Posted on 11/23/2024 8:46:30 AM PST by DFG
What started as a Texas farmer’s love for exotic chickens has led to armed federal agents storming her farm, killing her prized birds, and a possible 20-year prison sentence for bringing rare eggs into the country.
Jennifer Mayo, who owns a chicken farm in South Texas, has found herself at the center of a federal smuggling case that has destroyed her business and left her fighting for her freedom.
The farmer’s story begins with a passion project that grew into a flourishing business enterprise. She started with nine birds about five years ago. Her collection eventually expanded into 39 different breeds of chickens, and her farm became a local attraction, drawing visitors from her community.
“Our local newspaper did a little article about it becoming kind of a roadside attraction,” Mayo told me in a podcast interview (see video below). Her focus on rare and exotic breeds like the Dong Tao, which are native to Vietnam, helped her stand out from other chicken farming operations.
Mayo’s ordeal began in 2023 when she traveled to Vietnam to visit her brother. During her trip, she purchased Dong Tao eggs from a government-operated farm.
Confident that she had followed all of the rules, she brought the eggs back to the United States. She passed multiple customs inspections without an issue.
“I told the lady [in Vietnam], ‘I’m taking these eggs to America if they let me,’ and she was like, ‘Oh, that’s great,’” Mayo recalled.
Mayo went through customs in the Philippines on her way back to Texas. The eggs were inspected before she boarded the plane. “They searched through my bags. The guy said, ‘What kind of egg is this?’ And I said, ‘It’s chicken. Chicken eggs.’ He said, ‘Okay,’ and sent me on my way.”
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
We are all safer now thanx to the Fedstapo.
These illegal chickens are no different than illegal aliens and should be treated the same. The agents should be charged with destruction of personal property and murder.
Its true Russia is more free than America. Talk about role reversal.😞
There are good ( and bad) reasons you aren’t allowed to bring non native species into the United states. Look at what happened with wild pigs. >p>She doesn’t know what diseases that the chickens could spread. So, boo hoo, she’s the ass.
I know a bit extra about this case.
I’m on the side of the government here.
There has been an investigation for years that stretches from north west arkansas to Mexico about genetically modified eggs that are being sold here (think gun running) that aren’t fit for human consumption.
This case involves hundreds of farms and many people in Mexico and in the southern states are getting sick and dying.
It’s hard to research this because big Ag is keeping a tight lid on it. That have to, or else market panic and thousands of people lose everything.
The task forces assigned to this are very good people doing good work. Give them room.
This qualifies for the peak of feral gooberment stupidity. These hacks need to be close to the top of the “find another way to make a living” gang. Insane.
We can’t keep track of 300,000 children who are most likely being used as sex slaves, but we can have a couple dozen federal agents raid a woman’s home over eggs that are left to the discretion of customs officials as to whether they are allowed into the country.
The federal government strains gnats and swallows camels. This is so wrong on so many levels. No concern for human life whatsoever.
What you say is true. But the same applies to illegal alien people. You have no idea what diseases these people will bring in and spread.
Not to mention the crime and cultural destruction.
The point to be made is this lady may have had the birds inspected by a vet for disease or maybe they have no disease. That cannot be said of the illegal people.
Arresting this lady and killing her birds is just asinine while illegals are probably going past her farm as the feds move in on this lady.
To destroy right?
I missed the part about the chickens being brought in as eggs, so I seriously doubt if there were any diseases.
And it’s doubtful if one of these chickens gets out that it will attack and devour a human or domesticated animal like a wild pig.
The asses are the feds and this happens all the time when they are under leftist rule.
Don’t get me going on hogs and illegal meat markets!
The chicken is a big thing also, along with plant material.
I figure the question that is of national interest is whether importing new species will result in eventual unintentional crossbreeding and damage to chicken farming and our food supply.
Ok. Makes a little more sense, but how do you explaine 40 armed and fully kitted feds breaking down doors, killing live stock and keeping innocent men in their draws cuffed for two hours? Seems like two dudes in suits could handle something like this, without guns drawn and kicking down doors.
another agency that needs to be seriously reformed. very very seriously reformed.
I am certainly no expert, but I think that the problem with any species transported to a new environment is its potential to become invasive. We have a Chinese Sumac, here, in Idaho which is quite prolific, only because it lacks its natural predators of disease and insects. It wipes out local tree life and isn’t really replacing it with anything better, just alien.
The danger of these chickens might be that they would do well - like the African honey bee did in South America.
Jury nullification. The only true cure for Federal abuse. Refuse to convict anyone charged by the Feds until they decide to return to honoring the concepts of the US Constitution.
So... we should remove horses and pigs, neither of which are native to the continent?
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