either HIT or I is variable so don't expect a date because even WE couldn't figure it out. All we know is this...SIX TO EIGHT WEEKS. The meteor showers we can expect DEFINITELY...and as for November and the rest of just gets worse. BUT...we will have no internet so I will tell ALL....VERY SOON. Some people have already hit a couple of nails on the head...but only PART of the truth has been found so far. It is MORE than just the Meteors....a LOT more...but that is part of it and ties in. It will all fit will see...Have a nice day....good job homework doers...KEEP IT are finding the truth. Its out there. Remember the key words...they tie into OTHER clues. Keep hitting those nails. And as for you idiots out there who laugh...WHY don't you show us how intelligent YOU are and PROVE ME WRONG...I DARE YOU!!! you will NOT like what you find if indeed you search at all. I look forward to seeing YOU quietly disappear and show up under a different will be funny to watch...HAVE FUN.

Aussie Bloke
1:43 am EDT Re: Aussie Bloke Vol.#1

Threw a tantrum hey? Proven WRONG was I? I love you debunkers you are sooooo entertaining. By the way no one has YET to prove me fact the clues I gave are only serving to show that I am correct, and I am correct because...get this...WE WERE THE FIRST ONES TO DISCOVER THE DAMN THING. You can spout off all you wont change the fact. Just to give you something to chew on I will in future posts put more purposefully wrong info in just to keep you entertained. Those of us who KNOW...THE INTELLIGENT ONES...will not be sidetracked by it. And no...I am NOT a troll...I am fair dinkum...true blue.

One person who was researching the clues that Aussie Bloke was giving, came across this info, and here was his post:

Check THIS out!!!!
2:03 am EDT Re: Aussie Bloke Vol.#1


MDC:-DIA=1.43..AU VEL as follows:-0.000234 LS
:-0.000138 LS
:-0.000319 LS

PTOI 1.9558.56 WE 10098.56 SE TTI+ETA(^&.99)
ETS SH=27/6/04? Tracking VEL US at this time.

T-199.80..:-5-004.1.887 INBOUND AT ( NAV 335.78+09.456(EMP=.0045) PSM.0012.

Aussie Bloke
2:29 am EDT Re: Aussie Bloke Vol.#1

Who the hell posted THAT!!! YOU IDIOT!!! DON'T tell them YET...why do I even bother...the cats out of the bag...good one idiot. They work it out and then goodbye everyone. Oh well...there it is ladies and gentlemen...IF you can work the codes...its there in black and white. I think I know who posted this....I am onto you. Party pooper.

Aussie Bloke
9:29 pm EDT Re: Aussie Bloke Vol.#1


Interesting the way he coded it. Maybe I should "uncode" some of it for you. But if I do all the fun will be spoiled. So I will simply clarify a few things here and there. - is + ETA:- Estimated Time of Arrival

T- is t minus and counting....the times are mixed up but correct...YOU decide which one will hit first.

INC is Incoming Now you can see there is a question mark. It is a vital the way...THAT one is the one we are really worried about. It is somewhat unpredictable and none of us can explain why. THAT is why it is called an "anomaly"...UNKNOWN.

MDC:-DIA=1.43..AU VEL as follows:-0.000234 LS
:-0.000138 LS
:-0.000319 LS
The above is clear enough for you to work out. we have some interesting numbers here.
PTOI is Projected Time Of Impact.

The numbers are self explanatory....WE is west and SE is South east. YOU know what the numbers mean...just look at a map and work it out. The numbers COULD be (hint) in reverse order or mixed up...but they are correct. I don't want to take all the fun out of it for you.

(^&.99) IS a percentage were correct.

PTOI 1.9558.56 WE 10098.56 SE TTI+ETA(^&.99)
27/6/04? Tracking VEL US at this time.
The numbers are hours or days...or both (hint) have fun.
T-199.80..:-5-004.1.887 INBOUND AT ( NAV 335.78+09.456(EMP=.0045) PSM.0012.

To put it all into plain English I will say this. PAY ATTENTION PLEASE. Work this out and you will have all your answers.

There are THREE incoming objects. TWO of them we know a lot about...but the third one is an unknown...all we know is it is coming and it has a high probability of hitting us. The other two WILL hit us. Along with these three main objects are many many smaller will rain death all over the world for a week or so. The death rain as we call it will begin late June. Leading up to June you can expect a wonderful light show as millions of small meteorites enter our atmosphere. I keep saying look south...but it is hard for most of the world to do this...unless you live down under and know exactly where to look and WHAT to look for. Immediately preceding the impacts, the fact the entire solar system...will be shrouded in thick black space dust. NASA will try..and indeed they already ARE trying to knock these objects of course. Next month is their last chance. ALL the satellites including the ISS will be obliterated and re enter the atmosphere causing the release of tons of toxic fumes into our air. On top of that you have multiple impacts all over the world and tidal waves like you could not imagine sweeping EVERY coastline around the world. THERE WILL BE NO PLACE TO HIDE. THOSE who for some reason survive will soon wish they had NOT. AFTER this all occurs humanity will emerge from their burrows...those that had one and lived....and proceed to kill each other just to keep living. The government will take control...or try to...and enforce their will on ALL. THE safest place to be is Australia well away from the coast...but even THAT is only a guess at this time because we simply do not know what "anomaly" will do as yet. So to counter all this we have a lot of distractions at present...wars...torture...beheadings...and for some reason interest rates are about to go up again. Keeps everyone focused on the here and now....or next year....ANYTHING but next month!! Watch the CNN...get all the latest "fair and balanced" CRAP...keep your minds away from next month...keep it focused on the elections and "next year"...keep focused on you debts...keep focused on the "war"...UP the alert to RED...declare martial law...and BAM...they got ya trapped. Nowhere to run and no WAY to hide. can believe all this still die...OR you can label me a fruit loop and you STILL die.....either way you still die...and if you go to the beach and hang around it will be quick at least.

Aussie Bloke
11:05 pm EDT Re: Aussie Bloke Vol.#1

IF everyone knew who I was and where I would at this time be running for the hills in a big way. I will soon be posting very credible and verifiable information...NO MORE RIDDLES. THIS forum is tagged I will not stuff around much longer. You wonder WHY I get so pissed at you idiots. So many days of doom have come and many different scenarios of doom...and NOT ONE of them has even come close to revealing the wolf. They skirt around it and mention all the signs. Now the time for the real show to begin and everybody is planned. But it IS frustrating. The nibiru crowd...paid by the gov....the photon belt crowd...the same...they are ALL paid to give ANY explanation EXCEPT the real one. False dates are common...keeps you in fear and when it comes and goes back to sleep you go. You have been steadily desensitized over the years to doom. ALL THOSE MOVIES OF LATE!!! Now it is on our doorstep....and laughter is all we hear...and I cannot blame you in a way. The PTB has done rather well. I cant blame them. Can you imagine the UTTER CHAOS that would result if we all knew the truth. WHAT IF they had told you all the truth ten years more more industry...just a ten year long party of "eat drink and be merry....for in ten years we all die"....THINK about it. NOW we will see what its all been about...all the wars...the fighting over oil....the constant distractions...the recent influx of meteorites...the weird behavior of our sun....the weird orbit of the moon...the wobble of our axis...the warming of the atmosphere and oceans...ALL DUE TO FRICTION.....and the friction is due to the dust. And it will get worse and worse. WHAT about all the wild and wooly weather...record when it should be cold and so on? Global warming my a__. Did you ever wonder exactly WHY they only started talking about it shortly after the cloud was first detected in the late 70´s.? They had to come up with a plausible reason for what they knew was coming. Then they reasoned that not everyone would be so they created nibiru and photon belts and half a dozen OTHER explanations...but the dust cloud was long buried...until NOW...and suddenly.....THE FORUM SCREWS UP WITH HACKS AND TRIPS. so many others I have visited. I will not tell you which ones...I don't want to give them a trail and I NEVER post from the same computer in more than one forum. THEY want me BAD. Laugh if you want...its what they programmed you to do....but I promise you...the days of laughter are fast coming to an end. When I expose them...this forum will cease to exist. THEN...onto another one from a different location. Only a few weeks left. I am surprised I have posted THIS much without them shutting it down. I have already stated what WILL happen and WHEN....but I have not been exactly specific...for a purpose....but very soon I will...and then...well....its over.

Aussie Bloke
11:49 pm EDT Re: "Aussie bloke" Vol X

I am Australian. In 1975 I lived In Canberra A.C.T. In the suburb of Curtain. I Also Lived at dickson and Manuka. I also had many friends all over Canberra. We used to hang out In Civic and I was there when they Built the Belconnen Mall. I was also there when they built that bloody stupid looking tower on Black mountain. My sister lived in Page in 1985 and in 1987 I lived in the suburb of Cook and in 1990 I lived in evatt. I was a "member" at the Mt Stromlo observatory. It was there that we first spotted some rather interesting things already mentioned. WE were among the first to actually SEE it...but we were the first to actually realize what it meant. I also had a few connections with tracking station 43...THEY were in a flip I can tell you. And so the cover stories warming and other crap was floated about to cover up the truth. SO to you dickheads...what else do I have to do to prove to you I am who I say I am and that I am in fact Australian? IF I go into any more detail I will be tagged and removed...I may have already given away too much.

Aussie Bloke
12:20 am EDT Re: Aussie Bloke Vol.#1

Age is a state of mind...NOT body. And yes...only our bodies will die as such. As for my rage...I suppose it stems from the fact that I am totally disillusioned with this world....AND the fact that we could have done something about it. The real problem came when we realized that no matter what we did or what we would ultimately be pointless. There was and is NO WAY to stop or alter what is about to come to pass...NO WAY OUT. YES...I am angry...VERY angry with the PTB...LYING ____ the lot of them. My offspring will die...we will ALL die...and you wonder why I am cynical and angry. Whether I was 17 or 70 it would make NO difference. As for bad karma..well...seems we will all cop it whether we have sown good or bad. WE ALL ride this boat together...and we will all go down with the ship. NO life rafts in THIS movie I am afraid. I am very sorry if I have upset some people...I really am...but alas...the truth always hurts. The wool will soon lift of everybody's eyes. You will not need special equipment or southern location soon. And when it arrives it will happen overnight and catch everyone off guard. It is moving that fast. Then will come the rain...a rain of small objects first. THEN we will be shaken by two major impacts about two days apart, THEN...about a week later....along comes the wild card....and if IT hits us we are all well and truly stuffed. Along with this we will be dodging satellite debris and choking on toxic fumes. And if that weren't bad enough we will also be experiencing major volcanic eruptions and massive tidal waves all over the world. top it all off...we will have to then deal with each other...those that are left. Constant fighting and killing over the tiniest scrap of food. Mankind will degenerate into a seething mob of animals. The so called survivalists will be among the first to die simply because they have stockpiled food. Bullets wont last forever people. It will come down to sticks and stones. All this time it will be dark and gloomy. NO light to grow water safe to drink. It will not be pleasant. Mankind will come out of it eventually...but in greatly reduced numbers. Sorry if this is upsetting you...but its all true I swear. I will show you all in a couple of weeks just how true it all is. I have given many many clues so perhaps it will be you that tells ME what is coming. And if you do...then you will get the facts and figures to match which will prove beyond doubt who I am and what I am saying to you all. May God be with you all in these last weeks, Please forgive an old pissed off old man for the way I have carried on sometimes. I apologize to you all with all my heart. I will be away for a week or two...must see some family and grandchildren for a bit. So before I go I will give you an approximate date to expect the arrival of the cloud in full force.

  • 18th-20th June Impact 1

  • 24-25th June Impact 2

  • 26th-27th June "anomaly"

"anomaly" will have unknown effect but current estimates are not too encouraging. Diameter uncertain. mass uncertain. What IS known is is composed mostly of a crystalline substance of unknown consistency. Some have speculated that it could be a chunk of diamond from the core of a gas giant as noted here this fits it as well ...who knows. But it is weird and fast and coming this way. It is NOT a comet...NOR a is nothing like we have ever seen before. That is why we do not know what it will do if and when it hits us. Have a laugh now...I know you will..WE did at first too when we first detected it.  

Aussie Bloke
12:29 am EDT Re: Aussie Bloke Vol.#1

Good question....simple answer. You cant see it because it is shrouded by dust. Sounds similar to the nibiru crap...but its not the same. Nibiru was only an alternative explanation for all the dust and shit we have seen lately. The average backyard scope will not see it. To see it...or them as such..there is more than one need a few connections. Radar is one way of seeing it right now (the objects...not the cloud itself) and radio waves was one of the ways we detected the cloud to begin with. The only thing you will see through anything optical is BLACK. You need to penetrate the cloud as we have done and then you can see it.

As for you people who are "onto me"...have fun. I am NOT cia...I am NOT a debunker or a distracter...I am simply telling you all the truth...and as for making mistakes...well...I already explained that. But then again...I COULD be what you say I am...but then maybe not....but there is ALWAYS room for doubt isn't there? If I told EVERYONE exactly which type of equipment I have I would be tracked immediately and not only THAT...some very good friends of mine would be too. It was a friend of mine (I still think you were premature to post the specs...even if they WERE mixed up by the way) that posted the specs. I have already chewed him out....but looking back on it turns out to be quite funny. Go the tidbits. Track me all you want...debunk me all you wont change the facts.

Aussie Bloke
2:42 am EDT Re: Aussie Bloke Vol.#1

More specifics.....I thought I had been fairly specific...I already TOLD you all what to expect. How many times do I have to repeat this. OHHHHH...YOU want to know EXACTLY where these objects ARE? Is THAT it? LOOK SOUTH ONCE AGAIN>>>FAR SOUTH. YOU can bloody find it if you think you are so damn smart. YOU seem to think that YOU can find something almost totally undetectable with you measly scope? The ONLY way to get a definite fix on these objects is with.....hmmm...should I tell you again? YOU will be in for some humble pie eating in a couple of weeks or so. It will be YOU who has to apologize NOT me. I hear so much about this booth bloke....good cover and he made some bucks from it...good for him. I however CANNOT go public with what I know simply because THE PUBLIC COULD NOT HANDLE IT. BUT...tell them about all THIS and they will check it out soon enough and the all hell breaks loose. All I seem to hear is "gimme specifics this and gimme specifics that".....even if i did you would with your backyard scopes, STILL miss it. IT IS SHROUDED>>>all of them are. You ask WHY cant we see the dust cloud? Simply because it is approaching from a sparse region...not much to occult where its coming from. And besides all many of you can see directly south...not many. WHY dont you ask the nice people at TS43 to point their dish south for you. If you ask nicely they may do it for you...NOT. WHY do you think they burnt stromlo down???? THE most important observatory in the south....and they let it BURN. The place was well set up to keep it from burning down. BUT....couldn't have all those amateurs pointing the scope in the wrong direction could we? There IS a dust storm approaching...we are and have been feeling the effects of it for a couple of years. ALL this weird weather and upset is simply due to the outermost tenuous fringes of it....the thickest part is yet to come. The oort cloud has been stirred and some debris is headed this way...LOTS of it. NOT to mention the debris of the storm itself. Why do you think they said the storm itself would be mostly harmless? Because in and of itself it IS mostly harmless...but it WILL block out the light somewhat and there will be a dazzling show as all the satellites come crashing down and we all start to choke on toxins and rads. BUT they didn't mention the disruption of the oort cloud DID they? And I cannot blame them. NOW we have comets coming left right and bloody centre...last after another...and THIS year...same again. It was just a matter of time until some of them headed our way. The belt was stirred too....and look at Mars....WHY the sudden interest in Mars? YOU work it out. USE YOUR BRAIN. IF you cannot see the objects....then piece the puzzle together by the evidence. The objects will be seen by all soon enough. And as for "anomaly"...well....THAT one is the wild card. We are ALWAYS willing to listen when someone comes along with a truth that goes against what is "known". So...just because the general public did not believe the earth was round did NOT make them right. As is the case here...just because the general public has been treated like a bunch of mushrooms and kept in the dark and fed on bullshit...does NOT mean I am wrong. PROVE me wrong I say. YOU CANNOT because ALL the evidence adds up and there is NOT a thing you can do about it....except LOOK. FIND someone with the right equipment and SEE FOR YOURSELF. SIMPLE. But even if you don't which is highly will know soon enough.

Aussie Bloke
3:20 am EDT Re: Aussie Bloke Vol.#1

Cant you read? I already explained why. Unless you have a good spot way down south you wont see it. PLUS you need the right eq. But soon that will change. 2 weeks before the first impacts the light will dim somewhat...THEN you wont miss it because it will be surrounding us. It is moving at a velocity that will upset the apple cart in a big way. Just look what the outermost fringes are doing to what will happen when the clouds density doubles and then doubles again. Scary stuff. On top of that you have the impacts to worry about. Who knows...with any luck the cloud will save the day by knocking the things of course before they hit. But it was the cloud that sent these things at us in the first place. And the really scary thing is....we don't know for sure how many will actually hit us except for the three we are tracking. There most likely is a lot more we just didn't see, and going by the nature of the cloud we probably wont see them until they land on our heads. How many times recently have we had NEO´s passing by...and NOT seeing some of them until they were either PAST us or in our laps? SO....don't you think that we will NOT see the ones that will hit us especially since they arrive in a cloud of cosmic dust? The cloud is approaching. It is still some distance away...but its speed will get it here soon enough....and you wont see it until almost the last minute because it is approaching due south....did you get that? DIRECTLY SOUTH. Our atmosphere will take a will indeed roll back like a scroll....and all hell will break loose. THIS is worse than nibiru in a lot of ways. The storm will last for about ten days at peak intensity and then die off. But the after effects will linger for many years. The sun is already turning almost white because of the massive influx of particles. Our orbits are becoming increasingly erratic. The moon just isn't where it should be NOR is it stable. Our rotation IS slowing due to friction caused by the dust. The outer planets are feeling it too...just have a good long look and remove your blinders.


What do you want to chat about? I'm open...but don't expect me to be precise with you until I know you can be trusted with what I may or may not tell you...also...I will NEVER give my identity least not yet. I will continue to speak layman for some time yet. So far most people think I don't know anything simply because I refuse to get technical. I still will. Once I begin. there will be no end...and this forum will cease. It has happened before and it will happen again. The mistake I made was being to precise. So...I have to do it like the movies...tell the truth....and make it look like a those who KNOW the truth will take heed...and those who just don't want to know will just keep raving on about how wrong I am. I suspect you just want to prove me wrong and I may "let" you after I figure out whether you are serious about wanting to know...or are just trying to "catch me out". I am here and willing to talk. If you start with any crap I will simply ignore you. And by the way....I WILL be dropping the covers if you DO "Prove me wrong" it will not be for long and YOU will end up eating a whole lot of words. So....engage me with caution because I don't have time for fools.....and for that matter...the fools themselves don't have much time either.


The truth is out huh? tracked me down and now what? what will you still cannot prove me wrong can you? Go on...tell everyone who you think I will be wrong. IP wont work either...I use many here and there. When one is tagged...I use what will you do? Have me bumped off? Truth is out my ass. Go on...tell them all...and when I fully reveal myself you will look like a real fool. I do not fear you. Do your worst.


I'm Frankie HUH?  You have NO idea who I am. I am NOT a regular to this forum until recently. Check the IP and confirm. I know no one here. I am who I say I am and who I say I am is no one here. YOU will never find out until the last moment who I am. My name is in several astronomy books and it IS mentioned along with some discoveries made in the 70´s THAT is all I will tell. Have fun working it out.

Aussie Bloke
1:27 am EDT Re: Aussie Bloke Vol.#1

I have to go for a while...a week or two to visit family. In a couple of weeks or so I will return...and THEN...I WILL DUMP IT ALL. Prime last days entertainment. IF you are wondering why I have to go for a bit its because I want to do a few "last minute" things.

Aussie Bloke
2:29 am EDT Re: Aussie Bloke Vol.#1

Just read back a bit in the previous posts. LOVE IT. LOOK!!...I didn't spell CURTIN WHAT. Explain then idiot how I would know so much about canberra? Do you want to know some MORE? OK...Ever been to Corrin Dam? Or been to Farmers market at Woden Plaza? What about Mt Ainslie Lookout? Or perhaps you have been to the Venus Shop at Fyshwic? You seem to be a wanker so you would be at home there. Or How about club would most likely go there AFTER working up an appetine across the road wouldn't you? What about the fires and stuff? I was there when they swept through visiting my friends. I was well aware they would let stromlo burn. They HAD to...OR...everything would be known to the public by now and we would already be in hell. stop your nit picking junk. It only shows to those of us who know better that you are just grasping at straws. To those who think I am being nasty by letting all this may be correct to a point. BUT...I cannot at the same time let everyone die without at least telling you about it...UNLIKE our precious bloody useless government. I have been trying to tell for a long time and I was always told to "can it". So...with the advent of the internet I am able to get the word out to a degree. But the trouble is there is already half a dozen crackpots each spouting their OWN brand of doom. Now the truth comes along and look what one...or very few...takes heed. JUST another lot of doom that will NOT they think. The cloud approaches fast do the impactors and other debris...and LETS not forget the "anomalie"....the wild card. THAT is the most dangerous object...its NOT a comet...its NOT a planet...its a...well...its an anomalie. It is bloody HUGE!! and it is bloody unpredictable. But it is headed this way that is certain. Buckle up. due south.

Aussie Bloke
6:49 pm EDT

It is with tears on my eyes that I read all of the above. Yes...the truth is slowly dawning after all these years. 25 years of frustration and much pain and anguish. People please forgive an old man who lost the plot with some idiots here and there. I am....hmmm...should I tell you yet? No...a bit longer. The truth is already out there for you all to see. Who I am is not important as yet as you are adequately following the clues I have given you. In fact my real name has ALREADY been alluded too. And by the way...for the person who thinks I am younger than I am just because I have TOO would have attitude if YOU had to carry around for decades the knowledge of your own and the worlds doom. I am not being up front with the WHOLE truth for reasons I have already stated. IF I was some backyard astronomer who knew about all this I would have no reason not to be precise. But because of who I am I just cannot tell you because the repercussions on my family and myself would be..well..not pleasant. I want to be in peace with my kin before we all go if you know what I mean. I have furnished you with dates and times and everything else you need to know for now. The rest will come later.

Aussie Bloke
9:14 am EDT

"Tomorrow I am off to see my family and friends. It will be hard to let go but I am old and dying anyway so I was prepared in any case. I know the revelations I have given are shocking and I am sorry if you are upset...but someone had to tell sooner or later. You say I am lying just because I have not told you all exactly who I am. I have already done so many times...all you have to do is add it all up and like I keep saying USE YOUR BRAINS....but there is room for doubt. You also say I am lying simply because I do not get technical with you all. I can understand you would think I am not for real...which was intentional. I must remain in the shadow of doubt at least until I can spend some time with my family. THEY know the truth. I have never concealed it from them and we all want to say our farewells to each other in peace. When I return I will reveal a big can count on it. For then I will have no more to fear and no more reason to hide anything from you. The government will be furious and they most likely will come up with some way of discrediting me. Even though I worked for them at one time...they will not hesitate to shoot me down if they have to. Who knows...I may even get all my facts and figures together and go live on tv. JUST to piss them off....but not until there is nothing to loose by the riots that will result...OR...I will simply tell a few here and there as I am doing now and save everyone a lot of panic and fear. SOME people NEED to know in order to either prepare or escape. It is NOT the end of the is a chance for a new beginning once the old and rotten order of this present day is done away with. The survivors will replenish the more wars for quite some time. To those who wish to survive....teach the children of the new era to live in peace and love. LEARN just for once from our past. You seems the ONLY thing that mankind has learnt from history is that we DO NOT learn from history. It is now time to break that chain...or in a thousand years we will probably wipe ourselves out anyway...and this time it will be TOTAL. Farewell...and make your peace with all you know while you still have time".

Revelation 6:

"I watched as he broke the sixth seal, and there was a vast earthquake; and the sun became dark like black cloth, and the moon was blood red. Then the stars of heaven appeared to be falling to earth like green fruit from fig trees buffeted by mighty winds. And the starry heavens disappeared as though rolled up like a scroll and taken away, and every mountain and island shook and shifted."

Below are comments from someone who was on the message board who lives in Australia who has noticed a lot of activity in an observatory in Australia called "Wormwood" does that name ring a bell?" Revelation 8:10-11 "The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water, the name of the star is Wormwood"

I spend a lot of time in Western Australia and my friend who lives at Exmouth called me just a minute ago. He said that the locals in the town are all curious about the increase in people, traffic, aircraft etc. traveling to and from the Learmonth (Project Wormwood) Observatory, which is approx. 30 miles down the road. He estimates the people and goods and traffic has tripled over the last 10 days. Much of this has been via the Exmouth airport. There have been some military brass amongst them. It is a similar situation in the town of Carnarvon. Of course, there is no official acknowledgment of anything out of the ordinary. I have asked him to discretely sniff around more and I will keep this group informed. Best regards to all Keith in Australia"

Another poster showing proof that this could happen base on an article online:

My read on Aussie Bloke is that he was trying to direct us to the source of the problem, as well as telling us the details of what is going to happen in the near future. I think I have uncovered some evidence pointing to the source…

Below are many links that others have left on the thread for people to look at.

Right now, I am asking myself, why is it so cloudy where I live?  For the past several weeks, even sunny days seem like there is "dust" between the earth and the sun.  I am going to be watching for the incredible meteor storm like the poster mentioned.  This should be a sure sign that it is coming. I will probably come back with a final article when Aussie Bloke reveals what he say's he will reveal so I can post it for the Bush Country readers (if you will post it)

I will close this article the same way I did with the one I sent you a few weeks ago. Your website is run by Christians, so please, direct your readers to this URL if they want peace in all this.  I have total peace because I know I am going to be with God.  God will not let His own go through His wrath Rom 5:9  "Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him"

He saved Moses and his family and God will save those that are His before this event. Who knows, maybe when everything goes dark?  Christ did say in 2nd Peter 3:10 "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up". 

I know that you are going to get lots of heat if you post this article, but I am hoping that it will lead those who are lost, to be found by accepting Christ Plan of Salvation!  Thanks again

Name Withheld

TOPICS: Conspiracy; UFO's; Weird Stuff
KEYWORDS: adrenalinerush; astronomy; cometbradfield; fantasy; fiction; hype; lamebrain; meteorite; prophecy; prozacchewables; pugetsound; religion; science; seattle; tinfoilhat; washington
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To: Rockitz
PTB = Powers that be

How stoopid of me for not knowing that. Ok, one more point AGAINST him. "Powers that be" is one more phrase used regularily by the conspiracy theorists. Duh... I feel like an idiot for not catching that one. Thanks.

The US is expecting to be attacked by terrorist any time from now to just before the election. The ships being at sea makes them a much tougher target. They are most vulnerable in port.

Yes, correct. Exactly correct.

Thank you for your rational input and hard work on this thread's subject. Could you please explain exactly how it is that if we will be passing into a dust cloud that the sun will become "whiter" while the moon becomes red?

Thanks. Yes, certainly. That's actually a pretty easy question, even though I might not be 100% accurate. The sun is actually "yellow". White light is light made up of many (all) of the various colors of the spectrum. I can't exactly explain why there will be more "white" though. It would perhaps seem that way if certain colors were "dimmed" from the main spectral line. That is, let's say that most of the "yellow" is removed by going through the dust (which is likely) and therefore whatever colors are left will appear more "white".

The moon normally receives light directly from the sun, we see that light reflected off the surface. The light hitting the moon, which will already be somewhat "dimmed" and perhaps "whiter" with then reflect through more dust to the earth, at night. That dust will remove most of the blue components from the light (which makes me think that most things we see will appear "redder".

The difference is... the sun is generating the light. The moon is reflecting it.

A kind of analogy would be a television set screen (regular CRT) and a painting containing all the colors of the rainbow. The light from a television is generated, using RED, GREEN and BLUE. The light you see on a painting is REFLECTED and some colors are ABSORBED, therefore even though we see "red as red" one is the result of other colors being absorbed, and the other (the TV) is generated light.

I'm sure that isn't the best explanation, but it's about as close to correct as I can explain it without digging through a bunch of old books, and just using my memory :)

If the moon is to shine red, that means the dust cloud is not hydrogen, but heavy elements. If it is heavy elements, then the sun would not shine more brightly.

It's a dust cloud, not a hydrogen cloud. Hydrogen, if I recall correctly tends to have a yellowish color when burned. Been a long, long, long, long time since high school chemistry classes. But if it is DUST... remember when all the fires were burning last year and year before in CA and here in CO? We had brilliant red skies at night here in CO. I'd bet those east of the fires in CA had the same thing.

To me, AB's constant references to satellites falling from the sky and spreading radiation all over shows the true agenda: environazi who also dislikes the US intensely since Skylab. No to mention the timing of this - it could almost be an internet based trailer for Day After Tomorrow.

Agreed, I think I mentioined something about that (something about leftists, anti-war, anti-nuke or something like that). The VAST MAJORITY of these folks with the conspiracies are ALL leftists, as well as Anarchists, socialists and communists.

Fear is their most often used tool, and making the ignorant among us fearful is what has kept them alive since the beginning of man's existence. < br>
Which is why I make these sorts of things part of a PERSONAL crusade to correct the incorrect, right the wrongs, to explain the "unexplanable" and to show the TRUE FACTS about a subject, instead of allow ignorance to reign free on the internet. I'm not a "debunker" (hey, I believe Big Foot is REAL for Pete's Sake!) but I will certainly find out about the truth and tell everyone who will listen. Hasn't there been several discoveries over the past several years by amateur astronomers of comets, meteors, etc? To think that "Dr. Gartrell" is one of only a few people with this information, and several folks with specifics direct you to their web-site, where they try mightily to sell you merchandise is one red-flag that goes up.

There are a half-dozen programs throughout the world looking at Near Earth Asteroids and PHAs or Potentially Hazardous Asteroids. They have been looking for them in ernest since Shoemaker-Levy 9 smashed into Jupiter. It was realized (being the first time we'd ever SEEN a planetary impact) FINALLY what the real dangers are of having a piece of rock hit us. So, over the past 5-6 years or so, they have discovered close to 2000 of these objects, tracked them carefully, and calculated the probabilities of an Earth impact. ALL of that data is available right here on the internet. They don't hide it, contrary to popular conspiracy belief. I've shown this several times in the past year on other sites when people started screaming about "They are keeping information from us". When you show that info, they start yelling how we're being provided with BOGUS information. You can't please conspiracy theorists. There's no need to try. Simply show them to be liars or "makers up of stories" and move on. LOL
221 posted on 06/05/2004 10:42:12 AM PDT by Rick.Donaldson (There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.)
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To: Rick.Donaldson
Just a note as this thread winds down...

As I thought from the beginning, another bogus journey into how far the fear will spread, before the truth came to light, thru the hard work of a very few, including Rick.

What concerns me, and not just because of my background, but because I've seen it over and over again, throughout the past few years, is the lack of discussion of what each of us *should* do, if such as threat as this thread brought, should come around to be true some day in the future.

Just as Rick is, I've been watching the skies for decades, starting when I was ten, having the ability to give friends and families tours of the sky with binoculars, telescopes, and the naked eye of the constellations, the parade of planets, the meteor showers, the comets, and all those interesting things hidden out there. I've enjoyed the LINEAR and NEAT comets coming around in the same time frame, and from my perspective here is wide open Wyoming, its a beautiful site.

I've built telescopes from scratch, have more than a few astonomy programs, and understand the cyclicle nature of the planets, the solar system the galaxy, and the dance of the stars more then most, in time frames that others never try to fathom.

I do not fear the unknown, and never have...I embrace it. I consider myself a pragmatist..."stuff" happens, with no control from any of us, and one of the things that occurs, with regular, if stilted, freqeuncy, is earth impacts of space debris from around the universe. But, being a pragmatist, also allows me to know that *I* can plan and respond and react to whatever DOES happen, so that soon afterwards, I can continue on in my life in some semblance of normalcy.

It happens literally a MILLION times a day, every day, year in and year out. Dust particles, micrometeorites, giant ice balls including those photographed by NASA over the years, debris and smoke particles from larger space rocks that vaporize a hundred miles up in the all hits the earth at some point...thanks to gravity.

My point is we don't think about this, and we should. Yes, the larger ones, like the one over Washington state a few days ago, remind us that "things" are up there, and aimed at us all the time. Why does it take the threat of a life-ending impact, to bring us around to consider "what do we do, where do we go, how will we go on"...mode of inner turmoil, that STILL won't let us get around to discussing and planning, how we could truly react and mitigate PERSONAL loss and death in the face of a REAL impact.

In over 220 posts in this thread, most of which tried to pursue truth and verification, there were interspersed precious little comments about what could and should be done by EACH of us, to prepare for the literal worst thing that could happen.

I suppose it is just human nature, to personally want to comtemplate our souls, our reasons for living, and even our navels, when some, or all, of the 4 horsemen are heard to be just over the horizon, and headed our way. But, if we as a civilization are to continue and prosper throughout the rest of the ages, we are going to HAVE to consider and discuss in open forums such as this, IN TIMES of threat, actions that we as a society, a family, a community, should truly plan and act on, for when the threat IS real.

If not this time, when?

If not this threat, then what?

If not this group, then where?

ALL of us here, in this forum, and preferably, on this board, are intelligent, caring people. The trolls, and provokers here, such as AB, DO serve a purpose, in getting US to think of things we normally don't.

Are we going to PLAN to take the time to make good, guided decisions on actions we should take for the time that Everest-sized rock falls on Canada again?,1282,63728,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_4

Are we going to wait until the threat from space IS real, and the entire population of the world's attention is required to be turned to fight the menace, such as late President Ronald Reagon refered to years ago in a speech about "an alien threat" during a December 4, 1985, speech at the Fallston High School in Maryland, where he spoke about his first summit with General Secretary Gorbachev in Geneva. According to a White House transcript, Reagan remarked that during his 5-hour private discussions with Gorbachev, he told [Gorbachev] to think, "how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet outside in the universe. We'd forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries ..."

Replace "Aliens" with "Giant Flaming Rocks From Space", and yes, the world WOULD come together if the threat was real.

Come'on, people. It's NOT real this time...but what are you going to do when it is? Or, are you going to shut down, run around in circles in your yards screaming, "the end is near, the end is near", have panic sex in your last hours, or make a mad dash to become a classic liberalists few of a survivalist, and raid the gun shops, grocery stores, and SUV dealers and head for the hills, without any planning or forthought?

This thread is not quite done, I think...

Let's turn our attention to CALMLY discussing what our families could REALLY do, if a ROCK was really headed our way.

Give it a shot, it could turn out to be one of the best things you ever do.

222 posted on 06/05/2004 3:20:59 PM PDT by rafleet (Http:// - "Study Yesterday...Prepare Today...Live Tomorrow.")
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To: rafleet
Nice post. This is the stuff of "survival". The kind of thing I've tried to teach my children and now my grandkids over the years, not to mention many other people (my own web site is a "survival site", but pragmatism is the key.

We store extra food and water here, in the event we need it, natural disasters, etc. I think it WILL happen someday. I think a lot of things could happen.

Seen President Reagan pass today brought back a lot of memories of when I worked there at the WHite House. One of them was Reagan himself telling us stories sitting under a tree on his ranch when he'd grown tired of chopping logs. He believed, from the things he said, that there are greater threats out there than "Communists" and "antigovernment" people (his words). The greatest threats to mankind, other than itself lies beyond the edge of our atmosphere, in space. Some day, he said, we will have to face it. To this day, I really am not sure if he was referring to "aliens" or "space rocks". I know what a threat from space is. I think it is space rocks.

Others are pursuing catching up with this so-called Doctor. I'll keep going, but no promises. If I get anything on the radio data, I'll let you all know.
223 posted on 06/05/2004 5:32:57 PM PDT by Rick.Donaldson (There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.)
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To: All
Ok, I had dismissed the Aussie Bloke as a hoax and now CBS is showing Deep Impact. Coincedence? Very Strange.
224 posted on 06/05/2004 5:39:10 PM PDT by okkev68
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To: okkev68
If you think Deep Impact is weird....

Next Saturday evening, on the SciFi Channel... there is a show called "Post Impact" with Dean Cain (TV series Superman).

WEIRD coincidence....
225 posted on 06/06/2004 1:14:02 PM PDT by Rick.Donaldson (There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.)
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To: Rick.Donaldson
It gets worse...


It'll "make your day"...

226 posted on 06/06/2004 3:16:51 PM PDT by rafleet (Http:// - "Study Yesterday...Prepare Today...Live Tomorrow.")
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To: Rick.Donaldson
WEIRD coincidence....

But it is just that - a coincidence. My guess is that these movies are being shown in the spirit of movie in theatres "The Day After Tomorrow" (think that's the name).

227 posted on 06/07/2004 6:38:24 AM PDT by Fury
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To: Fury

This "Post Impact" moving coming on SciFi has been advertised for a few weeks now, at least as long as the "Day after tomorrow" stuff. So, no, I don't think so. It was made probably in the last few months, and not in RESPONSE to "Day after". "Post Impact" is about what happens AFTER a meteor impact, apparently. I've only seen the quick ads and trailers for it so far. I'll be watching it though, just for good measure :)

228 posted on 06/07/2004 7:05:45 AM PDT by Rick.Donaldson (There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.)
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To: Rick.Donaldson
Speaking of all this impact, let us inspect what has happened to "impact" the life of a kindly, old scientist, who possibly ( according to one Python skit )smells of berries...

The VERY last Word, on Aussie Bloke...from the REAL Dr. Gartrell...

<-- begin quote -->,4057,9767410%5E2682,00.html

Caught in a comet's tale


June 7, 2004

A RETIRED Adelaide physicist has been dragged into an Internet hysteria – about a comet hitting Earth – by an imposter who has cast him as a doomsayer.

The drama has been unfolding around the world for a month, but has only just come to the attention of an angry Dr Grant Gartrell, a victim of identity theft and, as a result, the man credited with the end-of-the-world predictions.

"I am very displeased to be caught up in a hoax," he said.

Dr Gartrell's name has been widely published on the Internet as the originator of a prediction that comets were heading for Earth.

The 60-year-old, who now runs a blueberry farm at Mt Compass, has written a thesis on comets, but says that's where the connection ends.

Returning on Saturday from a caving conference in Tasmania, he found his telephone message bank and his e-mail crammed with messages from overseas – including one from a US journalist keen to break the comet story.

The person posing as Dr Gartrell first posted messages on Internet sites from "Aussie Bloke". He then identified himself as Dr Gartrell.

According to the hoaxer, the world does not have long to go and, tomorrow ,"the first dust cloud reaches earth", with a "darkening of skies".

The first comet impact is supposedly scheduled for June 18-20, with second and third impacts a few days later. "I have no idea who is posing as me and making predictions of imminent cataclysmic cometary impacts," Dr Gartrell said.

"I am one of the authors of an article on meteors which appeared in the Australian Journal of Physics in 1975 but, although still interested in it, I have not actively worked in that field much since that time."

Hundreds of Internet pages have been devoted to claims that comets are approaching Earth. Some tell people to go to a remote place with supplies and wait for the end.

"There is more chance of winning the lottery than of a comet striking earth," Dr Gartrell said.

"There is always a finite possibility of the impact of space debris and I am certainly in favour of the work being done on early-warning systems, but I have no knowledge whatsoever of any ... imminent threat. I have never met any of the people who are making such claims on the Internet and, for my own part, I am planning travel arrangements for conferences I expect to attend in several years time."

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<-- end quote -->

See what happens when one pulls a practical joke of COSMIC proportions? Real people get hurt...

229 posted on 06/07/2004 4:26:44 PM PDT by rafleet (Http:// - "Study Yesterday...Prepare Today...Live Tomorrow.")
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To: rafleet
WooT! I'm GLAD he came forward.

I'm glad it's a hoax.

Wish I could be as certain about the alleged 'recording".

I'm not, however.

I've been working on this thing for a few days now. As of this evening I'm reasonably certain it is a REAL RECORDING (I'm sure it has NOTHING to do with this story though at this point). However, some things have intrigued me about this audio recording.

The digital data is real, I can't seem to decode it at this point. The morse code is real. THe callsign, technically BEACON says "HOBO". It is sent several times in the background. I've yet to locate any radio station with a CWID of HOBO. (I've run a spectral analysis of the audio using just the frequencies that encompass the actual CW signal and have pretty much verified the morse code). CW for those who don't know is another name for morse code (stands for continuous wave, I won't explain details here, message me if you want better explanation).

There is not one, but two sets of digital data. They SEEM to be communicating. It's a type of packet structure, as I though, judging from the spectrum analyzer, I just can't read it. Probably encryped. (shrugs)

I'm trying to get some other software to help me examine it more carefully. No promises though.

The "signals", in particular "Snowball" suffers at least once from something we hams call QSB, or FADING. Some of the other stations show QSB as well. That tells me that is most likely a real received radio signal.

I have not located the original source of the recording. If anyone knows, or the real recording person is reading this, contact me ASAP. I'll keep your identity confidential (even if you tell me it's a hoax, which is fine, but you'll have to prove you recorded it, I'll expect an original tape or the full recording, not just the smal amount we have now). I've got to have some verification you're who you claim. If anyone KNOWS who did it, contact me, please.

Here's my immediate but, perhaps not complete, conclusion.

1) Dr. G's name, as someone suggested was hijacked (we suspected this all along).

2) There is probably NO comet strike at this time :) (as we suspected)

3) The radio recording is, in all probability REAL (but also probably NOT related to this particular story) -- which makes me even that much more inclined to figure that one out as an aside.

4) The psychology of hoaxers like this are ... well, like a Profiler would say, pretty much the same. I've personally dealt with so many of these people over the years that I'm reasonable certain when I see a hoaxer pop up his evil head, in particular when it comes to these sorts of "scientific anomalies". They all have a very similar modus operandi. They all post similar messages (especially some of the stuff I pointed out before). And they all have this kind of "in your face" and "I dare you to prove me wrong" attitude.

ALL of them without exception try to give you some "scientific facts" mixed in with the nonsense, just enough to make you wonder, especially if you're not very well versed in science. I caught a whole bunch of mistaks and posted SOME of those here previously.

I guess that brings this thread to an untimely end (or timely?) Though, I will still be watching the sun and moon over the next couple of weeks for signs of inordinate dimming. :) What really scares me though, isn't the "hoax", it's that damned recording. If it is real, and I'm reasonably certain it is a real recording, then SOMETHING is going to "impact" around 23 June... someplace. What that is, where it is going to impact and why, remains a mystery at this time. That's it for now, folks. Best wishes to all , and THANKS forputting up with me. Rick
230 posted on 06/07/2004 4:45:55 PM PDT by Rick.Donaldson (There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.)
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To: Rick.Donaldson

okay, now I am officially spooked. Before I was just merely spooked.

231 posted on 06/07/2004 6:59:49 PM PDT by bitt
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To: Rick.Donaldson
What really scares me though, isn't the "hoax", it's that damned recording. If it is real, and I'm reasonably certain it is a real recording, then SOMETHING is going to "impact" around 23 June... someplace. What that is, where it is going to impact and why, remains a mystery at this time. That's it for now, folks. Best wishes to all , and THANKS forputting up with me. Rick

Isn't the matter of the recording being real seperate from the veracity of the information contained in the recording? In other words, could not have someone actually made such a transmission (i.e. it's an authentic tranmission), but yet message tramsmitted is false, or made-up?

If this is the "Snowball" recording, hasn't that been around for 2-3 years now?

232 posted on 06/08/2004 5:25:48 AM PDT by Fury
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To: Fury
Isn't the matter of the recording being real seperate from the veracity of the information contained in the recording? In other words, could not have someone actually made such a transmission (i.e. it's an authentic tranmission), but yet message tramsmitted is false, or made-up?

Actually, yes. You're correct. On all accounts. What I meant when I said "scared me" isn't that I'm "scared", it's that people take the time to plan out hoaxes like that, and then use whatever pieces of information they can to link their theory with "facts".

I'm more than reasonably certain the radio recording is authentic. I don't have a source, I don't have dates and times, and we don't know the context in which the messages were sent, therefore we really do not know what the subject of the material is.

The fact is, that could have easily been a recording made of NORAD and they are tracking a particular piece of space debris that is going to reenter. It could be anything along those lines.

Last night after I posted the messages above (and some other messages on another site) I did a bit more study of the 'recording'. I now believe that it probably WAS NOT done on an HF radio, but rather was recorded from a UHF or VHF system. I think that, because in looking at the data tracks, the speed of the data and the amount of data transmitted, I don't believe that it would even WORK over HF. I could be wrong on this account though, this last just being a supposition. I just don't believe anyone is transmitting 9600 baud digital data over an HF system. Who knows though?
233 posted on 06/08/2004 5:38:57 AM PDT by Rick.Donaldson (There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.)
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To: Rick.Donaldson

Boy I was tired last night. Correction: the morse code signal is HOVO. NOT HOBO. . . . _ is V. _ ... is B. I was brain dead or something. Oh well.

234 posted on 06/08/2004 7:06:07 AM PDT by Rick.Donaldson (There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.)
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To: Rick.Donaldson

So the information packets may indeed be telemetry regarding the incoming "snowball"?

I too am glad that the main part of this is now certified as a hoax, but like yourself will be keeping an eye on the skies at night until later this month, as well as supplies on hand and plenty of ammo.

Without the snowball recording, one would take the coincidental events of today and surmise that there may be either a large terrorist strike and/or a large preemptive strike in the works for the last week of this month. If I were a mullah in Iran, a North Korean military member, or even a Chinese Communist Party member, I'd be worried about my future. Nothing like multiple sunrises, and there would be little or no warning should our strike come from space. Sleep tight, Axis of Evil..........

235 posted on 06/08/2004 3:38:52 PM PDT by datura (Battlefield justice is what our enemies deserve. If you win, you live. If you lose, you die.)
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To: datura
So the information packets may indeed be telemetry regarding the incoming "snowball"?

Honestly, I have no idea what the data packets are. I've not been able to decode them, not to say they are encrypted or anything, but I simply do not (at the moment) have the right software to try to figure out what that data is.

I too am glad that the main part of this is now certified as a hoax, but like yourself will be keeping an eye on the skies at night until later this month, as well as supplies on hand and plenty of ammo.

I say most of it is a hoax. With the recording, the problem I have with it, isn't so much that it isn't "real", but rather there is no authentication data with it. The recording came from a couple of different places, and yet, the only connecting, forensic data we have is that it "came from a member of a ham club". Generally, "ham clubs" don't sit and monitor traffic that isn't ham-related (and the alleged frequency on which this was heard was not a Ham band in ANY country). Furthermore, we really do NOT know the date and time it was recorded, nor by whom it was recorded, nor really the frequency.

In other words, even if it isn't a "hoax recording" (which I doubt), the rest of the missing data would tell us what it means. Without that data we can guess all we want, but probably not hit the real reason for the broadcasts.

I thought everyone kept a supply of ammo??? :)

Without the snowball recording, one would take the coincidental events of today and surmise that there may be either a large terrorist strike and/or a large preemptive strike in the works for the last week of this month. If I were a mullah in Iran, a North Korean military member, or even a Chinese Communist Party member, I'd be worried about my future. Nothing like multiple sunrises, and there would be little or no warning should our strike come from space. Sleep tight, Axis of Evil..........

A friend of mine that works with one of these private intelligence collection "companies" gave me some information a few weeks back. It was a translation of one of these "terrorist websites" they'd found, with some "threats". In it, they talked about "stars" "coming together" (or alignments). I spent some time on the computer running some sky scenarios. There were several times throughout last month that certain "stars" would "align". Nothing happened though. I bring this up because it is sometimes difficult to say what "intel" will tell you.

The messages were saying how there was going to be some sort of devastating attack on the US and allies when certain "stars" lined up. Everyone knows that stars do not move (well, they do, albeit, SLOWLY), but planets DO. And the term "Planet" is actually a translation of the phrase "Wanderer" or "Wandering Star".

Many other religions (and non-religions) put a lot of stock in the "alignment of stars". If *I* were a bad guy and wanted to plan something for a particular time, but didn't want to give a date and time for that thing to happen, I might spend some time isolating certain celestial events, and using "metaphores" to supply the information. Indeed, that has been done several times throughout this war on terrorism to my knowledge. I'm not sure if identifying these types of messages help us to stop terrorist attacks, but I'd be willing to bet they have. If *I* can figure it out, so can our intelligence analysts, and the so can the bad guys.

The point to this is that the "snowball recording" perhaps has nothing whatsoever to do with anything we can imagine (it might be a countdown until some piece of space debris comes crashing down, who knows?) There are many other, more important pieces of information that pass through this site though, that DO TELL what is going to happen. I'm inclined to believe that a lot of intelligence folks use this site to collect that open source intelligence, and this recording is a "blip" on the radar that will pass into the night without us ever knowing the true facts behind it.
236 posted on 06/09/2004 6:25:42 AM PDT by Rick.Donaldson (There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.)
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To: Grace9


237 posted on 06/09/2004 7:57:57 PM PDT by MarMema (“The church is a very narrow stream of clean water.” Aleksandr Shargunov)
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To: Rick.Donaldson

would be interested in a ping if there is any new speculation...

238 posted on 06/10/2004 9:21:28 PM PDT by bitt
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To: Rick.Donaldson

One thing I have not seen mentioned here is that around June 20 is the solstice.

239 posted on 06/11/2004 6:27:36 AM PDT by dg62
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To: dg62

Speculation? No problem.

The near-Earth-asteroid Itokawa comes around during the Sagittarid meteor shower. Link and info from there are below. This is no big surprise, there are meteor showers of impressive to *yawn* pretty much all the time. Itokawa was bound to occur regularly at the same time as _some_ meteor shower or other.

Meteor showers are the left over solids from a comet that has lost all of its ice. This debris is in roughly the same orbit as the comet, but because it is mostly small stuff it is affected by the solar wind and gravity of bodies it passes and gradually spreads out, but still pretty much along that orbital path. The densest part of the debris is where the last leftovers of the comet head are still clumped and haven't spread out evenly yet.

_If_ Itokawa is an unusually large chunk from the comet head that created the Sagittarids, it might mark the dense part of the debris field. The Sagittarids are associated with fireballs, so there's larger stuff than just sand and dust in that orbit.

Itokawa has come closer than 0.1 AU on six occasions in the last century. Three times those close passes where from the north well before we entered the meteor stream. Three times it was near while we were in the meteor stream. One of those times was when the Tungusta explosion occurred.

Itokawa is approaching and will be at its closest on June 26. We've already had several reports of fireballs. Are we in a window of high risk?

"The Sagittarids (SAG) start to appear about April 15th, and will last until about mid-July. This is a complex of radiants near the ecliptic, and is believed to be the debris from a number of unknown bodies. Fireballs have
been associated with this shower. On April 20th, the Sagittarid radiant will be at 227 degrees, ie RA 15h 7.8m, Dec -18, which is about 7 degrees north of the star sigma Libra. These meteors are almost slow, with a velocity of about 30 km per second, and the ZHR rates are about 5 meteors per hour."

Ooo! First post here (long term lurker) and I got to lecture!

240 posted on 06/12/2004 8:39:41 AM PDT by MataPam
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