Posted on 09/30/2024 7:29:13 AM PDT by george76
Jeremy Brown did nothing wrong. Jeremy Brown, a former Green Beret, is a political prisoner of the Biden-Harris regime.
THREE YEARS ago this week, the US government arrested Jeremy Brown on two misdemeanor trespassing charges. The arrest was executed by the very same federal agents who were part of an attempt to recruit former Green Beret Jeremy Brown to spy on law-abiding citizens as a paid confidential informant in the weeks prior to January 6, 2021.
MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown became a target of the FBI after he released the recording of the conversation he had with the FBI JTTF agents who tried to recruit him. Brown has been a political prisoner of the weaponized U.S. government every day since his arrest. the arrest warrant for misdemeanor trespassing charges–which wasn’t even issued until NINE months after January 6th and TEN months after the attempt was made to recruit him–was executed by the SAME TWO agents who tried to recruit Brown to become a paid confidential informant.
Jeremy’s arrest and the five-and-a-half hours-long raid on September 30, 2021, took place one day before his October 1st birthday. This year will be the fourth birthday (his milestone 50th!) that American hero Jeremy Brown will spend behind bars.
Please pray that this nightmare of injustice ends soon for Jeremy Brown and the hundreds of January 6 political prisoners who are still being persecuted by this lawless regime.
It is way past time to defund the FBI.
Agree. Time to clean house over there. Prayers up!
WE are the globalist (neo) Marxist empire now.
So a misdemeanor has a maximum sentence of 1 year, yes?
He was charged with 2 counts, yes?
Even if guilty and sentenced to consecutive terms, that’s 2 years, yes?
Explain other than a violation of civil rights, that he’s been in jail for 4 years?
Where is Amnesty International on this? Don’t they specialize in third world situations like this?
The American Polituro’s Lubyanka.
This is an example of why, when the oppressed finally revolt, they execute such bloody vengeance on their former rulers.
Recall when Iranians revolted what they did to the Shah’s Secret Police and those working for the Shah? The FBI and the US intelligence agencies operating inside the US are not yet as sick and brutal as the Shah’s police. But they are heading in that direction. How close will they get in another 4 years?
Hang on Jerry, wait for Nov 5th for the Trumpster.
Where is congress when an injustice happens? This is communism in our government and no one acts.. Which US hoeme it becomes the ‘law’ and all do it to others..
The frog being cooked.. And we go about our business until we one day come to Our senses.. And realize where we care.. Yoo late..
Notice the deafening silence from Republicans? They fund this monstrosity
I’m wondering if in addition to the two trespassing charges there was another charge related to his release of the recording of the FBI’s attempt to recruit him. I don’t know exactly what that crime would be, and I’m not defending what they’ve done to him, but just wondering why they’ve kept him longer than would seem allowable for merely trespassing. 3+ years for trespassing has probably never happened in American legal history.
Lavrentiy Beria - show me the man and Beria will find a crime..
In Pelosi’s Amerikka, everyone has the right to a trial to prove his innocence.. ~Nancy Pelosi.. the jurisprudence of any fascist totalitarian state.. guilty by decree until proven innocent.
“This is communism in our government and no one acts.”
Dissenters would find it dangerous to act against communists under communism, no?
The gov put them in prison and using it as a deterent.
So we slide rughtb into their gov hands
The only one I know to save this nation is Trump
And they have tried .. twice so far.
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