Posted on 04/04/2024 7:01:56 PM PDT by Conservat1
Daniel Greenfield - "Hang Together or Separately" @Sultanknish Hamas killed aid workers distributing aid in Gaza
"Just this past Sunday, these Fatah-affiliated elements secured the entry of trucks carrying humanitarian aid into Gaza City.. Reports from Gaza indicate some of them were killed by Hamas members" From Apr 4, 2024
There is also speculation, judging how far off course they were, that the kitchen charity van was smuggling Hamas leaders.
“You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.”
Oh my.
Wasn’t this the group Israel was initially blamed for killing?
I saw no proof.
I s the same one that the IDF is accused of doing, or a different one? If it’s the same one why are the IDF investigating it as their mistake?
The IDF knows damn well they’ll be blamed for the event under any conditions. Whether the bodies are impact splattered across piles of rubble or perforated with 5.56 rounds fired from AK-47s, it will never matter how much forensic evidence might be collected, they will still be blamed.
It wouldn’t surprise me one bit for Israel to admit fault since they know they’ll be blamed under any and all conditions. It’s too big a virtue-signaling exercise for anyone with a mouth and an opinion.
So, it doesn't make sense. Either they know they were responsible, or this is a different event being discussed. It only hurts them to admit to something they know they didn't do. So, your supposition really does not make sense logically. I'm not trying to oppose you, but rather look at this in a logical frame of mind. Which is why I posed the question to begin with as I did. But then again you may be correct. It's just very confusing to me at this point.
Since I don't have an X account, all I can see is the post. I see no other comments that might answer my question because the responses are not apparently not available to me if I don't have a logon on account.
I agree with that.
To me, it’s no more logical to admit fault than it is to try to deflect it. If Israel is out to eliminate Hamas they must be aware that along the way there will be mishaps and fervent and frequent accusations of genocide, etc; There were these accusations on day 01 of Israels’ ops. Events are judged by their immediate impact, but Israel’s aim is clearly not something that can be immediately attained. So the sooner they get this incident and whatever more are sure to occur behind them, the closer they get to their goal.
I don’t think it hurts Israel to admit or not admit fault. I think it would be as bad or worse if they denied culpability. Nobody would believe them. It’s already perfectly fine that those honorable freedom fighters who gang-raped and slaughtered 1200+ Israeli civilians on Oct 07 are completely forgotten about. If this is a battle for world opinion, Israel will never win. Furthermore, there is not one atom of acknowledgement from any vocalizing party that Hamas could stop this horrible thing immediately by surrendering and freeing the hostages. Pre Oct 07, Hamas had turned the lives of the Palis to s**t. For 19 years. Before one bomb was dropped by the IDF, Israel was to blame for that, too. For the open air concentration camp, etc; Hamas is logically to blame for initiating this war and they are to blame for continuing it, by any logical measure. But logic need not apply.
Was food aid given to the Nazis? The Japanese? The enemy could end this conflict today with an unconditional surrender. You are not going to change any Islamic minds. Only a complete crushing of their ability to fight is going to do that . Giving aid and comfort to the enemy only prolongs the war.
“Only a complete crushing of their ability to fight is going to do that .”
I doubt even that would change their m. minds, may set them back for a bit.
It’s a spiritual matter, evil influence for generations, taught to hate and “need” to eliminate certain people. they don’t even truly know why they are to hate or destroy they just believe they are to do it. Nothing material or of this earth is of more importance to them, when some one is allowing themself to be controlled by evil to hate and destroy. we see it in dems in the USA, some people with various addictions, etc, it’s all influence of evil of spiritual nature taken over a person.
Only an encounter with Jesus Christ would maybe get them to truly break free and begin to change their minds, and hearts.
our own cia could have mortared the food truck
just to stir the pot
That is not what I said. I said it doesn't help them to admit they are involved in something, if they know they are not involved.
I think it would be as bad or worse if they denied culpability.
That is exactly correct. They have indeed indicated that did have a role in the fog -of-war attack, which dampens the claims that it was done on purpose. In fact, there is this posted this morning that speaks of actions taken as a result:
I have a lot of respect for David Greenfield's reporting, and his claim is:
"Just this past Sunday, these Fatah-affiliated elements secured the entry of trucks carrying humanitarian aid into Gaza City.. Reports from Gaza indicate some of them were killed by Hamas members"
Does that help to understand where I am coming from & why I am unsure if we are talking about the same attack or a separate attack?
We are in agreeance, for the most part. It's just unclear as to what this claim is actually referring to. Also, is the claim making it out to be a shared attack? Both entities had a role in the attack?
There is just not enough information provided to make it crystal clear as to the claim being made. This is what I don't like about X, formerly know as twitter (how long do we have to include that also). It's limited in what may be provided in a tweet. As someone who does not have an account, we seem to be unable to see comments. As a result my intent was to find out from others who might have an account that see more than what I am able to see, if there is more information that clarifies this claim being made?
That is the sole reason for my post, to get clarification. 🙂👍
Maybe it was an accident? 🙄
An aid worker has a dangerous job no matter whether working in a war zone or disaster area. I would suppose that, unfortunately, the possibility of being injured or killed as an aid worker is greater than in other jobs.
Very true. I am all in favor of the old school maxim that, “Defeat = Destruction”.
Anything short of that is a very destructive and pointless game, which as you say only prolongs the conflict
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